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Which of my fave movies are you?

What of my fave movies do you belong in?

Which movie do you belong in?

1. The 80s were:
Right now, not the 1980s but...
OMG! Pink legwarmers are back in a BIG way!!!
All decades seem the same to me
When I was born, nothing more
Completely fabulous

2. Comedy is awesome, *the best*, kick-bum right?
Not so much

3. The biggest issue in your life is:
The most evil being EVER wants you dead
I'm out of my comfort zone and everyone is judging me
Oh, my life is peachy-keen well except my wife is dead, I'm lost with no money, my 'best friend' hates me...

4. How important are fashion and beauty to you?
A prority
I try to stay clean

5. Reese Witherspoon is...
My idol!
Resse who? Is he son of Ruse?
Oh, do you mean Resse Pieces?
Awesome!!! =)

6. Do you travel much?
I'm on a huge jouney right now
I seem to pass through the decades like miles is that 'traveling?'
Life is a journey, or someting deep like that
I drive across the country as if I'm going down the street
Yes, often but I get lost sometimes

7. Are you rich?
Yes, well my parents are
Yes, by inhertince
Yes, no...kinda; somewhat
I was very poor growing up, now I'm rich by all my own 'hard work'

8. Are you smart?
uh? I mean true 'er flase um... a)?
I could be
I guess so
Yes if only people took me serouilsy

9. What's your fave color?
*PINK*! ;-)
Dark green or brown
Electric blue
Anything but, black or white

10. You are...
A girl
A guy