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Asking of Me

You never asked much of me
Fearing that even if you asked for only a little
It would be too much for one person to bare

I can count the times I have assured you
That it was alright to ask things of me
Because I am and have always been there for you need me or not
On both of my hands

Now that I sit here gazing at distance clouds
And I wonder
What would you ask of me?

Would you ask of me to swim the seas to be by your side?
Would you ask of me to duel in your honor?
Would you ask of me to walk by your side always?
Would you ask of me to hold you close and bare your tears?
Would you ask of me to hear you out?
Would you ask of me to be there for you whenever you needed me?

Sometimes I just wonder what you'd ask of me
Because whatever you would ask of me my friend
Would never be too much weight to bare