My Low Jo Page

No! I cannot drink TAP WATER!

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Another Jo page

Favorite Quote from Jo!

23:38: Saxon and Patrick's words seem to have reassured Jo somewhat. She hugs them and says she's feeling better, she laughs and sings: "I'm nothing but a ho." She heads to the kitchen to get some rice crackers.

The WISDOM of Jo!

22:39: Jo agrees, "You can't do anything by thinking, it doesn't achieve anything."

Favorite Quote from Reggie!

20:50: All the HMs have converged in the round bedroom. They're comparing their body parts. Reg looks at Jo's legs and comments: "You've got a massive gap. It's like you've been sitting on a horse...gee you're bow legged."

Favorite Jo Pictures!

ewwwww saxon let me shove my face infront of yours so you might try and kiss ME!

NO MAN can resist any part of ME! ME! ME!

WHY is Ben smiling you may ask? well he is sitting next to ME of course!

Hmm look closely at Jamies hands...SEE! not even a GAY man can resist stroking my hair!

And now for an extra special treat we put the images of Jo and SEXon through our special computer to see what any offspring they had together might look like....

Now we could NOT leave Vincent out of this so we ran both him and jo through the computer and came up with twins! let us all hope they do not decide to breed anytime soon!

What about Clair and Jo having a child? what would that look like? well wonder no longer! here she is, what a stunner! LOL...notice what Jo's fluoride problem is doing to her offspring! I wonder if Tim is aware of this?LOL

If you took Ben's MEAN side and jo's slutty PERSONALITY their offspring would look just like this!!

ARE Patrick & Jo really a secretly married couple?

to be continued....!