From My Perspective cont.

11/16/02---A Rose is a Rose is a Rose

7/24/02---Brace comes "9/11" one year later!

6/27/02---They Just Don't Get It

6/27/02---They Just Don't Get It

They just don’t get it, do they? They confuse their own beliefs with truth itself...and they want everyone else to ascribe to it too. They think “God” is being banished from somewhere. They act as if they won’t be able to utter the word anywhere. They think this is some type of modern day theocracy where they can overlay their perspectives on all. They just don’t get it...period. Allow me to try to clarify it for them.

In supporting the unconstitutionality of the Pledge while it contains the words, “under God,” I’m not advocating closing their churches, not advocating they stop believing in some supreme being, nor asking others to subscribe to my own worldview. No, what is going on here is a long overdue acknowledgement that there are some beliefs and ideas which don’t apply to everyone in this country. The point is relatively simple for those who are willing to clear the deck of paradigmatic and ideological cloudiness. That point is...when a national pledge or oath or legal declaration which is suppose to apply to all of us contains ideas which don’t apply to all of us, then the non-applicable wording should be eliminated...simple as that. If some people want to maintain that this nation is “under God” and tell as many people they want about it, problem. But when people are required to “swear” in some manner based on a theological/religious basis, that’s a problem.

For instance, if I were to testify in a court of law, I would not be swearing to tell the truth because of some God...I’d be doing so because I believe in telling the truth, period. Requiring me to swear before someone else’s God...actually, based on someone else’s belief in a asking me to officially lie...simply put, I do not rely on a God or gods as a premise for anything I do. Without doubt, if I were to refuse to swear on a Bible or before a “god,” I’d be held in contempt of court or something along these lines, right? I would then have legal troubles based solely on a different belief system and my reluctance to utilize someone else’s as a basis for my activity.

Our national currency proclaims loudly that as a nation, as a people, we “trust in God.” Again, if someone wants to put a sign on their house or a bumper sticker on their car...or to witness to their trust in their god by attending church or simply through ordinary problem. But when this trust is proclaimed on a currency which is representative of all of us, then this proclamation is erroneous and offensive to those who either don’t trust in any god or if they do, believe it is their own private matter. This motto on our currency does not represent my views and besides, the money would be just as legal without the motto than it is with it. Money is a medium of exchange, nothing more...nothing less. Yet, it has been saddled with the task of conveying a belief which...while fervently believed by more doubtful than these believers care (or are even able) to admit. So be it...the existence of a God is debatable, honest people disagree about be it. But for one segment of our nation to insist that their belief, no matter how fundamental they take it to be for themselves or for their nation, should be everyone’s belief and displayed as such on items which represent all of us...well, this does violate the wall of separation of church and state.

The ideological claims that this is a “religious nation” or that it was founded on religious principles is spurious, at best. But hey, even if it is or was, so what? I was raised on religious principles in a Lutheran church...but does that give me the right to impose my Lutheran principles on everyone else? Hardly. Lets try to live in the here and now, shall we. That “here and now” includes millions of people who don’t believe in religious principles...who don’t believe in the existence of a supreme being as defined by many religions...not to mention the countless millions who may profess publicly their belief and faith in a god, but who more privately sincerely doubt it...we all know that our inner thoughts are often different from the “masks” we wear in our various roles.

As someone who either doesn’t believe in gods...or who believes but thinks that one’s belief system is a private matter, not a public or national one...the ‘traditional’ mixing of religious premises with national positions which represent everyone in this country is not a sufficient reason to continue this mixing. Just because something has been done for a long time (and remember, the words “under God” were only added to the Pledge in 1954!!) doesn’t mean, in and of itself, that something should be defended as “right” or allowed to continue. Tradition is tradition, that’s has no weight independent from an assessment in the “now” as to whether this tradition should be continued or not. I’m sure things like slavery were once defended as “traditional” have many past practices. But “tradition” changes, most often on the basis of current assessment of was “is” and what “can” be (with a dose of “ought” thrown in by some for good measure). Simply put, as a standard for what is going to be...tradition (what has been) is not a very good measure for deciding...yes, it’s important, but isn’t the only standard to use and in fact, is often the least reliable standard.

