I likes to be my young it hot schmekt good
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Wanna know a secret?... (highlight below)
Stuff sucks

6.4.03 7:07PM
man.. i'm bored.. suck.. blah

5.31.03 4:20PM
I am so bored. But guess what.. one more week and then its my birthday! YAY.. Right now my friends are all our having fun.. and they think i'm still working, and i can't get ahold of any of them.. stupid people, why dont they turn on their cellulars eh?.. Today i life gaurded.. it was 65 degrees.. yes.. i dont know why we were open.. we watched the water for 3 hours before they let us close.. NO OnE came.. why did they open?.. everyone was so cold.. and my retard manager made this girl get in.. i wanted to smack him.. the poor thing geez.. anyway... i dont like working there cuz i have to work like everyday ya know.. so yeah.. i work EVERYDAY except this sunday(tomorrow) and Saturday(my brithday).. every other frickin day.. gosh that place is awful.. i'm gunna ask for every sunday off i think.. ugh.. i'm going to go be more bored.. i sat on my floor staring at the ceiling for a while.. my mom came in and asked all those mom questions.. "Are you okay?" "whats wrong?" "do u need any asprin?". No mother i was enjoying my peaceful lay on the floor, will you leave now. thanks
sorry u had to read that and waste your life..
Jimmy AKA me.. hahah get it??. jokes on you

5.29.03 6:51PM
Guess waht.. today was Hertiage Seniors last day.. they graduate tomorrow.. yay for them!1 :).. LC people graduate today.. yay for them.. cough.. anyway.. I had no finals today.. Enlgish was kinda hard kinda okay yesterday.. tomorrow i have more physics.. i studied pretty good.. and i knew mostly everything.. so i dont think it will be to bad.. but ya never know.. anywhoo.. Simpsons is awesome.. its on right now.. its great.. i already showered.. exciting i know.. yeah.. uhmm.. can i get a beep beep can i get a toot toot.. Muaha mmm yes.. shigga blue.. see ya later
Toasters rock.. oh and i like robby a lot.. isn't that funny how that worked out?

5.27.03 10:30pm
Dude.. i started my finalage today... Physics was today.. it wasn't to bad.. tomorrow i have english.. she said it was hard.. (the teacher) but with the study guide she gave us, i dont see how it could be.. but maybe i'm supposed to study it a lot deeper than i did.. oh well.. friday i have more physics final.. then monday i have Visual Basic final.. and then History.. then i'm done Wahoo.. then i start working massivly.. so i'm gunna try and find a diffrent job.. cuz i frankly i dont want to dread going to work everyday.. Oo and My birthday is approaching.. yes it is.. mm shigga.. June 7th.. i'll be 17.. yeah thats right.. ur all invited to my party.. Rachels getting the Stippers.. i got the drugs and Robbys got the beer.. i can't wait either.. see ya there

5.20.03 7:30
Yeah well i'm bored so i'll tell ya about my day... Today was the last day for Seniors at my school.. Lucky them, i know.. they dont have to take finals or stay here while we do.. however next year when i'm a senior they may change all that so not only will i have to take my finals i'll ahve to stay here the whole year.. it sucks monkeys butt,, its dumb to cahnge it the year i am a senior.. they should cahnge it the year after.. gosh i should run things, seriously. Today we went into the pool i lifegaurd at to set up chairs and clean and stuff.. blah not fun, and a lot of people just sat while a few other people and myself did most the work.. i was like.. get up and help geez.. then i came home and i went to Schlotzky's it was fabulous, as always, i ate 2 cookies too.. and i had a cookie at lunch.. BAD LINDSEY BAD.. i'll just have to work extra hard tomorrow and not eat a lot,, ha yeah right.. anyway.. i have to go back to that evil pool on Friday for a meeting.. faggots can't do anything with out me.. i'm kidding.. I got an A on a test in Physics today.. wahoo for me.. not really it was easy everyone should've gotten an A.. guess what.. i miss Robby.. its kinda sad really considering i've seen him everyday for the past several days.. but i mean yeah, shut up geez.. alwyas in my business, leave me alone gosh.

5.17.03 10:52
So i saw Martix Reloaded yesterday it was quite fabulous.. today Roblet and i are riding our bikes from his house to my new house.. yes im moving,, aren't u sad.. its a wicked house.. i have a walk in closet. if u could see the size of my closet now, u'd understand why thats so exciting. Robby got naked in the theatre again, i kicked him out. yeah i work there, no shut up. anyway enjoy ur day, i'll enjoy mine. i'm also going to visit matt and all his lovly friends at his wonderful open house today. yeah they're graduatin!.. see ya later dolls.

5.12.03 5:04
This is hard work