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This page was made for my sister and new found brother, I hope you both enjoy it just as much as I did makin it. I had asked you both to write a few words about the other, and neither of you knew what these words were until now......


To miss.glory from your lovin Sir:


every day i see you spread your wings a little more precious, and one day our hearts will take flight and soar higher that either of us imagined possible


To StoneHeart from your lovin lil one:


my Dearest Sir... You found me in the shadows.. dark and scared.. afraid to let A/anyone into my heart again and through patience and love You have brought me out into the light. You are so Wonderful to me and i look forward to each day that W/we are T/together.. and building a great life with E/each O/other


Page Was Made June 27, 2003

By VoL