There are those in this country who just can’t understand why this is such a “big deal” to others like myself. Why can’t we just go along...who is it can hear them utter. Yet, it goes beyond that for calling and threats are abounding right now as I type. Take a look at almost any “message board” for the general’s full of insults directed at the likes of me. Getting a gun out appears quite frequently in these posts...being told to leave the country...being told we are morons...being told we are un-american...the list goes on. The funniest claim, to me, is being told that it is we who are being “politically correct.” Ever since that term became popular as a designation of “liberal” positions concerning language and the like, I’ve chuckled many times. Why? Because being “politically correct” has been with us for a long time and is hardly a “liberal” perspective. Being accused of being politically correct because I want the policies of this country to be consistent with our Constitution is insulting. Truth be told...the ones who brand “difference” as being politically incorrect are the ones who are trying to enforce a politically correct position. I’m like us or like us or get like us or be put down and excluded. The nationalistic fervor of this country is the politically correct stance...not mine. To ask our nation and its leaders to be constitutional is apparently a politically incorrect stance to maintain...yet it’s the one I maintain and will continue to do so.

So, instead of asking the likes of me why we can’t just get over it and let the so-called “majority” have its way, maybe we ought to be asking just why those who believe in a God or in the religious origins of our nation can’t exist without their own personal beliefs being passed off as universal truths, huh? Why can’t some of them be satisfied with the freedom to have their religious beliefs and practices without subjecting the rest of us with them? I could care less if any politician stands up and professes his/her reliance on God...I could care less if anyone wants to profess their religious beliefs as long as they don’t expect or require me to do the same. But when they do require it...when they insist that what really applies to some of them should apply to all of us...officially...well, then the line is drawn.

Finally, I remember when Ronnie was the president and someone mentioned to him that the Constitution not only guaranteed freedom TO HAVE any religion, but also guaranteed freedom FROM it, too...he was aghast...hadn’t really ever thought of that twist, apparently. He derided it...laughed at it...and then dismissed it...probably in the same vein as Pretender George did when he called this ruling “ridiculous.” Well, Ronnie...and George, it’s not only NOT ridiculous, it’s constitutionally sound. To the rest of you who abhor the ruling, it’s you who will have to get use to it...grumble all you want...act as if the proverbial sky is falling if you want...but keep your threats to yourself...and your “god.” It doesn’t belong in official national policy...period. But then again, most of you just don’t get it, do you?

From My Perspective,

David H. Kessel

Brace comes "9/11" one year later!

I know it's only July, but as we near the end of it my thoughts turn to the fact that September isn't that far away...specifically, September 11th. Time to start bracing ourselves for the onslaught of "remembrance" which will dominate just about every type of media outlet known to humankind. Bet your bottom dollar that media executives on all levels are planning their programs...lining up those advertizing dollars to the max. Flag makers and sticker makers are busy filling orders again...another frenzy of buying patriotic "stuff" is about to infect us. (And by the way, just what is so patriotic about having to actually BUY all this stuff...wouldn't true patriots make sure everyone had what they wanted or needed FOR FREE?) Show after show, article after article, will appear before us, reminding us of the big bad guys who did all this to "us." AND...we're going to have to watch the event again...and again, and again...

Ok, ok, ok, I KNOW there will be many people who lost friends and relatives who will have a hard time round about the 11th and my heart goes out to them now just as it did last year. But just like last year, my mind doesn't stop working despite that somber reality and this year, the remembrance of that somber and tragic reality won't shut down my mind either. (I know this won't make a hill of beans to those of you who think I'm a traitor of sorts for doing anything other than mourn, but hey, Ashcroft, Bush, et al or not, I'll still keep thinking and remembering the historical AND momentary context in which it happened...get a grip, folks) So, again, for the record...I'm sorry about all those who lost their lives...for all those who lost their friends and family...I'm a human and nothing human is alien to me. Ok?

