Everybody, even those dorks on sportscenter, uses a quote from Scarface. But he said plenty of other good things than ‘say hello to my little friend.’ Of course, not too many quotes can be taken directly on national television—the language would be too ‘offensive’. Luckily, it would seem, the NeWA, in particular those from Ohio, don’t ever stop rolling film—no matter what is happening. Cursing, the degradation of women, and the rise of the anti-hero have all filtered into our sport in one way or another, but attempted murder? The PTC is having a field day with what went on at unchained. So, I guess, quotes aren’t the only thing that can be risqué—we’re taking this to the next level at WC…

“You want to go to war with me? I’ll kill every last one of your mother fuckers! Every one of you! I show you who you’re fucking with!” --Al Pacino, “Scarface”


Welcome to the nightmare. As small children and teenagers, all of whom have been scarred or distorted in some way by the events they witnessed at Unchained, file out of the building; inside the real trauma occurs. We have a skycam shot over the victim, who in this case is Darrel Besolve. On site Emergency Medical Technicians are frantically trying to keep him alive until he can be taken to the nearest hospital; it is not necessarily that they are untrained or under staffed, just that they weren’t expecting a stabbing at a wrestling show. About seven of them surround the gurney, hastily guiding it toward the waiting ambulance. Some are trying to talk to Darrel, see if they can get a response. If the situation seems fucked up…Darrel’s even worse.

Bumps, nicks, and bruises call out for medical attention—stab, puncture, and slash wounds scream for it. His barreled and massive chest is literally covered in blood. Not like a thin layer, befitting a proper blade job, but covered by a variable river of crimson. Flesh around his left shoulder, having been pried apart by an unforgiving stake, sticks up in patches where blood constantly escapes. As is obvious, this looks more like a crime scene than the aftermath of a TELEVISED professional wrestling match.

Siren blazing, the ambulance personnel have been waiting for his arrival. Door opened and ready, they lift him into the back. The Future’s eyes have remained alarming calm throughout the duration of this ordeal. It is because his mind is filled with but one thought…


The ambulance door is slammed shut and it speeds into the distance. We are left standing where he was loaded, not really knowing what happens next. Before one can begin making observations about the horrifying scene they just witnessed, a piano can be heard. An old Jim Croce song begins playing as we are given reminder of what led up to this…

#on the south side of Chicago

#is the baddest part of town

#and if you go down there

#you better just beware

#of a man named Leroy Brown

[Alexis Besolve sprints down to the ring. The Angelic Beauty is wearing a long, white dress, which flows behind her in stride.]

Rick: What is she doing here?

Eddie: Who cares, her husband is up and he has the bat!

[Darrel is back on his feet, standing behind Adam. Alexis is near the ring. Knight has dropped valentine near the ropes and is putting the boots to him. After the assistant hits the mat behind him, the crouched tiger strikes…]

Eddie: HE DUCKED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Darrel swung for the fences as Knight ducked, smashing into his wife’s skull.]

Rick: (Low voice) oh my god…

[Besolve stands mortified for a moment, soaking in what has happened. His wife lay prone on the padded concrete, unconscious by his hand. Knight hasn’t seen what happened and collides with Besolve.]

Eddie: How can you spear a man at a time like this?

Rick: He didn’t see. God help him, he didn’t see. Get someone from the back. QUICK!

[Knight straddles Besolve, unleashing a terrible serious of blows to his face. The Future is kicking and struggling like a madman.]

Eddie: This is serious. Get the trainer out here and tell Adam what has happened.

[Help comes flooding out of the backstage area. EMTS, backstage attendants, and IWA personnel are coming to the scene. Oblivious to this, Adam pounds away at Darrel. He lifts Darrel, his own back to the carnage waiting behind him.]

Eddie: NO!


[Another Knightfall, this one rendering Mr. Besolve into the same situation as his wife. A trainer hops into the ring, trying to get the champ’s attention.]

Rick: Thank god.

[Immediately, Adam turns his back, looking out at Alexis. He jumps out of the ring, eyeing the people tending to her. Real, pure, terror washes over his face. We see him mouth the words “is she ok” as the station cuts to a commercial.] #now Leroy wanted trouble #see he stand about six foot four #all those down town ladies call him the tree top lover #all the men just call him sir #and he bad, bad Leroy Brown #baddest man in the whole damn town #badder than old king kong #meaner than a junk yard dog

[We return back, and head to the loading area, where Alexis Besolve is on a stretcher by an ambulance. Darrel Besolve stands in horror over his wife's unconscious body.]

