or "it" will fall off and you will cry...

This website may or may not contain vulgar, disgusting, dying, cannibalistic, angry, funky tasting, sexy, stylish, quirky, mature material.

We have compiled a list of reasons why you shouldn't hit enter:

  • Your head was just severed by a blunt object moving at extremely slow speeds.
  • Laws in your country prohibit the eating of rancid fruit.
  • You’re not interested in being cool.
  • You have problems reading fine-print.
  • You’re allergic to hot women.
  • When you go to the beach cats try to bury you in the sand.
  • People look at you and laugh.
  • People think your gross and oily.
  • People think your old, bald, fat, and disgusting.
  • You ARE old, bald, fat, and disgusting.
  • You’re too lazy to scroll down, read the fine print, and hit the enter button

Reasons to join the navy: (ideas desperately needed!)

  • ...
  • ...
  • ...

    Before entering this website, you must agree to the following legal terms:
    1.You are at least 21 years of age. 2. You are not affiliated nor employed,
    nor have ever been affiliated or employed with any law enforcement or government agency.
    3. You are not a lawyer or a private investigator and are not representing anyone in any form,
    be it for joint, private, corporate, state, or even federal lawsuits.