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Welcome to the Rabit Hole

Welcome to the Rabit Hole

otep...infection three

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
<h1>Welcome To Wonderland

An Ode to the Stong ...

Welcome to the end of the hole ... my life. An endless construction of masses that i love, hate, and feed. Virtually all of page is dedicated to Otep, her inspiration as a poet, artist, musician, fighter, and a survivor has helped me evolve and open the little creature that ran caged up inside mee. i've always been who i am, an imbomnitable mess, but not too long ago i had a block ... a wall just built up in front of the pain, and for 3 year things went swimingly ... but now i have nothing ... again ... my life leaped over the rubble and landed back in hell. my gift has always been art, and writing, whether it be poetry, or thotz scribbled on ... well, anything. i don't remember a time in my life where i've never used it ... but i do remember evolving, my wurld shaping ... although it seems to be always changing, but only for the worse ... never better ... mee being 16 years old ... i know that my wurld will alwayz hate ... my eyez will never quit bleeding ... this shit world will never stop spitting on the week ... i'll alwayz be ignored, and people will alwayz be the one doing it!! eye will never stop feeling pain ... i know whut itz like to be alone ... to be considered the snot that God whipped off of his hand ... but the suffering has created something strong, a will to survive ... and i can't let my depression eet the best of mee ... and those who've suffered longer know ... my mind is feeling abstract ... life, the overwhelming obstacle. is it really necessary? i guess so, if we all must live it ... Otep, i thank you again for your wurdz ... i feel the same way about writing ... the struggle ... the hate ... thank you for showing your strength to the wurld ... and for being beautiful and dedicated. Few inspire meE, and u did ... i can't give enough thanx to the artists and poets who've helped my struggle in the most beautiful ways ... growth ... an "aching to bloom" ... an excape from hate, life, and this world ... also, i would like to thank my God, you have one hell of a sense of humor! and thank you to the father i never knew ... never had ... with you i would be week, thanx for never helping -- fuck you daddy. Again, thank u to all of the ones who've impacted my life, spiritually, emotionally, poetical, and hatefully. My ode is to ewe ...


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