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 Print out the Membership Survey Questions and complete.  Send survey in with  your application package.  

Mail to :

P.O. Box 1801 

Irmo SC 29063

1. Describe your tolerance for risk concerning the money you have and are willing to invest in the club from month to month.

a. Very conservative

b. Moderately conservative

c.  Moderately aggressive

                             d. Very aggressive


2. How important is it to you that the club has significant cash on hand or securities that-can easily be converted into cash?

a. Very important

b. Moderately important

c. Somewhat important

d.  Not important


3. If having cash readily available is a big deal for you, what percentage of

    The club's assets should be set aside for this purpose?

a. 10%

b. 15%

                              c. 25%

                              d. 50%

                              e. Other



4. How important is it that you get back the actual dollars that you put into



a.  Very important

b. Somewhat important

c.  Not important



            5. What is the average annual rate of growth you expect the club's portfolio

                To achieve?

a. 10%

b. 15%

c. 20%

d. Other



6.  What areas are you most interested in pursuing? Rank in order of



a. Securities (stocks, bonds, and mutual funds)

            b. Real Estate

            c. Entrepreneurial ventures

d. Other (specify)


7. What investments are you most interested in the club pursuing over the next two to five years?




8. What areas are you personally interested in learning about?

        Rank in order of preference


a. Budgeting

b. Financial planning

c. Tax planning

d. Estate planning

e. Retirement planning

f. Insurance

g. Stocks

h. Bonds

     i.  Mutual funds

     j. Treasuries

k. Commodities

     1. Art, gold, silver, stamps, and gems                        

m. Other areas (specify)


9. How do you think club members can become better educated about

investments and ultimately become more financially savvy?

a. Invite guest speakers

b. Bring in a financial advisor

c. Require certain reading

d. Assign each member particular areas to research

e. Other(specify)


10. On average, how much time per month do you think members should

devote to research and related activities outside of the club's general

monthly meetings?

a. 1-3 hours

b. 3-5 hours

c. 5-10 hours

d. Other



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