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CharityRulesOK ; the place to go if your interested in helping others.


HI, my WebSite (Charity Rules OK = CROK) is about helping charities by providing a site that charities and non-profit or volunteer groups can use to outline their good-works so people can realise the need to support them.

It provides a brief outline of the organisation and a 'LINK' to its website. Currently the site is still under development and with the WebMasters' limited knowledge of Web-Design may take ages to develop into a really useful and sought-after site. Please revisit it and 'bookmark' it in your browser's, thanks...

Site policies

1) your details will not be given or sold to others.

2) this site exists only to give organisations another way to be found.

3) no organisation will be given preference over any other.

4) only organisations of a Charity, Volunteer, Non-Profit or similar organisation or group should seek a listing.

5) at no time now or in the future will this site be used to generate a profit - this is a voluntary service site.

Click here to checkout some of these organisations...

It would be a major benefit if you contact me if you find any links that appear incorrect.

Why should your group list with Charity Rules Ok = CrOk :

- Another opportunity for your website to be found on the huge internet,

- WebSites are found by word-of-mouth by creating interest (via our site),

- Search Engines should rank you higher in their returns due to my site,

- CrOk will not give your details out to mailing-companies; nor sell it,

- Your listing carries no risk to your activities and it is FREE.

Any Charity, Non-Profit or Volunteer group is very welcome to apply for a "LISTING" on this site. However your organisation may have local laws that you must comply with; this is your responsibility to check. If you wish to apply for your "LISTING" please use the e-mail link at the page bottom to send your request and URL address to the WebMaster.

Currently (and maybe for a long time) this LISTING IS FREE, in the future i may have to charge under two dollars for a 'listing' since i may have to pay to continue this site [as it grows] (bandwidth).

Please send your web-site TITLE/NAME and a SITE DESCRIPTION (use short, punchy, eye catching words) for a fifty word site listing along with your URL website address to so your site can become part of my site; this will give you another chance at outlining your vital works; and those your helping...

If you have found this site in your Web-Surfing could you please e-mail its URL Web-Address to others; thankyou... This web site may be located by cutting out the following and e-mailing to others

Understand i am not collecting for any particular organisation and give no preference to any group over another. Sites will be listed with the most recent on the first pages and will be listed FREE-OF-CHARGE until i'm forced to revise this policy. No charge will occur without the Web-Sites OWNERS being informed BEFOREHAND; Web-Sites will be listed for as long as possible; given web-space and circumstances allowing. However every site listed will get a LISTING and URL LINK for at least one month, hopefully much longer.

If anyone has any good-ideas HTML Web-Site creation tools such as automatically e-mailing this Web-Site to a friend, or a site search engine that CharityRulesOK could access for free i may honour you with a URL LINK and thankyou by naming you as a sponsor, please e-mail me...

If anyone has there own home website and is prepared to provide a LINK from their site to mine, i may return the compliment by listing your link on a supporters page; this would be a wonderful way to support these organisations i am listing outline their vital works...

Currently this Web-Site is provided FREE by "Angelfire"; which is why we have the 'banner-ads'; it may cost money to upgrade this site sometime in the future...

If you wish to e-mail me about anything in relation to this site, including suggestions on improving it, please e-mail using the E-MAIL LINK at the page bottom. Please do not e-mail me with any technical queries or requests about particular web sites that may be linked to this site, this site is only about providing a forum so these organisations can outline their "good-works"; thankyou, please support worthwhile organisations and let others know about this site - THANKS...

understand we need your comments to make improvements to our site...

if you would like to be listed on this site please contact me...

The 'About Site and About Me' page...

Site created: 17 April 2003; Reviewed in May 2003AA3...