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Created June 1, 2005


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Calendar Wheel


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Calendar Wheel

Educational Craft - Free Download

Years ago I created a Calendar Wheel on tagboard, about 2 feet across and 3 feet tall.  The wheel consists of 4 rotating circles including the days of the week, the days of the month, the months of the year, and the seasons.  After 3 or 4 years of use the wheel fell into disrepair and eventually was thrown away.  This week I re-created it in computer format.   My youngest son has been having trouble remembering the order of the days of the week, so I made this to help him. It helped our older two sons 6 or 7 years ago when I made it by hand on the tagboard. Our youngest son was very excited to have the first rough draft of what I made yesterday, so I think it will work to help him also. So if nothing else, it will accomplish it's main purpose, and is a success in that alone.

However, the purpose of this webpage is to offer the Calendar Wheel to people on a broader scale.  I had gotten a lot of compliments on the original design, and a few people said I should market them to sell, but I never could figure out a way to actually make them look professional enough that I would feel comfortable charging money for them. This smaller paper-size version does look better than the original did, and I feel better about offering it to the public at large and inviting people to donate whatever amount they feel is appropriate for the amount of use you get out of it.  Please feel free to share the link to this webpage with others whom might be able to benefit from this educational tool.  

There are two main benefits of this computer version of the Calendar Wheel over the older tagboard style I orginally created.  #1 is that it can be held in the child's hands, which helps them to be able to study it on their own level and "claim" the knowledge for their own.  It becomes portable, the other version was certainly not portable!  And #2 is that if it gets torn, spilled on or ruined in any way, it can easily be printed again from the same file and re-assembled with very little difficulty.  It can even be used as a "reproducible" craft for school classrooms or Homeschool unit stidies learning about Time, to have the children cut, assemble and paste it together on their own.


On this page are 2 files available for download.  

Calendar-Wheel.sdd 2.46 MB - StarOffice 5.0 format

Calendar-Wheel.ppt 2.33 MB - MS Powerpoint 2000 format


Choose the format that works best for you.  They are the same file available in different formats. The original file was created in StarOffice 5.0.  I don't actually have Powerpoint, I have Star Office, but it has a Powerpoint save format, so I converted the file to that so more people would be able to use it.   If you don't have either type of software installed, you will need to download a viewer to be able to use these files.  You can find them at these company websites:




If you find the Calendar Wheel educational craft useful, please contribute to this website by making a donation, in the denomination amount you feel is appropriate.  Thank you!  And may God bless you.


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 Please note all donations are non-refundable, and non-tax-deductible.


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Email me: Laurene Wells