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1.       Be 10 years old and/or in Grade 5 or its equivalent.

2.       Be an active member of Pathfinder.

3.       Memorize and explain the Pathfinder Pledge and Law.

4.       Read the book “The Happy Path”.

5.       Have a current book club certificate.



Know, sing or play, and explain the meaning of the Pathfinder song and the first stanza of the national anthem.



1.       Memorize the Old Testament books of the Bible and know the five (5) areas into which the books are grouped. Demonstrate your ability to find any given book.

2.       Have a current Memory Gem Certificate.

3.       Know and explain Psalm 23 or Psalm 46.

4.       In consultation with your counselor, choose one of the following O.T. characters: Joseph, Jonah, Esther or Ruth. Discuss with your group, Christ’s loving care and deliverance as shown in the story.



Know different methods of purifying water and demonstrate your ability to build a camp shelter. Consider the significance of Jesus as the water of life and as our refuge place.



1.       In consultation with your counselor, work out ways to spend at least two hours expressing your friendship to someone in need in your community by doing any two (2) of the following:

a.      Visit someone who needs friendship.

b.      Help someone in need.

c.      Help organize and run a Friend’s party.


2.       Prove yourself a good citizen at home and at school.



Bring at least two (2) visitors to Sabbath School or Pathfinder meetings.



View the audio-visual presentation entitled “The Great Controversy” and discuss as a class the period of time from the Ascension of Christ to 1844.



Answer the questions based on the audio-visual “The Great Controversy”.




1.       a. Discuss the temperance principles in the life of Daniel, or participate in a presentation or role-play on Daniel 1.

b. Memorize and explain Daniel 1:8 and either sign the appropriate pledge card or design your own pledge card showing why you choose a life style in harmony with the true principles of temperance.

2.       Learn the principles of a healthful diet and engage in a project preparing a chart of basic food groups.

3.       Complete the honor in Beginner’s swimming.

4.       Hike 3km in one hour.



Demonstrate baking, boiling and frying camp food.



1.       Participate in a one-hour nature appreciation walk and observe nature objects that relate to a Bible passage.

2.       Complete one of the following honors: Cats, Dogs, Mammals, Seeds, and Bird Pets.

3.       Know and identify five wildflowers and five insects in your area.



Know and identify ten wildflowers and ten insects in your area.



1.       Know how ropes are made and demonstrate how to care for rope in the correct manner. Tie and know the practical use of the following knots: Overhand, Granny, Square, Slip, Double Bow, Two half Hitches, Clove Hitch, Bowline.

2.       Participate in an overnight campout.

3.       Pass a test in general safety.

4.       Pitch and strike a tent and make a camp bed.

5.       Know ten hiking rules, and know what to do when lost.

6.       Learn the signs for Track and Trail. Be able to lay a 2K trail that others can follow and be able to track a 2K trail.

7.       Complete one honor in Arts and Crafts.



1.       Start a fire with one match, using natural materials and keep that fire going.

2.       Properly use the knife and ax, and know ten safety rules in their use.

3.       Tie five speed knots.



Home Up

Website designed and maintained by: Henry Osborne
Copyright © 2001 ORION Pathfinder Club