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Phoenix Character History.

Greetings and Salutations.

This is a web site was created to aid people in creating a character history for Phoenix. Phoenix is a fantasy Live Action Roleplaying Game based out of Mississippi. It's held at a Camp Ground complete with cabins, running water, and all the other nice stuff.

The game orginated in 1998, when it was run as a monthly one day adventure. Over the years new people joined, left, and the fantasy world changed. The game is now a monthly 3 day event. Activities start on Friday with Game being called on late that evening. It continues all day saturday with a small break for updates. On Sunday afternoon the game is called off and people turn in their eeps and such.

Right now, if you've never played a LaRP before you're asking yourself. What's an Eep? Its a measure of Experience. When a Character performs a module, defeats a monster (either by weapon, spell or Role Playing) then they receive small eep coins. The In Game Money are also small coins. Right now it's a Silver and Gold Pieces. We are on a Silver Piece Standard. When the game originally began we were on a Bronze Piece Standard, with Silver being hard to find and gold being a mere legend.

But I am Rambling, as I tend to do. The people who run the adventures are called Plot, and the individuals who aid in the smooth operation of the game are Staff. They are wonderful people and do their best to ensure everyone an interesting time at the very least. If you have never played and are near the Mississippi Gulfcoast area then please drop a line on our Bulletin Board. We always welcome new players and have some who have traveled from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and even Florida to name a few.

Places to go from here.

The History and Layout of the Land.
Your Character History.
What to bring.
The Official Phoenix Web Site.
Links as required by law.


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