Rick: Fans, we're back.

Eddie: Alexis is really hurt.

Rick: Darrel is a very strong man. And that was a knock out blow...even if it would have hit Knight - a trained figther. But Alexis... this is just bad.

Eddie: It's horrible. Horrible to see that great man suffer.

Rick: That great man? Forget about Darrel! Think about poor, innocent Alexis!

#now Leroy he’s a gambler #and he likes his fancy clothes #and he likes the way his diamond ring # looks on everybody’s nose

Darrel: Adam Knight…

Koffman’s face lit up.

Maury: You called! Its great, isn’t it? We will be able to go to Rush this week and vanquish whatever bad blood you share. This four way thing can be the last match you ever compete in against Knight.

Darrel: (Nodding) Yes, definitely. We’ll bury the hatchet and let sleeping dogs rest.

The Future smiled. Darrel: Who knows, maybe we will even become friends.

#he got a custom continental

#he got an el dorado too

#he got a .32 gun in his pocket for the fun

#he got a razor in his shoe

As he turned to return to his bedroom, Maury was happier than he had been all trip. The camera angles itself so our perspective is looking down the hallway, as Darrel approaches the bedroom. Each step draws him nearer, making him larger in scale.

Maury: I knew this was going to be good. I knew it was the right thing to make you call. Once we get back everyone will be so excited to see you, maybe you could invite Adam...

We have a tight shot of The Future’s boyish face.

Darrel: (Whispering to himself as Maury continued rambling) Like one big, happy family.

We have a facial shot of Darrel, which encompasses the entire screen. He rolls his eyes and dons a snarl as we begin to fade out.

Darrel: We’ll just see about that…

#and he bad, bad Leroy Brown

#baddest man in the whole damn town

#badder than old king kong

#meaner than a junk yard dog

(Besolve takes a step towards the ring. The fans have begun to cheer as Knight challenges Besolve to enter the ring. Besolve simply smiles, as a pool cue is broken across Knight's head from an attacker.)


Eddie: He broke that pool cue!

Rick: Blade and Knight use to be great friends! And now look at this!

(Blade is laying in the boots as the crowd boos away. Besolve has entered the ring, and has joined the attack. Besolve pulls Knight up, and a Rock Bottom takes him back down. Blade climbs to the top rope.)

Eddie: He's going up top! I love this stuff!

(Blade leaps off with a Senton bomb and connects. The boos grow louder. Besolve now exits the ring, and rolls Boog in. Diablo has now risen back up. Blade picks Boog up, and smacks him in the face.)

Rick: What a show of disrespect. Boog and Blade are set to battle it out at Wrestle Classic for the NeWA Television title.

(Suddenly, Boog-man clotheslines Blade to his feet. Besolve charges, but is flapjacked down. Now, Boog turns to Diablo, but his massive forearm ends Boog's struggle.)

Eddie: This is turning out to be a very bad day to be a good guy.

Rick: You’re telling me.

#went riding about a week ago

#Leroy’s shooting dice

#and at the end of the bar

#sat a girl named Darla

#said oh that girl look nice

[Soaking in the jeering of the crowd brought a smile to the once mighty, fan favorite’s face. Tears streaming down her cheeks, Samantha jumped into the ring to check on her pet. Midnight meant so much to her and Adam, he was even the ring bearer at their wedding. She knelt before the prone body of the wolf without realizes that she had put herself in harm’s way.]

Rick: Oh no….

Eddie: Hold up now, this is seriously uncool.

[The fans are going berserk, booing the roof off the place.]

[Blade left Adam, only to turn his attention to Boog. Diablo still had Knight, now grasped in a rear chokehold. The Future, now not only standing over Midnight, but also Samantha, smiled a wicked smile.]

Rick: COME ON, SHE’S A WOMAN!!!!!!!!!

[He’s raising the chair.]



[Besolve brought the chair down square on the top of her head. Knight, who had been lifeless in Diablo’s clutches, no struggled to be free—he saw what happened to Samantha. She bled from the top of her skull. Realizing what he had done was seen by his nemesis, Darrel’s smile grew larger.]

Rick: Darrel Besolve is no longer a human being; he is the lowest of the low. Samantha Knight doesn’t deserve this.

