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Christina acknowledges that Dredge is hung like a "mammoth"

Singer thought she 'got schtuped by Paul Bunyon'

Christina accurately recalls that painful night as if it were a nightmare.

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BOSTON (AP) -- It took one faithful night, a steak burger, a can of whipped cream and some french ticklers for a common man to turn the wild child of pop back into a kitten

"I've only slept with one person my whole life that was above average size," the pop star tells W magazine for its August issue.

"It was two hours into my relationship with Dredge, and I thought he was the one," she pauses, then adds, "But nothing could've prepared me for what he had! I didn't think he was gonna go on Jerry Springer tellin' everyone that Gatorade bottles offer more of an entrance than I do."

Aguilera, 22, and Dredge, the 25-year-old self-proclaimed "jack of all trades", met at a Steak-And-Shake just outside of Jacksonville, Florida." They were this millennium's high-profile freak couple before breaking up less than 6 hours after meeting.

In the video for her song "Fighter," Aguilera dishes out lyrics aimed directly at the manufacturers of KY Jelly, stating it wasn't as EASY as they made it out to be.

"The most painful thing I've ever experienced was that night," Aguilera says. "We were together for 5 minutes and I had this vision. You think you're going to spend the rest of your life together. Where I come from, the woman is a saint in public, but a whore in bed, and that's how I was brought up -- you bend over backwards and extend your legs behind your head. But now I realize I need my healing time."

The singer also discusses her rumored fling with Dr. Edge, whom she suspects is really just Dredge, with a cooler name.

"Yes, I kissed him. Of course I did! He's the freakiest, abnormal thing in the world -- wooh! He's such a lil' devil. But it was nothing pleasant," she says. "Seriously, I haven't had a man in a really long time, and after being with one just one night ... just a bag of ice, man. Just a bag of ice would be nice."

Copyright 2003 Dredge. All rights reserved. This material is not to be taken seriously and in reality, Dredge feels an immense love for Christina and her toes......well, first her toes, THEN Christina herself.

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