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Visual Basic is a program language that programmers use so that they can be interactive with the program. Visual Basic is a standard programming language for Microsoft Software such as Windows, and in fact uses the Windows Interface. Visual Basic is an object-oriented program, and each 'object' property can be changed by the programmer. You can see the whole program being developed on the screen. VB handles images, menu's and dialogue boxes because of the compatibility to Windows, but the programmer decides where, how and when an object appears on the screen, what it says and what happens when it occurs. VB uses a point and click interface, and allows you to write and test applications without entering the Windows Application Programming Interface.

Access Students 2002/3
This is a screen capture of a visual basic program that I created. It is called Simpad - a simple notepad. If you wish to see the whole program please click here! Note the Password to enter this .exe file is Trinity.