#well he cast his eyes upon her

#that’s when the trouble soon began

#Leroy Brown was bout to learn a lesson

#a bout messin’ with the wife of a jealous man

[The fans are littering the ring with debris. Adam fights, but he is too sapped to accomplish much.]

Darrel: (To Diablo) Let him go.

[Diablo releases his grip, but Knight barely has the strength to stand. He has been beaten up and for several minutes deprived of air by the biggest man in the alliance today. This makes him an easy target as Darrel, holding the chair at his side, snaps Knight’s neck back with a superkick.]


Rick: Adam was basically out on his feet.

[Knight hits the ground hard. Upon impact he weakly tries to get back to his feet, but can’t. He is conscious, but in no condition to battle these odds.]

Rick: A valiant effort, but this is too much.

[Across the ring Blade no has beaten Boog to a pulp, hammering him with martial arts attacks. He whips Boog out of the ring and to the floor before returning to the World Champion. Blade steps over him, grabbing both legs, and leans back into a Boston Crab.]

Eddie: I am not a Knight fan, but even I worry about what they are going to do to him. I mean, come on, the guy has had enough already.

[Blade wrenches in the move for awhile before Diablo reaches down, locking his massive paws on Knight’s jaw. He bows the champion even further, pulling him up with a modified chinlock. He is in incredible pain, but is also held for a perfect view.]

Rick: Oh, please, not again. Seriously now, please, not again…

[Besolve drops the chair.]

Eddie: Good, I think this may be over.

[Eddie spoke too soon. Darrel kneels down and snatches Samantha by the hair. Hoisting her to her feet, he laughs out loud. Holding her with one arm, he points at Adam.]

Darrel: You brought this on yourself!

[Front chancery…]


[Adam reaches out his arms, which shake from the pressure that is nearly tearing him apart. He is powerless to help her as The Future lifts her into the air.]


[The brainbuster DDT might have broke her neck. Sitting up, Darrel is staring Knight right in the face.]

Darrel: Who the fuck did you think you were dealing with? Huh? Look what happens when you fuck with me.

[He grabs the champion’s hair and forces his eye down to the battered woman. The Boy Wonder screams into Knight’s face.]

Darrel: LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Reaching down, he swabs up blood from her cracked head and wipes it across Knight’s face.]

Darrel: Would you like to bury the hatchet now, Sweetness?

[He forces Knight’s face around to look into his eyes.]

Darrel: This ends when I say, fucker. That’s just the way it is.

Rick: Folks, we are out of time. I can’t believe what I am seeing!!!!!!

[The crowd in unison sings a chorus of boos. Hatred and anger emmitting from their each and every one of them.]

#and he bad, bad Leroy Brown

#baddest man in the whole damn town

#badder than old king kong

#meaner than a junk yard dog

So much emotion right here! Adam Knight, Darrel Besolve, and I think they’re gonna get it on right here right now! They don’t want to wait for WrestleClassic!!

[At the sign from Knight, Walker and Greer leave the ring as Besolve charges in, and we have war]


[Neither man backs off an inch, continuing to hammer away at each other, but Walker can be seen sliding a wooden chair into the ring]

Simpsy...what’s this guy up to?

I don’t know Ace, Knight backing Besolve off finally with those jackhammer like right hands, whips him to the ropes, reverse by Besolve...OH DAMN!!!

[Knight lets Besolve whip him, scooping up the wooden chair on the return, and LEVELS Besolve in the face, the chair shattering over the Future’s skull]

#well those two men took to fightin

#and when they pulled them from the floor

#Leroy looked like a jigsaw puzzle

#that had a couple of pieces gone

Do not adjust your television set, WE are in control of what you are seeing. Put the women and children to bed right now, because were about to show the NWA what happens, when you fuck with Team Danger...

[Knight meanwhile, stands over Besolve, mic in hand]

Not talking anymore Darrel?

[Darrel might have said something, but Knight’s boot colliding with his jaw cuts that off]

You know, since No Survivors, security’s been all over me on carrying weapons to the ring and all that. I guess it’s warranted.

[Knight smirks slightly, leaning down over one of the pieces of chair]

That’s ok...

[Knight then breaks the piece, leaving it as jagged as any knife]

Just means I need to be more creative...

[Low] Oh...my...god...

He wouldn’t...

