In conjunction with Korean students you have:Anti Miss Korea

Miss Korea Pageant In Sydney a disgrace,corrupt,and the result is,we have a useless person going to korea to embaress us. Due to an overwhelming response to the current issues in our young generations society..we have changed from our previous site in geocities to concentrate on this issue. All email regarding the gossip,the rumours,the facts,opinions can be emailed to us at Please do not feel afraid to voice your opinion,or any other comments you would like. The current uodate? who is the problem? 1)The way applicants of Miss korea in sydney are accepted? Are student identifications checked?Marital staus checked? 2)The winner:Hae Jong.She is a liar,a slut,a girl who is not at all eligable 3)The judging 4)The corruptness of korean society,and the inabilty for Korean newspapers to respond to the Korean societies general outcry of anger at the choice of a miss korea.She should be in MRS Korea,or Madame korea. Poeple have commented most commonly with these quotes:"I went there because i heard that Hae Jong was in the comp.I cant belive that she doesnt feel like shes losing face,or embaressed,ashamed to be on stage and call herself Miss korea,I am speechless.I am appalled.Get her off.""Is it only me or is it not obvious that Sarina(Hae Jong,contestant number 7,in that ugly white outfit),got number one.Fairenough i had nothing against here,even when i heard she was in it,juz thought isnt she married,because her legs are so apart,but then again,i thought this was Mrs Korea.muahahhahhahah""Wrote in to Korean newspapers,the Australian papers,chinese communities to alert them that we did not choose a lying,two faced bimbo to represent us Koreans.I am so angry.So ashmaed.What will my friends in Korea think that a wh*re had been sent""I was sitting in the back row,and saw the contestant that came 1st's friends,who are well known cheap sl"uts,but what amazed me was that half the audience were commenting on how they know she has a bad rep as a slutty girl.And to chooce her?Her dance was hideous,and shameful,her body was fat and looked like she had a few kids,and boy..did she look ugly..and talk much were judges paid?" Korean Students Name: Want to voice your say? Email: