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Heidi & Logan's Home Page

I have waited half my life to purchase a Bernese Mountain Dog, and finally I did. In fact I would say Heidi picked me, and how could I resist such a beautiful dog.

After a year with Heidi we decided it was time to get another, so we purchased Logan.

She is our second, and so different from her sister, but just as sweet. In fact I think she has done Heidi a world of good.

I hope you enjoy this page as much as we enjoy our dogs.

Heidi and Logan taking time out at our 2003 soccer tournament.

Special thanks goes to Elizabeth and Paul Dinkel, and how could I forget "Maya and Rolli". If it weren't for the both of you I wouldn't have such wonderful dogs.

I would also like to thank Leon Rouiller from the Bernvonrust Kennels for his friendship, and support over the last couple of years.

A big thanks to my Mother for babysitting the girls while I am at work.

In the summer of 2003 I started the "Berner Get Together", for all Bernese owners.

We meet once a month at the park and talk about our pets, while the dogs socialize. So far I have been very pleased.

Everyone seems to get along just fine, we have had eight owners and twelve dogs so far.

A special thanks goes to my beautiful Heidi, if it wasn't for her

this would never have been possible.

To Love A Berner is To Own One. If I could I would have a house full of them.

I am a member of the following clubs:

St John's Ambulance Volunteer Therapy Dogs.
The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Ontario.
The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Canada.


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