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Hi There

Just want To welcome You all to this site, its the first site I've ever made so don't be too hard on me please... Anway Welcome to Clan AwG. Some of you do, and some of you don't know who we are... Well I'd like to clear that up at first. Clan AwG is a new Australian clan. We play the following games (though only some people play these games, not everyone)

Counter-strike, Half-Life, Team Fortress 1.5, Day Of Defeat, Action Half-Life, The Specialists...

Now I bet your wondering... Wow soooooooooooooo... what will I find on this site?? On this site you will find Background images, clan lists and ranks, contact lists, (for myself, and Naxous (the clan leader)) and much more.

Now that I've finished ramballing on about what we do, I will answer the main question that you guys probably have. What does AwG mean? AwG stands for Australians with Guns. Now, we have 1 main rule. HAVE FUN! = )

From Admin of site. AwG | Dime