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Who is... RENTBOY?

Okay, let's think about this for a moment. A nice handsome young man in England, wearing a beautifully tailored suit and derby, smoking a cigarette... and standing on a street corner.

I don't know about you, but this gives off the air of a male prostitute perhaps?

Actually, the more you watch of Wilde the more slightly disturbed one can become... I did anyway. I'll never look at Jude Law the same and, well, as for Orli... at least he wasn't getting down and dirty with the boys.

The character of Rentboy is just as I said, a male prostitute. This was not uncommon in the age and, with Orli's good looks, who could refuse him... right?

Only kidding. However, there is only so much one can say about a character with one line.

Apparently he spots Oscar Wilde across the street, nearly immediately realizing that the man is gay. Now, this does not say Orli's character is gay... he could simply be doing this for the money, which was also not uncommon either. He suggestively looks at him, tilting his chin up and asking... "Looking for someone?". Of course Wilde denies that he is and, as he turns to go, Rentboy smiles. He had taken a drag of his cigarette and now lets the smoke out in a quick, yet sexy, breath.

So... to sum it all up...

Rentboy is a male prostitute who was played by Orlando Bloom and was only in the film, Wilde for possibly a total of one minute... if that.