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Old Updates

September, 2007

09-04-07 The page Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Wallpapers is now up and running!
Also, here's a list of the wallpapers I've added. Walls have been added to the following areas; Orlando Bloom Wallpapers, Lord of the Rings Wallpapers, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Wallpapers, Josh Groban Wallpapers, and Misc Walls.
Here's the list of wallpapers!

I hope you guys enjoy them!
Until next time...

May, 2007

05-29-07 I've added a banner to the bottom of the page.
It'll take you to the "Teitho LOTR Fanfiction Contest"!
I've got some walls I need to upload, but I'll go those later because I'm not on my laptop right now thus I don't have the images themselves.
Lastly, I've moved all the old updates (anything in '06) to the Old Updates page.
Until next time...

March, 2007

03-23-07 Okay, so no real updates... yet!
I've added a section for Orlando's Extras episode, but nothing in it as of yet because, to tell you the truth... I've yet to watch it. I'll be catching it on youtube shortly.
I've also added a new section under Josh Groban in which I will be posting up the better (or best) of my Josh Groban AWAKE World Tour 2007 images! Yes, I saw His Joshness in Dallas, Tx on March 19th (woot for my buddy Merry for getting my ticket and taking me along)! It was a wonderful way to spend most of my Spring Break.
Anyway, as many of you know... the new Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End trailer is now out to download. Head over to for more info, as well as an interesting interview/photo shoot that Orli did for "VMan" magazine.
That's all I've got to say at the moment. I screencapped the trailer so I should have a couple new wallpapers up soon.
Until next time...

03-05-07 I've updated with 2 new Walls today... one in the Haven Walls section and another in the Misc Walls section. The Misc Wall is of Bob from the tv series The Dresden Files.
That's all for now...
Until next time...

03-03-07 Updates are small at the moment. I just got my laptop back so I was able to put up a lot of new wallpapers.
The New Walls are...

So yeah, I hope you guys enjoy them!
All of them are in the Misc Walls section (which has been revamped with an index so you don't have to load the entire massive page. The only ones not in the misc section are the POTC, LOTR, Haven, and Orli Walls.
I've also revamped the Orli Walls section so you don't have to download the entire page. It has 4 pages, the 4th being the newest walls yet.
Also, the POTC:DMC wallpaper that I uploaded goes with my entry about Davy Jones Lyrics. I wrote lyrics to the song, so I put those lyrics on the wallpaper. Yay for Will angstiness!
I'm still working on getting a lot of new Fanfiction put up, but I may end up just linking to instead. I haven't decided which yet. However, there WILL be banners made for my fanfics, so you'll probably end up having to click on the banners as the link.
Who knows...
I've also fixed any wallpapers that were coming up as "File Not Found" for the Misc Walls, Haven Walls, POTC:CBP Walls, POTC:DMC Walls, LOTR Walls, and Orlando Bloom Walls.
If there's another wall out there coming up as "File Not Found", please let me know. If when you load the page, the image looks broken, please right click on it and open it in a new window. It SHOULD be working perfectly.
Until next time...

February, 2007

02-19-07 I've fixed the Main Page glitch dealing with Angelfire's new banner issues...
I've also fixed the link to the Orli Quotes section.
Plus, I've taken down the information for "Seasons of Dust" since I haven't heard anything about it in months.
I've also changed the POTC 3 thing to POTC AWE (at world's end).
There's also a new section under Josh Groban called Awake Lyrics but there's nothing there as of yet.
Plus, I updated the About Me section.
There's also a new section under Elizabethtown for E-town Lyrics, but there's nothing in there yet.
More to come!
Until next time...

July, 2006

07-25-06 I've added even more wonderfull Wallpapers!

I'm also working on the quotes for POTC:DMC, so look for those soon!
Until next time...

07-15-06 I've added three new POTC:DMC Wallpapers today!
Also, I'm working on adding my two new Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Fanfictions to the section of the same name. Look for "Fireflies" and "Sunset Football" soon!
Until next time...

07-12-06 I've added nine new Wallpapers today!

I've also put up a three part review of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest on my MySpace blog.
You can reach it HERE.
That's all for now!
I've seen POTC:DMC once thus far and I'm going again twice this weekend!
Until next time...

