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Day One & Two: The things we did apart from star gazing




Derek and Chi trying to look their best         Tanya and Verna: the two sexy ladies        Monica and Tam, who is having one              

        to impress the two sexy ladies sitting                                                            of her bad hair days.

        opposite them. Already honing in on

        their fishing skills!





                The “Bendy” couple. Ain’t they sweet?           Sister and brother right? Or mother and     Verna and Tanya, again, looking good   

                                                            son? Who looks older?                        as per usual.




            Ingrid, Gioan and John on one side of         John, Kim and Uyen. Kim playing with         The gas lamp that so kindly warmed

        the 6 man tent. We managed to fit            her scarf.                                       us all in the tent.

        fit in 12 that night.                                   





Ingrid on her 14th shotty.                      Tam and Verna preparing for their               John’s first shotty of the night.

                                                  first cowboy shotty.





            Tam realising how nice the raspberry          Derek and Chi, before drinking.              Derek, already gone before his first

        concoction really was!                                                                           drink.




Dezza touching his eyes with his finger.        Tam at the point of realising that the            Kim making us the best mixes and Uyen

Amazing! Do it again Derek!                      World was now revolving around her.              Looking hammered.






Tam all red in the face. Ain’t she cute?         Tam, totally gone.                                              John with his old afro cuddling winnie.          





            That’s me – also gone.                        Derek completely wiped out. He’s              A sober Monica excessively cheerful.                                                                   Thinking he’s the supreme sex god.             Have you noticed that when she smiles

                                                                                                          you can barely see her eyes?





            Rowena showing off her attempts to           The cool dudes. The picture speaks for    Monica, our navigator (later sacked)

        sideburns.                                       itself. This is after their hangover.                   





       Gioan and his reliable map which we           John and his melway. We were still lost.        Rejuvenated Monica at MackenziesFalls

later threw in the bin.                                                                                                                       





            Groin and John at Mackenzie’s.                  The springy girls just before the base of       Tam, still drunk even one night afterwards.

                                                            the waterfall.                                     She doesn’t know that she’s eating meat!

                                                                                                                (Tam, I converted you without you knowing!)






            Ben proving his point that he can finish his

        dinner before me.




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