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Cyndy's Critters and Collectibles

Welcome to my site! Here are some of my favorite web sites and links to other parts of this site

My Mom's Site
M&M's homepage
Pics of our cats
More cat pics
Prestons Jeff Gordon Collection
My Collection of M&M stuff and Breyer Horses
Pictures of Kodi, my yellow Lab
Me and My Horses
Peyton's webpage, password: peytonlee (if required)

Hi my name is Cyndy and I'm 25 years old. I live in Oregon with my husband Preston and our 1 year old son, Peyton. We just celebrated our 5th anniversary December 18th. Shortly after meeting we started watching Nascar on TV and now our house is full of Nascar collectibles and M&M collectibles, not to mention kitties! We are both animal lovers and have 5 cats and 1 dog. I grew up on a ranch about 20 minutes from where I live now. I have always loved horses, and was in 4-H and showed them for 9 years. Once in a while I still get out there to ride them, but not as much as I'd like. Preston has been working for Northwest Vending (a company owned by Pepsi) for almost 6 years. I am now a stay-at-home mommy and couldn't want anything more, I love it and love spending time with my son! I just started building this page for fun and I have a lot of work to do on it still, but I think it's a good start. Especially since I had no idea how to write html whatsoever. I will continue adding more pics to it as the days go along. So I hope you stay a while and look at my pictures and there's some good links to other sites, including my Mom's, which also has some animal pictures and pics of where I grew up.

Peyton Lee was born on March 18, 04. We are so excited about our little boy!!

Visit his site to learn more about him and see pictures!

Peyton Lee

Peyton 6 1/2 mths

This is my birthday present (which was on June 15), from Preston. I had gotten a kitten (Tiger) on my 15th birthday from my friend, who took me to the animal shelter. When I got married I had to leave him with my Mom and Dad. So, Preston found this one at the animal shelter and couldn't resist surprising me! He is a sweet little kitten and we named him Junior, for Junior Tiger.

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