But then, I haven't even touched upon the "production number" that will be generated by "officials" on all levels of government...what a farce it will be...a REAL farce, yes, but more like a charade than anything else. Then, of course, there will be the religious types chiming in with their interpretation of it all...but they don't see it as an interpretation, no...they see it as truth, simple as that. From my point of view, it will be sickening to the max...a great time for a trip to another planet if I could arrange it. Hell, even the world, that very world who some 10 months later is in severe doubt about the actions of the United States, will genuflect on cue...with Tony Blair probably leading the way. Hey, probably even Sharon will weigh in with something like the "senseless tragedy" that it was...never pausing a moment for consideration of his hypocrisy. Man, am I building a case for disappearing or what?

So...what are YOU going to do? Join in? Ignore? Dissent? Me? My dissent has already begun, obviously. But here's the will be more than just all this will provide a pretext, too. As a contributor to CommonDreams has already mentioned, the attack on Iraq will undoubtably conicide with the upcoming elections...that's just too good for a schemer like Bush to pass up, I agree. But don't doubt for a moment that the whole 9/11 remembrance thing will also strike him as an excellent time to be "moral" and "righteous"...announcing the beginning of the end for Saddam...maybe even ON the 11th...but more likely just afterwards. Beginning the attack on or around 9/11would satisfy both the rallying point they want for the midterm elections AND for stirring up the bloodlust revenge of this barbaric nation we call home. It's all been orchestrated so far, why not again this coming September?

Again, what are WE going to do about all this? It's only July, but we better get ready for September now. It will make any 4th of July salivation look tame by comparison...get ready, be prepared, the jingoists are coming, the jingoists are coming...and the moralists will be right beside them. Ugh!

From My Perspective,

David H. Kessel

A Rose is a Rose is a Rose

He didn't get to his "office" honestly. He controls or is developing weapons of a very dangerous nature. He thoroughly dislikes anyone to disagree with him and when they do, banishes them in one way or another. He believes there is "evil" lurking in the world and it's his mission to rid the world of it. Many of the population of his own society don't like him or his policies, but are threat of one sort or go along with him. He uses his power and authority to advance his own interests and surrounds himself with "yes-men" who foster groupthink among themselves. His official state operatives are busy finding ways to subdue any dissent. He appears to really like to order people killed. His government and he, himself, are in violation of United Nation's policies as well as international law. He recognizes no authority greater than his own and bullies his way among friends and foes, alike. There are others in the world who would like to see him removed from office...who tire of his bombastity and how he uses them for his own purposes. In short, he appears to be a very "small" man...of limited intellectual ability...who makes himself "bigger" by putting others down.

Saddam Hussein? Could be. Probably is. But yet, I'm actually writing about and describing George W. Bush. I sincerely believe all these descriptive statements apply to the selected and so-called leader of the so-called "free world." Truth of the matter is, these words...or at least most of them...could apply to numerous "strong-men" around the world...whether elected, selected, or otherwise. But again, I'm talking Dubya here...plain and simple. What a joke this man a man and as the man who pretends to be the duly elected President of the United States. I am disgusted by him daily, without fail. He really thinks people respect him. I, for one...and I'm only one among many...don't. Not even a tiny little bit...nada! Afterall, by any name or title, a rose is a rose is a rose.

Yet this man thinks he can do anything he wants...anything, his conceit apparently knows no bounds. He even admits that laws which impede him from doing what he wants would be better dispensed with. He'd clearly rather be a dictator than a public official accountable to the public as well as to the other branches of government. He'd clearly rather write his own rules instead of having to understand and abide by the U.S. Constitution. He cannot stand and won't tolerate people with ideas different than his. If he were a play on Broadway he'd be a long-standing hit...a comedy, even. But he's not a Broadway play, he's real and right now he commands the most frigthening military and military arsenal ever assembled on this planet of ours. He's NOT funny and unless we let him be, he's no dictator, either.

