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Julia Roberts

Samantha F.

Iconic Picture of Celebrity

Celebrity Text

Mass Media Discourse Analysis

Fan Discourse Analysis

Iconic Picture Analysis
This picture is an excellent example of the type of person that Julia Roberts exposes to her audience. Her award winning smile and striking beauty are always present in her photographs.  This picture displays Julia as a wholesome and care free individual.  It  is very clear that she resembles the love sruck character that she often choses for her roles in movies.  Her perfect makeup and hair as well as her desiner jewlery and gown displays her success as well as confidence in the work that she has done over the years.

Celebrity Text
in order of best-known factoid

  • Starred in Pretty Woman
  • Famous Smile
  • Married shortly to Lyle Lovett
  • Recently planned secret marriage with newest husband

Mass Media Discourse Analysis
   a- Article
        Julia: Runaway Bride No More. by:  Marcus Erricap. July 4, 2002
   b- Article
       "Julia Wipes Out Memories of Ben"  September 12, 2001
   c-   InStyle Magazine. "Bella Donna." by: Tim Allis.  December 2003. p. 444.
   d-  New York Post Article
        "The Dream Team" February 12, 2004
Specific Findings {make listing of the four possible discourses (discussed in class and in Rojek), and for each, provide quotes from above, referencing them with the letter that procedes them. If no examples of one or more of the four types can be found, leave it empty }
I.Heroic role
C "Coming into it we all idolized her, but she was so easy to relate to, she was just like one of the girls," Stiles says."                                                                                                                                      


II.Idealized sexual
C "Ok, enough interview," she says." Lets go for a swim.'  And she gives you that smile that no frame can contain."

D "If you can have [one of] the most beautiful woman [Roberts] in the world, why not get the other one?"
III.Expresses human

B Julia Roberts had a bulging suitcase delivered to former beau Benjamin Bratt containing every present he ever gave her during their four-year romance.

C "Is Roberts ever effected by tbe screeching rumor mill? "If I thought that it was out of my control, than I probably would be."
IV.Symbol of
material success

A Roberts was reportedly flying in about 50 friends and family members for the ceremony.
A "The actress, who won her Oscar for Erin Brockovich and starred in such hits as My Best Friend's Wedding, America's Sweethearts, Pretty Woman, Notting Hill and Ocean's Eleven, has been through enough long-term boyfriends and almost-husbands to prompt comparisons to her role in Runaway Bride. "

C "The couple keep an apartment in New York City and earlier this year bought a house in Los Angeles, but home base is a blissfully quiet New Mexico ranch they share with ten dogs, including Louie, a black lab puppy."

Generalizations of Findings 

After reviewing the articles that were available for Julia Roberts it was very clear what type of information the media likes to publish about her. Aside from her beauty and famous smile that everyone is familiar with, there is a large amount of information published about her many love interests.  It is very clear that Julia has had a tough time finding the right man in her life and the public loves to hear about the most recent match or breakup.  This is because the fans love to relate issues in their own life to similar problems that are occurring in celebrities’ lives. 

Another subject that comes up often is the amount of money that Julia Roberts has accumulated over the years.  It is said that she is one of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood and she is not one to deny that either.  I was expecting the articles to contain multiple pages about how beautiful Julia Roberts is but to my surprise the focus was on her latest marriage and previous relationships that were unsuccessful. 

Fan Discourse Analysis


   a-  wonderful website that includes everything from news, biography, pictures, chat rooms, and much    more. 
   b- webpage specifically designed for Julia's fans to chat.
   c-  Largest Julia Roberts website online according to site creator.  Full of pictures, news, info about the celebrity.
   d-  Website that includes biography, filmography, chat, pictures and many more resourceful links.

Specific Findings  "I work when I want to work, and I work with people that I want to work with. I travel hither and yon to fabulous places. I'm surrounded by wonderful, interesting people. I live a privileged life-- HUGELY privileged. It's an EXCELLENT life. I'm rich. I'm happy. I have a great job. It would be absurd to pretend that it's anything different. I'm like a pig in s**t." (B)

Heroic role

As I'm sure you saw on Access Hollywood last night at the very end of the show, after the cast received bountiful applause, a group of kids came onto the stage & stood in front of the stars. One girl in the center stepped forward with a speech about the benefits of the Hole in the Wall gang camps. During her speech, Julia wrapped her arm around another little girl who stood in front of her. She kissed the girl's head & held onto her so lovingly. A few others patted the kids on the shoulders, but that spoke volumes about the extraordinary warmth of Julia's heart. That kind of sincerity is so refreshing and inspiring. (c)

II.Idealized sexual

"Whatever work she had done was worth the time & money! She has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen!" (A)
"i saw "mona lisa smile" last week and i still can't recover from the excitement that i felt. she is just so gorgeous whatever movie i might be watching her in." (A)

"I was at the filming of MLS at the college and the filming had ended for the day. She went for a walk around the campus with the director. SHE WALKED RIGHT BY ME! I nearly died! Icouldn't get up the nerve to talk to her. She really is gorgeous. The next day I was at the set again and she walked over to the food table I was standing near. I haven't gotten over seeing her yet. I'm still in shock!" (C)

III. Expresses human

 "I think this is what scares Julia...that people are so obsessed with her." (A)

"Her Life reviewed by Globe magazine, Julia Roberts had an abusive and tormented childhood. The book states that Julia had an abusive father (Walter) and a "stepdad who wasn't much better" after her mother and father divorced. Julia Roberts grew up with glasses and had buck teeth. "Living in an dysfunctional family, everyone were expressing there hatred to each other everyday". As a result of her horrible childhood, "Julia has been claimed to be emotionally scarred and is causing her to go from man to man looking for the love that she never had when she was growing up". "Hopefully Danny Moder will be the person to offer that love to her". (A)



IV. Symbol of
material success

" Because this winsome beauty with the big, radiant smile anda mane of auburn hair has become one of the few bankable female stars, commending $25 million a picture." (B)                                                                                                       



Generalization(s) of Findings  I had a pleasant experience searching for websites about actress Julia Roberts.  Although there are not as many websites as other celebrities, the ones that I found were full of useful and from what I could tell, true information of Julia Roberts.  Most of the websites contained the usual biography, pictures and chat rooms.  The chat rooms were filled with dedicated fans that had a lot to say about the star.  To my surprise there were not many negative comments.  There were many fans that seemed obsessed with her because of their numerous posts per day and outrageous comments.  I also noticed that there were about the same amount of men and women that were participating in the forums.  Both men and women commented on her beauty and success.  Julia Roberts is portrayed as a kind, talented and beautiful person that is adored by fans throughout the world.