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Updated July 6, 2005


The Tiny Zoo




My Blog page


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Art Gallery


Calendar Wheel






     I am in the process of completely overhauling my website.  Please be patient as the changes are likely to be slow in progressing.  It is my hope that the new layout and design will be more user friendly and easier to navigate.

     Other than redesigning my website, I also have other projects I am working on.  Namely, I am working on my art again.  I have been drawing a number of pictures for my family and some for friends, and hope to start making some for the purpose of selling as well.  I recently finished a drawing of an Eagle that I did for my Grandma, you can see a digital image of it in the April 24th entry of my Blog page, as well as in the Art Gallery here.

     Additionally, I have been continuing work on my game project.  Progress is slow because we have no funding, only the faintest skeleton of a volunteer team, and have to balance time working on the game with everything else.  You can read more about the Visions game by clicking on the link.  And of course I continue to homeschool our children.  So some time is spent each day reading stories and doing activities with the kids also.  

     And most recently, on June 27th I joined the DawnTide development team as a 3D model artist.  This is a very exciting opportunity for me.  I'm learning new things about working with a team of volunteers from around the globe with the purpose of developing a MMORPG. Development of DawnTide is significantly farther advanced than we are with Visions, and Alpha Testers should have an opportunity to play in the near future.  We're working hard to create a fantastic game, and I'm getting a very clear idea of the level of work involved to bring a game from imagination to reality.  There is very little time for anything else in my schedule right now, although I do reserve time in the evenings to relax and play games with my family.

   If you are interested in seeing the random ponderings of my daily life, I invite you to read my Blog entries.  I have registered it on a couple of the main-stream RSS feeds, although if you have a reccomendation of another that you subscribe to, I am open to suggestions.  The RSS feeds are supposed to notify you when there are updates to the Blog pages you are subscribed to.  I don't really understand how it all works, I just post the entries to my page. =)

Blessings to you and I hope you enjoy your visit to Heaven's Blessings Tiny Zoo!



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Email me: Sparkling