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Where Can I Find Stuff
lynn and fouf's chillout
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Quiz me!
msn nicknames
Are You Bored ?
Boyz & Gurlz


Yo! Just one thing, you won't regret visiting this website! It's awsome, it has a lot of kewl features that you need to discover! C'mon  now!  Don't waste your time reading this intro!  Just start surfing and enjoy!  

Horoscopes... Well, if you're into finding out what the stars have to say about your destiny, you will absolutely love this! Every month, we provide you with the latest updates on your upcoming moods, relationships, events... Check it out now!

Quiz me!... This is one of the most interesting parts of ChillOut! Some Quizz are all about finding out who you really are, others are just plain good old fun fun fun!

MSN nicknames... Have you ever felt like you're sick of your nickname and you seriously need a change? Well we have the solution for you! Just Browse thru this list of nicknames, until you find the one that fits you perfectly!

Are You Bored?... We think the title expains itself really. Well, in here, you will find links to other interesting websites that we usually visit when we're bored. This will help you connect to the best websites created.

Downloads... Here you can find some really kewl things you can download, we have to say that we couldnt link everything we liked but still, we wanted to let you know about them anyway, so we did our best to find a way to make you get to them! Check it out!

Boyz & Gurlz... Honestly, we personnaly care about this part of the website the most! The reason is really simple, it's all about us! You will find here some facts about the creators of ChillOut, Lynn Darwich and Farah Mourad also known as fouf ... Also, we placed a number of pictures from trips, special occasions etc. We're sure you'll appreciate looking at this!

The Poll... A fun way to see your opinions about many subjects, personnal or public, We update it by changing the question once a week.

The daily Cartoons...  Funny caricatures that are designed to make you smile! Don't forget to visit them everyday!

The forum... Where all the action takes place! This is where we all meet to post our thoughts and ideas... so we suggest if you have anything to say, claim or  whatever... that's where you should be!

Most importantly, Before you leave, it would mean so much to us if you signed our really special guestbook!

Thank you so much for all your support!  


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