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Sung to the Stones Tune Sympathy For The Devil




Please allow me to introduce myself, I was born of wealth and taste
I campaigned for a long long year, stole many a man's soul for a tax rebate


I was around when Kathrin Harris and Jeb, turned 22,000 black voters away
made damn sure Judge Scalia, washed his hands and sealed Gore's fate


Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name,
but what's puzzling you is the nature of my game


I bombed down in Afghanistan till I felt it was time for a change
kill Saddam and his ministers while the world cried out in vain


I drove and drank and held a CEO's rank
then I sold my stock before the company tanked


I shouted out, "who killed the economy"
when after all, it was Dick and me


And who sacrificed social security,
for corporate welfare and for bigger bombs
and who sold out the environment and our energy,
in closed meetings with the Halliburton痴 and Enron痴


Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name,
but what's puzzling you is the nature of my game


Well maybe Martha Stewart is a criminal,
and every priest is no saint
but I know Jesus Christ was a liberal,
and I知 conservative in need of restraint


I値l unify the church and state,
and divide every school,
and give the rich every break


I値l crucify e v e r y prisoner,
and send your sons and daughters to be slayed,
for the oil gods we made


Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name,
but what's troubling you is the, childish things I say


I say nah nah nah nah to the the evil ones,
bring it on, I値l hunt you down and smoke you out
but as heads is tails they call me simpleton,
but don't mess with Texas, I may be wrong, but I am proud!


So if you meet me, excuse my hypocrisy,
cause I am blinded by wealth and faith
just say hail to the thief, and pray down on your knees
that my super power doesn't lay your whole world to waste
and I値l say nah nah nah nah nah







Thanks To 1TinSoldier
