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**UPDATED 11/29/09**

Oh, how I love this gown.

Seriously. It's slightly frightening.

This gown was first started as my senior prom gown, oh so many years ago. (Ok, not quite so many, but still). It has gone through so many different planning episodes and re-designs that I finally just caved.

I'm making two versions of this gown.

Insane? Me? Basically.

For Version 2, click here.

~ Version 1 ~

The first edition of this gown is out of all that great butter-yellow satin I got for prom and then never used (it transformed into a periwinkle gown instead. I'm magic :0P) This design is my 'musical-esque' gown, because I think what the poor chick has to wear in the Broadway show is just ridiculous. Seriously. 'Let's just take some gold brocade, layer some draped panne over it, plop some organza over that, stick some bows on top and call it good.' Yeah, or not. Who the hell can dance in that thing? Argh. If they'd just loose the bows and that stupid overlay, it would be sooo much better... sorry.

Here's what I've got so far.

(click for a bigger view, sorry for the quality, my scanner's crap)

My design is veeeeeery loosely based on the gowns worn in the Disneyland Christmas Parade and the Cinderellabration show in Walt Disney World. More the WDW than anything, but still...
(Thank you Britt and 
Disneyland Cast Member Magic for the Disneyland photos, and to Drew for snappin' the WDW ones!!!)

The basic design of the gown is pretty simple: It's two pieces, the bodice and the skirt. The bodice is attached to the overskirt, so there's no chance of the not-quite-so-Belle teenie-bopper tummy gap. The bottom nearly-full-circle skirt is three layers- the lining, the base satin skirt, and the chiffon overlay. Over this goes the draped satin overskirt. The skirts attaches to the bodice with snaps so your skirt doesn't keep spinning when you stop. And there's three snaps on the skirt so the overskirt stays down in the front. Simple, no?

~ Version 2 ~
The second version is going to be as close to a carbon copy as I can get it of the gown in Walt Disney's Parade of Dreams, which was part of Disneyland's 50th Anniversary celebration, and was then instated as the regular parade. All photographs of this gown are from Disneyland Cast Member Magic, with huge HUGE thanks to Britt for his amazing photos!

These all give a pretty good idea of the gown (click for a larger view). 2nd shot is the best one of the overall gown. In the fourth shot, you can see those fantastic yellow character shoes (I will figure out how to get those or die trying). The third one shows a little of the lining slipping down from under the over skirt. And you can see the bottom of the hoop in the fourth one. Notice too that images one and three have a different bodice flower than two and four. I'll be doing the flowers from two and four (you know, actual roses :0P Sorry, I think I'm crabby today.)

I've been debating the make up of this costume, at least structurally. Obviously, it's worn over a hoop, and the hoop, from what we can glimpse of it, it looks to be a full one made of yellow fabric. I believe, just because of how awful hoop bones normally look through fabric and there are no such lines on the gown, that there's at least one layer of lining between the hoop and the actual fabric of the skirt. Through much research (otherwise known as literal hours spent staring at pictures and raiding YouTube for usable video), I'm thinking that the gown is not a nearly-full circle skirt, which is was my thought had been originally (the WDW Cinderellabration Belle costume uses this approach). Instead, I think it's princess seamed paneling. Observe this first image below (click for a larger view). If you look above each rosette on the skirt, you can see ruching (helpfully circled. Thank me later). If you look carefully at what looks to be folds of fabric above each spot of ruching (image two), they look an awful lot like seams. Especially in the front. I'm positive that it's a seam. So new theory: the skirt is pieced together from several panels.

God, I'm good. And slightly OCD.

Side note: do you know how much f-ing fabric Disney has to use to match the pattern up on the seams PERFECTLY? It's nuts. Good lord, I wish I had their budget.

Recently, Disney revamped (read: hacked to bits) this costume. The hoop is smaller, as is the draping. It now starts half-way down the skirt in the front and nearly 3/4th down the back. I hate it. Hate is too gentle a word. I loath it with the fire of a thousand suns. It took the costume from a really pretty gown to a dress that looks like they ran out of fabric and makes the actress look even shorter than she already is. Argh. Sorry. Needless to say, I will be making the original version, with the draping that doesn't look like crap original draping.

Here are some close ups of the fabrics used.
The pale yellow brocade has a slightly darker floral print, with rhinestones placed on each flower. The darker yellow (ok, I'll say it- the really really bright yellow) organza overlay either has metallic discs glued on, or, as I believe, sewn on (Several of the costumes use this technique; i.e. Snow White's costume). This is what I love about this costume (and this parade). No matter which way you turn, you sparkle like none other. It's awesome.

