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The Site With All The Star Wars Info.

Welcome to Alcoholic Jedi. Events take place BBY (Before the battle of Yavin) and ABY (After the Battle of Yavin) and most of the infomation is in the dates (5,000-4,990 BBY Pioneering hyperspace explorers Gav and Jori Daragon stumble upon the mighty Sith Empire, which is ruled by Dark Lords of the Sith and Thrives on dark-side Force powers. This eventually leads to a major ballte between the Old Republic and the Sith Empire.) (4,000-3,998 BBY The Jedi Knights act as guardians for the Old Republic. Two in particular stand out, Ulic Qel-Droma- who helps to end a plantary civil war- and Nomi Sunrider. They team up during the freedom Nadd uprising.) (3,997-3996 BBY) 896 BBY

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