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Home Page "Chronicle2003" for Mike Suckling. Updated: 2nd September 2003

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Contact Details Message Board Guest Book Chronicle2003

You have probably arrived here by invitation, harassment, intrigue or just sheer bad luck. Tough! In either case, while you are here, have a good look around and make the site one of your "favourites" just in case you may wish to return in the future. There have and will be many evenings spent working on this site, so please return when more may have been added...

This is about my seventh attempt at constructing something of interest with these hosts and bearing in mind that we are always learning, this time around should be even better. I do hope to get more visitors and please do leave a calling note in the "Guest Book" it will make my day...... even if it is derogative.

The whole of Chronicle2003 is a collection of grouped photographs taken on "photographic outings". These photographs are displayed as a Gallery, with either very little text or with a comprehensive narrative and some are still being completed. So Chronicle2003 is the link to follow. Further down this page are two examples of the type and quality of the photos that you will see in the Chronicle2003 pages.

(The above photograph of Walton Backwaters taken in May 2003 is sized at 475 x 353 pixels and has a file size of about 20MB)

The vast majority of images on this site are taken with a Cannon PowerShot A40 by myself. there are a few that have been taken by an Aiptek webcam and some that have been scanned from photographs. They are usually taken on "photographic" visits out and usually have an imaginative narrative with them. Images posted on this site have a file size of around 10MB to 30MB which at a modem speed of 28kbs will take several seconds to load, so please be patient while the images load.

I have recently changed from a dial up internet connection to Freeserve's Broad Band Internet connection. This results in my pages loading much quicker and are usually complete. However the image size will remain at 10MB to 30MB for the compatibility with 28kbs modems.

(The above Photograph taken through the window of a shop at Wivenhoe is sized at 300 x 217 and has a file size of about 10MB)

This page is hosted by Lycos This is now the only major host for Microsoft FrontPage 2002 which I can find that is free of charge for certain file sizes and volumes of traffic. My thanks of course go to Lycos ( used to offer free hosting, but it is now only free for a trial period)

(This site is created using Microsoft's 2002 FrontPage, web site creation and management solution.)

© M J Suckling 2003

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