Oh, I love sparkles :0P

I'm still debating whether or not to use one of the hoops I have, try to find a different one, or actually attempt making one myself (I know, I'm laughing as I type this). Chances are I'm going to use one of the ones I already have because 1) I'm lazy 2) I'm broke and 3) who actually needs more than four hoop skirts?) Regardless, this is going to use a LOT of fabric.

UPDATE 11/22/06:
Ok. This Friday (11/24/06), I'm hitting the JoAnn's doorbuster sale (at 5:30 in the morning: I'm not insane, just dedicated *snort* Yeah, dedicated) to see what I can find. I've had issues trying to find the right brocade, though. Even something suggestive doesn't want to turn up. Never fear, I'll find something. Or beg for it for Christmas, you know, either/or. :0P

UPDATE 11/25/06:
Absolutely nothing at the doorbusters. Damn it. But I did find some great stuff for my Glinda costume. But I digress. I've been cruising some sites online, trying to find the right brocade, but am having very little luck. I'm picky. It's a curse. Everything I've found is fecking expensive. And I need at least 8 yards.

Yeah, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Never fear, I'll figure it out.

UPDATE 3/15/07:
Oh my God. OH MY GOD.

I found the brocade.

The EXACT brocade!

I'm so excited. Downside, I can't afford to get it right now. Which sucks. But I FOUND it!! :0P Happy dance!

UPDATE 10/24/07:
Brocade hates me. Seriously. I've been looking for a year and have only found the right brocade at one place!

Picky? Me? Nooooooo...

Anyway. Gearing up again for the doorbuster sales (Nov. 23. Sooooo ready to go :0P Let's just hope that this year we don't repeat the 13 inches of snow.)

UPDATE 12/4/07:
Nothing for this costume at the doorbusters, although I got some AWESOME red bridal satin for my masquerade ballgown (story of my life. Can't find what I want, but found something else instead :0P

Oh, and no snow on Doorbuster weekend, but we did get a foot this weekend. And they didn't cancel our HSM performances. Which meant half our cast got stranded at the theater. It did make for an awesome game of Twister, though :0). Random, yes, but felt the need to share.

UPDATE 1/10/08:
Happy New Year!

Well, I finally caved. I can not find the right brocade for the parade gown at affordable price anywhere. So I settled for some very close (well, no where near but I'd like to actually start this gown) brocade from JoAnns. I love Christmas gift cards.

I also got 10 yards of their yellow silk essence to go under whatever I end up using for the drape. I'd love to use JoAnn's sparkle organza (which is closer to what they use in the park), but I like how chiffon drapes more, especially as this costume won't have to go through 2 parades a day. And since I now have 4 cans of spray on gold glitter, I may settle for yellow chiffon and just spray the hell out of it. Tacky? A little. But I'm not a multi-billion dollar cooperation who can afford to custom make their own fabrics. And there's no way in HELL that I'm hand-sewing or gluing sequins every 2 inches square onto ten yards of chiffon. You'd have to kill me first. :0)

Oh, and I ordered another hoop. Yes, this will make hoop number 5. And yet they're all different. What can I say. I'm nuts and have an E-bay addiction. (Also found some $25 2" Capezio character shoes, which normally retail for $45 or higher. Quite stoked, especially as my old ones lost the left sole entirely last year. Cheers.)

Trying to start at least parade gown skirt this weekend. Unfortunately, have the flu right now. We'll see what happens.

UPDATE 1/14/08:
I hardly finished my homework this weekend, let alone started this gown. Oi.

Currently freaking out a bit, as went back to JoAnns to try to get another yard and a half of the brocade so I can actually panel the skirt. Had minor heart attack when looked at brocade shelf and my brocade wasn't there anymore. I know I left at least 3 yards on it...

So now have to special order it. Which bites majorly. But at least this way, I'll have more than enough for the skirt (which was my main concern anyway).

UPDATE 1/22/08:
Apparently, when fabric goes on clearance at JoAnn's, the sku # is no longer in their system. Which means no special order. Which means I'm slightly screwed. Not sure if I'll be able to panel skirt and still have enough fabric for the bodice. Obviously, I'm going to cut the bodice first and make sure I have enough, so I may still be able to panel the skirt.

On the bright side, finally decided on which hoop to use. With the new petticoat, it looks really good. :0)

UPDATE 11/24/08:
Wow. It's been almost a full year since I looked at this page. That's just sad.

I've been slowly accumulating different yellow linings/poof to use for the drape. I think I've figured out officially how they do it in the park. If you'll observe:

If you look closely at the top part of the drape (which I've helpfully circled for you :0P), you can see a serged edge. What does this mean? It means Disney cheated!!