To put it bluntly...the man needs to be reminded that this is NOT "his" government, "his" country, "his" military, nor "his" call on everything. He IS an elected (sort of) employee OF the U.S. Government, IS accountable to everyone, not just those who voted for him, IS subject to views which are different from his, and IS just a man, afterall. His arrogance is unrivaled in least for a long while.

In short, this man is dangerous, period. He'll do anything, say anything, to make people believe he has everyone's interest at the center of his attention. He'll distort any reality so it will conform ideologically to his desired course of action. He'll cry and weep for abused children...but he'll order bombing which kills someone else's kids. He'll moan and cry about the loss of innocent life, but will order the destruction of villages full of them. He'll look at the world through his tiny little peephole, but try to convince us that his is a "whole" picture. So lets add hyprocrite to the litany of terms which describe this man, Bush the Junior.

He tells us that we need to attack institute a "regime change" in that country...because Saddam (whom not even a loving child could cozy up to without fear) possesses or will soon possess the ubiquitous "weapons of mass destruction." The question is...why Saddam and why Iraq? We could list any number of brutal leaders in the world...starting with Bush himself...who have varying degrees of mass destructive weapons...who inflicts untold and daily pain and suffering on their own people...who flaunt international and humanistic standards, real and philosophical ones. Why aren't we going after all these other people? Why do we allow the continued rule of the Saudi royal family...a ruling junta which thinks nothing of slaying their own people for any number of flimsy reasons...including religious ones? Why, indeed, do we allow Israel to impose it's will...brutally...on a daily basis?

The answer to these questions is fairly word, in fact. That word is OIL. Saddam sits on literally and figuratively billions worth of oil presently unavailable to the world capitalists. Those oil companies and the financial manipulators on the international playing board are salivating as I write. If and when Saddam is gone...if and when Iraq is "freed"...if and when there is unfettered and complete access to Iraqi oil...we'll have something comparable to the old gold rush of the Old West in the U.S. Hell, they'll probably fight each other for promises to be quite a spectacle.

Besides money and untold riches for a few, what does "oil" mean? Oil translates into lifestyle...into further unlimited consumption of the earth's resources by the Western elite...headquartered right here in the good ole U S of A....or at least, well represented here. It means further dependence on fossil fuel as the main source of expensive the cost of the development of other sources, cleaner and cheaper, of energy. This further translates into further disregard...further shoddy stewardship of our earth and its populations.

Ok, I've spilled my guts and mind enough for one sitting tonight. But in case you haven't gotten the point, let me summarize. I don't like George W. Bush...I don't trust him one iota (except, of course to BE George W. Bush...I DO trust him to be that!!). I'd like to see him as something other than the president of this country...and hopefully he soon will be. I hope it's by an honest election in 2004...but I'm not holding my breath. I'm not holding it for two, that enough people will be smart enough to vote against him...and two, that there will even BE elections in 2004.

I'm not afraid of Bush, nor of Ashcroft, nor of any government office or authority. Sure, they could do what they will with me...but I don't care. This isn't's my honest reality. George is a liar and a crook...far worse than even Nixon, in my opinion. That's a lot for me to admit to...I detested Nixon and still do even though he is dead. Bush is such a tweak it's really hard to take him seriously...but then again, he does possess those codes in the black satchel and he IS "commander in chief" of our military might.

So, in conclusion, I...we...must resist this man and everything he stands for and promotes. The last "little man" we didn't stand up to nearly destroyed the whole world...well, you know who I talking about, right? No, not Stalin...he wasn't a little man...he was a thug, period. Say no to war, say no to Bush, and say no to all those henchmen surrounding him. Say no...or be prepared to live a life unthinkable just a short two years ago in this country. Say no by your thoughts, by your interactions with others, and hopefully, by your ballot come 2004. Meanwhile...keep your eyes and minds open...Bush is real, but so are we....and whatever he does about Iraq WON'T be in my name, for sure.

From My Perspective,

David H. Kessel