07-05-06 We're 3 years old!
That's right! I started this webpage just prior to the release of Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl.
It's hard to believe that so much time has passed.... geez...
Anyway, onto the updates!
I've added music videos to the LOTR Music Videos section.
I've also added two new sections, one is POTC Music Videos which are POTC themed vids (the one there is to DMC soundtrack song "Davy Jones"), and the other is My Other Music Videos (aka Misc Music Videos) which have videos for Harry Potter, Stargate SG-1, Forgotten Realms Novels (Drizzt, Entreri, and Jarlaxle are the themed characters), and even a video for the actor, Errol Flynn.
Lastly, I've put all the updates prior to July in the Old Updates section.
That's all for now...
Until Next Time...

07-04-06 Lots to say today!
First off, Seasons of Dust is going to be a movie with Orlando. Orli has said it himself.
A big shoutout to the English Football Team. I rooted for you guys all the way... and I was devastated at your loss. Beckham, Rooney... you guys are still my Football heros!
Happy Independence Day to all of you in the US! And what better way to spend it than listening to the new Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest soundtrack, ay?
Yes, that's right, the soundtrack came out today... and it kicks some major ass!
It's far more sophisticated than the first, though you'll hear bits and pieces of the first throughout, and it's sooooo much fun to recognize it, or to think, 'Hmm... that sounds like "He's A Pirate" but being played an octave lower...' and such liket that.
As you might have noticed, the site's now decked out in Pirates gear.
Yep, a new POTC2 banner is up, as well as the song "Jack Sparrow"!
I've added 3 new Wallpapers.

That's it for now...
I'm thinking about working on a POTC2 music video soon... but we'll see...
Until Next Time...

June, 2006

06-26-06 I've put up info on Orli's supposed new movie, Seasons of Dust.
It's slated to film in New Mexico and Oklahoma in mid-july, so if ANYONE has any information as to where he might be in New Mexico, PLEASE TELL ME! I live in New Mexico and... oh god, I'd just die to see him or be a movie extra.
Until next time...

06-24-06 I've added a lot of new Wallpapers today, mostly of ORLI!

I hope you enjoy them!
Until next time...

06-13-06 I've added 5 new Wallpapers today.
1 is for LOTR Walls, 1 is for Orli Walls, and 3 are for Elizabethtown Walls.
I recommend the new Orli Walls one... boxers... yummy...
Until next time...

06-09-06 I have added a TON of new Wallpapers.
Here's a list!
Below are the wallpapers added to the Misc Wallssection.

Below is a list of new Wallpapers that have been added to the Orlando Walls section and to various movie sections!

I hope you guys enjoy all the new wallpapers! It took me like 5 hours to get them all resized and loaded... *faint*
As a side note... my

21st Birthday is June 10th

aka Tomorrow!
Until next time...

May, 2006

05-26-06 Wow, it's been a while since I've updated.
As everyone knows, the 4 disc Kingdom of Heaven: Director's Cut has hit Dvd shelves (as of 5/23/06).
In honor of this brilliant move by Ridley Scott, I have typed up ALL of the Balian quotes in this new edition. They're in the Balian Quotes section, and even includes the Balian scenes from the deleted/altered scenes. New words in the film are in BOLD, so it's a lot easier to find what's new.
I plan on typing up quotes for Elizbethtown sometime soon... but my Dvd copy is out on loan currently.
I've also made some new walls, but haven't put them up yet... so look forward to those soon!
I've put in the old updates into the Old Updates section.
I've also taken off the Paris Je T'Amie portion because I think it may have been an IMDB mistake.
And lastly, in news, Haven has once again been postponed... to September 2006. Which is okay cause that means that we'll have Haven to enjoy while waiting for Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest to come out on Dvd.
Until next time...

March, 2006

03-04-06 I added 6 new Wallpapers tonight! 5 are for the Orli Walls section and 1 is for the POTC 2 Walls section.
That's all for now...
Until next time...

03-02-06 Okay, I know I promised quotes... but I've been really REALLY busy. They're coming, it'll just take me a while.
I've added 6 new Wallpapers to the Orli Walls section, all have "Orlando Bloom" in Japanese katakana and 5 of the 6 have song lyrics by Megumi Hayashibara.
In other news, Haven now has a release date of 04-21-2006. Go see it, everyone!
That's all for now so,
Until next time...

February, 2006

02-10-06 Alright, I've screencapped ALL of Elizabethtown so if anyone wants an image or group of images, send me an e-mail.
Also, I'm planning on making an E-town music video, and quotes should be coming sometime soon. I'm just kinda E-town burnt out cause I've watched 5 times since tuesday.
I've added three new Wallpapers to the POTC 2 section as well.
That's all for now so,
Until next time...