For christ’s sakes Ace, you saw No Survivors, and Blade never even put his hands on Samantha. Darrel Besolve tried to kill Samantha, you really think he wouldn’t?!?!?


[Knight crouches down over Besolve, measuring him as the Future lays on his back underneath him]

Knight: Hey Darrel...which shoulder was it that you injured once? Oh yes...this one....

Simpson: Oh my god...folks, if you have weak stomachs, you might want to look away!!

[And Besolve’s scream of pain is nothing less then horrifying, as Knight RAMS the jagged edge THROUGH his shoulder]

Simpson: HOLY GOD!!!

[Stevens faints, as Knight begins twisting the makeshift blade in Besolve’s shoulder]

Knight: No more talking huh Darrel? Cmon Darrel...you like to talk so much...

[Knight presses down harder on the blade, GRINDING his body beneath the blade]


#and he bad, bad Leroy Brown

#baddest man in the whole damn town

#badder than old king kong

#meaner than a junk yard dog

[Knight holds the blade with his left, before just slapping Darrel with his right, keeping him awake]


Simpson: My god Adam...don’t...

Stevens: …wha...what’d I miss?

[Knight rips the blade free of Besolve’s shoulder, letting the blood flow free from his body. And Stevens passes out again, before Knight puts the blade to Darrel’s throat]

Knight: One flick of my wrist...and you’re dead boy.

[Knight pushes the blade tighter, blood trickling down Besolve’s neck, as well as pouring out of his shoulder]

Knight: Not yet...

Simpson: Thank god...

[Knight pulls Besolve up, the Future’s eyes glazed, his blood pooling around him]

Knight: Not much more time kid. WrestleClassic. Count the days...that’s exactly how long you got left. WrestleClassic...

[As Knight says this, he moves the blade to the top of Darrel’s pectorial muscle, driving the edge just slightly through the skin]

Knight: We finish this in the Bayou.

[And then Knight slashes the blade down along Besolve’s chest, tearing open the flesh of the Future, the slash going diagonal along his upper body, and soon the blood there is flowing as well. Knight smirks, staring at the Future, lying in a puddle of his own blood, before finally walking off]


[Get’s Me Through plays again as Knight steps out of the ring, and with Team Danger following, makes his exit.]

Simpson: Darrel Besolve could die of blood loss here, and Knight just...god sending a message, I don’t know what you call that!

[Knight and the others pause at the entrance, the Revolution staring back at Besolve as the EMT’s begin to tend to him, trying to stop the bleeding that’s already ravaged him. A smirk on the NWA Champion’s face, and he is gone]

Simpson: Man, we have GOT to go to a commercial, folks. We’ll be back… hopefully.

[Cut to commercials.]

It is then that the music fades. Our memories of what lead up to this are updated.

Numbers quantify things and make them easy to compare. If you complete seven passes out of ten than you are a better quarterback than the guy that only completes five, just look to the number for backup. However, this system is not always applicable. If you get shot seven times you really aren’t in that much better shape than the guy that got shot five times. I could tell you a number of how many stitches it took to close Darrel up, but, as with the gun shot example, I wouldn’t do the incident justice.


We peer into the room from the doorframe. Teddy Valentine’s eyes were red with rage. Screaming at OWC management for nearly an hour had kept him from arriving at the hospital immediately. He couldn’t believe what had been allowed to go on. It was odd how peaceful Darrel looked on the bed. Breathing at a slow, constant rate, with his eyes seemed shut tight in sleep and his overall visage appeared calm. Underneath the white blanket small pockets of blood escaped through the inevitable lapses in the stitches—immediately being soaked up by the bandage over them. Teddy was tired; he had been standing there for quite some time. He decided it best that he go to grab a soda and something to eat. The subservient assistant touched his boss’s shoulder with great care before turning to exit.

He is coming toward the camera to exit, his emerald eyes filling with tears. What would happen next, he did not know; but regardless of what event transpired next, he knew this night would never be forgotten. Once he passes the camera, we stare at Darrel alone in the bed. Entering slowly, the camera approaches the bed.

After giving enough time to ensure that Teddy had left, his eyes open abruptly. They maintain the same, emotionless gaze that he displayed as he was loaded in the ambulance. Again, he still has but one thing rattling around in his mind. That one thing should be obvious…


“Wait till they get a load of me…” --Jack Nicholson, “Batman”