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Which of these is a Family?

A husband and wife and their offspring?

A single woman and her three young children?

A 52-year-old woman and her adoptive mother’?

A man, his daughter, and the daughter’s son?

An 84-year-old widow and her dog, Fido?

A man and all of his ancestors back to Adam and Eve?

The 1979 World Champion Pittsburgh Pirates (theme song: “We are Family”)?

Three adult sisters living together?

Two lesbians in an intimate relationship and their children from a previous marriage of one woman and a previous relationship of the other woman with a male friend?

Two children, their divorced parents, the current spouses of their divorced parents, and the children from previous marriages of their stepparents?

A child, his stepfather, and the stepfather’s wife subsequent to his divorce from the child’s mother?

Two adult male cousins living together?

A 77-year-old man and his lifelong best friend?

A childless husband and wife who live 1000 miles apart?

A widow and her former husband’s grandfather’s sister’s granddaughter?

A divorced man, his girlfriend, and her child?

Both sets of parents of a deceased married couple?

A married couple, one son and his wife, and the latter couple’s children, all living together?

Six adults and their 12 young children, all living together in a communal fashion?

A stepfather/father living with his stepdaughter and daughter, mother of both living 50 miles away, going to school, coming home most weekends?