02-08-06 Alright, so we all know that Elizabethtown is out on DVD.
I'm working on watching it enough times that typing up the quotes won't be as hard. Currently I've watched the dvd 3 times (and seen it 2 times at theaters).
I've added new Wallpapers to the Elizabethtown section. One is a double just with a different background and contains images of Drew's breakdown in the car (that almost always makes me cry). The other is images from when Drew was asleep and Claire was trying to wake him up.
That's all for the moment so,
Until next time...

02-06-06 Added a Wallpaper to the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest section that shows Will with his father!
And be sure to check out the rest of this update!
Alright, so I'm putting this up on the 5th, but still...
Here... are my predictions, concerning Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest INCLUDING... THE IDENTITY OF THE YELLOW MAN IN THE TRAILER...
1.) The action starts during Will and Elizabeth's wedding. From the image of Elizabeth, clearly wearing a wedding veil in the rain, it makes me think that a storm brews/pops up, most likely due to something having to do with Jack and Davy Jones.
2.) The entire thing with the cannibals makes me wonder if this, "And then they made me their chief." which was said by Jack in "Curse of the Black Pearl", might actually be applying to this situation. Perhaps he had run into these cannibals before and, now that he's run into them again, they do exactly what anyone who meets Jack twice does... try to kill him or, in their case, eat him.
3.) Elizabeth is obviously trying to look like a boy, not a woman. This may be to protect her identity as Elizabeth Swann, in which case she would be taking on an alias. It makes me wonder about the interactions between Will and Elizabeth when she's dressed like this. Of course, from an interview with Orlando and Keira, I wonder if fangirls will have a shock at, perhaps, a love scene, even a small one. From their tone of voices, and the underlying inside joke it seems, they make it appear that the relationship between Will and Elizabeth deeps drastically.
4.) Now, I've been wondering exactly HOW Ragetti and Pintel are NOT in jail or hung by now. However, through part of the teaser it appears that they are working with a pirate, who I will call Mystery Man in Blue, and yet at another point, they seem to be on Will's side.
5.) I have, as of yet, had no luck in figureing out who the Mystery Man in Blue is. I know it can't be Bill Turner (because it looks nothing like the actor Stellan Skarsgard) and I know it can't be Commodore Norrington, simply because that's a heck of a lot of facial hair to grow in one movie (as Norrington, I believe, is seen near the beginning of the trailer, talking to Will). I know it's not the Flying Dutchman, because I've got a picture of the Flying Dutchman and the clothes are off... plus the Dutchman's way dirtier. I am curious to find out who he is, since he is seen almost constantly fighting with Will, once chasing after Jack, and another time looking into something with Elizabeth and Jack (where Will is at this point, or perhaps it's Will they're looking at, I don't know).
6.) Now, I spent about twenty minutes today comparing a picture of the yellowish guy who's talking to Jack in the trailer, to various images of Stellan Skarsgard himself. Oddly enough... they look near identical, especially the nose. Now, I KNOW that Davy Jones is supposed to be played by Bill Nighy, and I had thought this guy WAS Davy Jones (especially since he can be seen disappearing in the scene where Jack's looking at the growing black hole in his hand). Now, I am HIGHLY confused because, according to the plot hole in "Curse of the Black Pearl", Bootstrap Bill Turner had somewhere between ten and eight years to untie himself from that canon. However, I am convinced that yellow guy IS Bill Turner. We ALL know that Bootstrap was murdered by Barbossa. Ragetti and Pintel told Will that, "He (Barbossa) strapped a canon to Bootstrap's bootstraps, and last we saw of ol' Bill Turner, he was sinking to tha crushing black oblivion of Davy Jones' locker. Course it was only after that we learned we needed his blood to lift the curse." Now, keeping that in mind. Yes, Bill was cursed, but he was also sinking to Davy Jones' locker. What if that locker is a real place? Bill could have been trapped down there, for the last ten or so years. This would easily explain why he had never gone looking for Will (as one would assume if he eventually got free of that canon). Also, the seaweed covering him is a sign of the fact that he's been underwater for so long. The yellow skin (which I just realized) is a sign of Jaundice (which could mean he either has too rapid a process of breaking down red blood cells, some sort of cancer, or Hepititis C) which could also be a side effect of being down there for so many years. Bill has come to warn Jack, I would think since they knew one another, about Davy Jones wanting the pirate's soul. Not only that, but I can see Will getting involved in the off chance that they could save Bill Turner from his fate as Davy Jones' messanger. Obviously, Bill's NOT dead, and I think Will would try and save him if he could.
7.) Geoffrey Rush is reprising his role as Captain Barbossa, though he hasn't been in the trailer as of yet. Now, I KNOW that the cursed Monkey Jack stole more of the Aztec gold from the chest, but why's Barbossa alive? And why is he slated for POTC 3? Also, Bill Nighy is slated for POTC 3 as well, meaning that it looks like Davy Jones isn't quite finished yet.
8.) This is more a note than something I've put together in my head, but the plotline for POTC 3, according to the Internet Movie Databse, is that Elizabeth is captured by Chow Yun-Fat's character, Sao-Feng and a whole mess of stuff happens.
9.) I think that the reason Will and Elizabeth get involved (aside from the aforementioned storm) may be because Jack tells Will that he talked to Bootstrap, which, after battleing cursed pirates, would be perfectly easy to believe.
10.) And lastly, I think that the image of Will and Elizabeth, apparently in a ship's cabin with Gibbs, Pintel, Cotton, and Elizabeth's got the mug in her hands, is the FIRST time that Will sees his father. The look of shock on all of their faces, combined with the stance of Orlando in the image (he looks like he's recoiling from seeing a ghost) makes me believe this may be Bill's entrance back into Will's life.
Well, that's all for now.
Until next time...