...well, kindof.

It means my original thought about how they accomplished the draping so evenly is probably correct- the bottom part of the 'drape' (the big part from the hem up) is just a big long rectangle of fabric, gathered onto the 'drape points' (each spot marked with a flower) every six inches or so. The 'drape' itself is a separate piece, attached to the top of the bottom drape and left to hang over, so it appears as if the bottom drape and the top drape are one pretty piece of fabric Disney magically got to stay in place.

If that made no sense, join the club. It's really something that needs to be illustrated, so when I actually get around to making the drape, I'll illustrate.

Even if this isn't the method Disney used, it's the method I'm using, because it's relatively simple and it'll be easy to attach to the underskirt. WAY easy to attach to the underskirt.

So yeah. JoAnn's doorbusters again on Friday (has it really been a year already? Oi.), I'll give a full report afterwards.

UPDATE 1/7/09:

Happy (belated) New Year, and I hope your holidays were great, no matter what you celebrate!

Well, as the Pacific Northwest is currently on flood warnings and half of my town is under water, why not update while I'm stuck at work? :0)

Final Report from the '08 JoAnns Doorbusters: I finally picked which sparkly overlay I'm going to use for the drape. It's the JoAnn's Casa Collection yellow sparkle organza. Ultimately, it looked the best and draped the best out of my other options. It will be lined with yellow Silk Essence.

Winter quarter started this week, so I'm not sure how much time I'll have to sew (College. Who needs it?), but I think I may actually have everything I need to make this costume now (eee!!). It's a weird feeling.

Next step- bodice mock up. I'll keep you posted.

UPDATE 3/3/09:

Yeah. Sooooooo haven't had time to start yet :0( Stupid school. And I'm auditioning for a show next week, since I currently do have time to sleep, and that just feels wrong. Ugh. Anyway. The bodice mock-up fabric is pinned to my dressmakers dummy, where it's been for a month.


I *did* have time to research the shoes! I <3 shoes.

Basically, they're character shoes (hence the name :0P). To the best of my knowledge, the Disney parks utilize Capezio for their dance shoes (which I find funny, because they use La Duca for their Broadway shows. But anyway). The shoes Belle wears actually vary in this parade, according to the height of the actress play- I mean, the actress who is 'friends' with Belle.

Disney political correctness. Got to love it. Sorry, I'm reeeeeeeeally distracted today.

Anywho. As I said, the shoes vary depending on the actress. Usually (and the ones I'll be making), they're fairly standard 2" yellow character shoes, not unlike the ones the atmosphere Belle wears. Which I've seen. You should have seen the look the poor girl gave me when I asked to see her shoes. Her character host was like 'You know this isn't Cinderella, right?' :0P. Anyway. Like the atmosphere character shoes, I'm fairly sure the parade ones have a re-enforced sole too, because the standard Capezio one would be pretty flimsy for all the walking that Disney characters do.

Since I don't have all that walking to do, I'm just going to be using basic character shoes. I have been to Mordor and back (again, sorry. Lord of the Rings was on TNT all Sunday, and I'll admit to being a Tolkien-ite. :0P) looking for yellow character shoes, and have come to the conclusion that they are only available custom made. Which, knowing Disney's budget, is probably what they did. Buttmunches. Anywho. A very helpful little birdie (thanks Gina!) told me that she uses basic sponge-on shoe dye for her daughter's dance shoes. I found some suitable yellow at my local shoe repair shop. So that's my plan.

Depending on how they look, I may use the glittery floral spray on these, too. Or if I'm feeling really ambitious, I may attempt to cover them in the same sparkly organza as the skirt drape. :0P We'll see.

UPDATE 11/29/09:

I have now been working on this costume for three years. Even for me, that's a long time.

But fun developments:

Trashed my first bodice mockup, as it doesn't fit anymore. Started cutting a new one, but I'm not really liking the pattern. I did the seaming weird, and, well- here:

As you can see, I cut the center section way too narrow, and from the front it makes the bodice look really wide. As we speak, I'm re-cutting the muslin, and we'll see if that makes a difference.

Also trying the over-sleeves:

Really liking them so far. They'll be cut in the same brocade as the bodice, with short puffed sleeves in the organza under them.

Also, cut the bertha:

Finally starting to come together! I'm excited! :0)

Will be back soon with a re-cut bodice...

11/29/09 Once more:

Re-cut bodice- fit is MUCH better. Next up- cutting and constructing inner layers! :0)

Photos and more write-up to come!
