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Mp3s by .hinge

Believe Me

My Machine

More MP3's by .hinge at



.Hinge's website, .Hinge's section on AMF


taken from .hinge's website

.hinge are a band that has been many years in the making.

Glenn, Tom and Kristian had been playing in a band formed at school called 'Limestone Tear' which was an original/cover band. After deciding they wanted to change the style and mood of their music they employed new guitarists, neither of which had played live, but both possessed passion and talent — thus spawning .hinge.

After four rehearsals, a neat pile of four songs were manufactured in readiness for their first gig. Being just one of many entrants in 1997s 'N.A.D. University Battle Of The Bands', .hinge hit the ground winning their heat, regional final (entitling them to twelve hours recording time) and eventually competing in the state finals. This led to the recording and release of their debut independent 6-track EP Outwards and Coming at Me (partly funded by the band).

The playing of many gigs in and around Melbourne took its toll on guitarist Luke Fellows, who left the band. This provided the opportunity for Rob Crimi, a talented guitarist, to join the band and inject some fresh ideas and passion into .hinge (which was not necessary, but gladly received).

Deciding to step away from live performances to strengthen their music for a few months paid off. They blasted into the pub scene blowing audiences away, which led to a plethora of gigs at such places as The Corner Hotel, The Punters Club, The Esplanade Hotel (Gershwin and Front Rooms), The Metro (Goo), The Greyhound Hotel, The Tote, The Arthouse, The Grand Hotel, Joeys, Edwards Tavern, The Cathouse, The Armadale Hotel, The House of Fools, The Rainbow Hotel, The Rose, Highpoint Shopping Centre and many other venues in Werribee, Geelong and San Remo... however bigger things were to come with the release of their second EP.

After six months of recording, mixing and travelling to Sydney for mastering by Steve Smart (Studio301) .hinge's self-titled second independent 6-track EP was launched on the 24th of July 1999. As well as attracting over 300 people, a massive promotional push was undertaken by the band, leading to appearances on a variety of radio stations and live performances on Community Television — 'Bullocks live from the Tote' and 'Speakerbox'.

The constant gigging and regular airplay .hinge were receiving for their second EP on community radio, resulted in a wider audience/fan base. A testament to this is the fact that .hinge now have a genuine following of punters with a marked increase in attendance at gigs. Such is the popularity of the band within its growing supporter base, that the creation of a monthly mailing list was necessary, which now reaches over 400 members.

Over the past two years .hinge has played alongside Superheist, Wolves, Biscuit (Now Another Race), Blackseed, Frankenbok, Bison, Testeagles, Moler, and even ŚBloke's Chris Franklin.

Adding to the band's credentials is their featuring on three CD compilations. Freshly Squeezed 2000 and Bug N Out West were national releases, but the band's international debut has come via a hand-picked track from their debut EP which was included as a Reader Demo on a CD supplement for Australian Guitar Magazine (Volume 10 September 1999) — a world-wide release.

Now, in the Year 2002, .hinge will be launching thier new EP 'Gypsy' early March, having already been described by one writer as "creating a psychedelic musical behemoth that can sooth, simmer and slaughter within minutes". .hinge stands poised to become the next big thing.

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Outwards and Coming At Me

Debut EP




Current EP

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