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Extra Study Camp Photos

Us at Tea Inn

The first Wednesday after study camp (whilst the students were all busy studying), most of the tutors got together at Taiwanese Tea Inn in Kingsford to say Goodbye to Glorya. In this photo, we had been discussing how we should take a picture of how sad we were that Glorya was leaving. (This explains Teresa's facial expression.)

Us being sad

This is us all actually doing it (well except for Chris who is hiding behind Selena, Selena who may be 'screaming', Ro..well...that's just Ro..I'm trying not to laugh and Glorya's looking happy because she's going to Singapore and can get away from this strange lot).

Anna and Glorya

This is Anna and Glorya taking a 'serious' photo. Aww. (*sob* and now she's gone.....*sniffs*)


The following week, 5 of the study camp leaders packed their bags (again!) and headed to the country (well Kurrajong...but there were sheep and rolling hills and stuff) for Mid Year Conference (Ro went to her own MYC, Selena didn't go to AnCon and Peter had to work). What can I say about it? The teaching is good (except for when Anna's brain implodes), the people are really nice (except when they're trying to kill you!), you get to catch up with friends and well...the showers...well let's just not go there. Anyway, we figured we have to get together again to say Goodbye to Glorya (again!) so following the previous week (and also because that's the night Teresa came to visit) we all had dinner together on the Wednesday night. Anyway, this is Tho being stupid. I don't even remember what he is eating.

Farewell dinner #2

So here we all are. Spot the person who's hosted one to many Japanese exchange students. (In case you have forgotten going clockwise around the table it's Tho, Teresa, Cheungsta, Herman...opps sorry I mean Chris L, Glorya and Anna).

Here ends the photos. (*sigh* Glorya's gone...but I have gotten a few emails and even a postcard! Now Herman...don't comment on how pathetic that is and how many times I said goodbye to Glorya...even in the one day.)