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OH HAPPY DAYS !! KBOO should be back up and streaming feb 1st for all those of you that have missed listening to it on the web.
KBOO 90.7

NEW POST: (1-10-04) WELL, another year come and gone..still wanting to work on this thing, but kids and ice storms have kept me busy in the real world. tweaked a few things. and tried out some others.. enjoy your visit here, and thanks for stopping by.
POST: (2-16-03) dang.. i have been quite lax in working on this site.. i am still working on fixing the links for the links pages.. be patient, it will get done. just have to find the time to really sit down and do the work. new links coming.. music.. recipes.. and more.. have to shuffle them about.. keeping in touch with those who still visit here. peace all.
POST: (08-30-02) just to let everyone know.. new guestbook is now up and running.. some pages are coming together, and am still looking for work. well 2 out of 3 ain't bad :) peace
POST: (07-15-02) Well, as you can see, I don't get in here to work on this page as much as i should.. But to keep updated on things.. Things look upwards, as I continue to search for more Full-Time employment. Been unemployed since the end of Feb 02. I am currently working part-time with a gentleman, helping him to meet basic functions. (He is quadraplegic.) It is only 2 days a week, but it seems beneficial to us both. I get to start Jury duty this week. it should be fun, I do enjoy the hunt for truth. (Must be the reseacher in me.)
NOTE: The foto page is up and running.. It has the same photos that were on the opening page, but now I can add to it. (New ones are coming.. have to figure out the scanner I recieved from my Bio-mom.) I may change the names of the photo's as "Randi's_40th_birthday_party.jpg" seems to be excessive as opposed to "pic01.jpg" in writing it into the HTML code. Since I lost my AOL account again, (something about they want money for internet surfing privleges,) makes for a longer verification process on the links.. However I still can get around it some.. using my Juno and Netzero accounts, and then there is the public library's free access.. Again, thanks for stopping by and visiting my site, one day it will be complete. (I hope!)
I'll try to post more frequently, but will see what happens. Peace all, Blessings in Christ. -Ran
POST: (01-05-02) Geezh, i lose my afliates, and then angelfire dumped me.. i know i haven't been on here for awhile, but now i have to move all my graphics, pages, ETC. from my old angelfire acct, to my new lycos/angelfire account.. for the moment the links work.. it is using the new addr, and pulling the pages from the old addy. lost 30 megs in this switch also, since the old addr, was a FREE 50 meg site.. (Upset? Not I.) the site will change, am planning to make it load up faster, there will be a button/link to my link page, which will be the table of links below (it will have it's own page) that should speed it up a bit.. well need to go for now.. have a lot MORE work to do.. hmmm go figure.
POST: (5-27-01) Just when i think i got things going good on the page here, my affiliates go and dissapear on me.. mplayer has been bought out by gamespy, firetalk took a dive, and celtic notions also dove.. i still need to update links, and fix up some things, but if anyone knows of affiliates that aren't planning to sell off soon, send me a e-mail.. meanwhile, enjoy the things that still work.. Ran
POST: (1-15-01) Well i finally got one of the sub-categories updated.. cleaned out all the old dead links and added a bunch of new ones.. will get the others done soon (still going thru 4 years of fav's from AOL) maybe i shouldn't surf so much.. hmmm NAW !! hehehehehehe

GladStone Christian Church

habbo hotel.. Kewl chat in the UK


well it seems the Euro is gaining in popularity want to see one.. look closely. It seems the lady is riding a beast.. Hmmm.. Raise any speculations?

MUG SHOTS are now found in the FOTOS section below..

O'siyo Humans, and welcome to my homepage. Tho it is still in it's
infancy, I hope to get this page to grow, and be able to allow
nourishment to those that may pass by.

("O'siyo," Cherokee for Howdy, which is Texan for Hi)
Please be patient as I keep working on this page.

DISCLAIMER: I would hope all can find a usefullness to the links on this page.. they are given with the idea that there is some informative use to them. Please do not judge this webpage by one or two links, that you may find objection to. I have tried to keep this a CLEAN SITE (no X-sites) and informative,(meaning there is info, for all). Being human, we will have differences of opinion. I will only lay claim to my sins, NOT the sins of my Parents, GrandParents, or other Humans looking for an excuse to give theirs away. - Randi

Interests include..
** Native American history / lore.. (Past, Present, and to come.)
** Geneology
** Tir Na N'Og.. (Irish / Celtic History / Lore.)
** Spiritual.. (anything of SPIRIT.)
** Metaphysical Oddities.. (Ghosts, Herbs, Healing, Teachings, ETC.)
** Strange Happenings.. (Conspiracies, Alien Sightings.. NO X-FILES.)
** Y2K and End-Time Prophecies
** Other.. (Things that may be of interest at a later date..)

the sub-categories of links are being moved to a seperate page of links, as to make the opening page load faster.. -Ran


Family Fhotos

Please let me know if ANY of these links DO NOT WORK. I have tried them all and to the best of my knowledge, they connect correctly.
If you wish to submit any links, please feel free to E-mail them to me. Links will be reviewed, prior to adding to this site.
Granted, not all sites will be completely perfect, so I won't be responsible for sites other than mine. Some links do have access to mature related material. But I'll not have any links to adult sites on here. In other words, I don't want "BUSTY VIXENS IN HEAT" links or any other porn related material. but if you have found a site that offers a interesting atmosphere.. by all means, send me the link :)
Thank you for dropping by... hope the next time you stop by.. the site will have grown some more..
I would like to hear from you.. please post to me
Or sign the guestbook. (one is coming.. Really. )

Again, thanks for stopping by.
Go in Peace, Brother and Sister Humans,

[Guestbook to go here..]

send me a picture..

Send Me E-Mail | Submit a Link | Report Bad Links | Send an award to me

this area may change or look weird.. ignore it..
it is your monitor acting up again..

TONS of Free Graphics
Webspawner Page Machine
Mr. Mom's Site
Free E-mail
Protest Songs of the 60's
The Search Monster
Native American Lore
Planet Peace

*****Copyright © 1997 ThunderChild Productions*****
(moved 5 times since creation, hopefully this will be last)
wanna see the old page?? go here..

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