Monkeys Eat Other Monkeys on Some Occasions
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Monkeys Eat Other Monkeys on Some Occasions

Well, this web site is about exactly what its title implies: monkeys eating other monkeys...but only on some occasions, mind you. You can't expect that monkeys are eating each other twenty-four-seven.  Here are some monkeys and you know what they're doing don't you...they're contemplating eating each other. They may look all nice and innocent but we know what they're really thinking, the sick apes.

toodle dooon youmonkey poo

Attention! George Bush is an orangutan, Dick Cheney is a chimpanzee, and Colin Powell is a baboon.  Careful, America, these men highly unstable and are not capable of running a country. Frankly, I think Sir David could do a far better job (and that's saying something).

This page has been created by: Noah Haynes-Brooks