02-05-06 THIS JUST IN! The Super Bowl, at about 7:30pm Mountain Time, showed a new version of the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest teaser trailer. The only new bit in it was Jack saying, "Oh bugger."
That's right, I'm the first on the net to bring that to ya! MWAHAHAHAHA!
All clips of Will were the same sadly.
I've added another new Wallpaper to the Elizabethtown section. It's a collage of images of Orli and Sidi. It totally reminds me of how I am with my dog (she's a black poodle) so I adore those images. Who hasn't curled up under a table with their best pooch pal before? Am I right? I sure as heck have! Who hasn't laid on the concrete with their faithful furry friend? I have, dang it! Sorry... I like dogs...
That's all for now so, until next time...


02-03-06 Alright, so first off I want to know what happened to Paris, Je T'Amie because now it's not on the IMDB (Internet Movie DataBase).
I'm going to leave it there until I can find out if it's REALLY an Orlando Bloom movie or it was just a fakeout.
Secondly, I learned something neato from the IMDB today... There is apparently an actor playing the role of, get this, "Will Turner's Arresting Officer". Does this mean my poor Will goes to jail?!
Oh, in other news, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest is slated to be released in Theaters on July 7th, 2006. Which means it'll come out roughly the same time as the first film (save that was on the 9th of July...). There is a teaser trailer out there. You can watch it from or or you can head over to and download the quicktime version for yourself to keep.
Also in other news, Elizabethtown comes out on DVD February 7th, 2006! That's next week folks!
In even MORE other news, there's been a new film added to Orli's filmography on the IMDB. It's called, Love and Other Disasters in which he will be playing the role of Hollywood Paolo. The filming is already finished on it. Also, POTC 2 is in it's last stages of Post-Production and POTC 3 (which does not have a name yet) is currently Filming.
Lastly in other news, Haven has been slated for a Spring Release in select (I think select) theaters this Spring!
Took them bloody long enough, didn't it?
Just think of that... Orli's been in 14 movies since 2001! He's a busy man, and all his fans thank him for that.
Next, onto the actual updates!
I've added Wallpapers for the following pages/films... Kingdom of Heaven has two new ones, one focusing on the bath towel picture and the other focusing on the blood covered Orli pics. Haven has a couple new wallpapers, though they're kinda spoilerish (though most Orli fans know what's going on), as well as changed the background to something besides that Ocean background. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest aka POTC 2, has a new wallpaper that's a collage of all the Will Turner pics that I could find (from the new film of course). Screencaps for it came from, as well as made the background for future POTC 2 pages. Elizabethtown has it's first three wallpapers, which I don't know WHY for the life of my I didn't put up earlier. It's also got a neato background that I'll be using for it's pages.
I've also updated the LOTR Walls, Troy Walls, Midsomer Murders walls, the Ned Kelly Walls, the Orlando Bloom Walls, the Other Walls (in the About Me section), and added the Josh Groban Walls link in the Josh Groban section.
Next, I'm working on the POTC 2 Quotes page with Will's quote from the POTC 2 Teaser Trailer. I'm also going to be putting up counters for Have and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. I thought about putting one up for the DVD release of Elizabethtown, but that comes out Next Week so I don't think that that's really nessecary.
As stated before, E-town quotes WILL go up as soon as I have the film and can get the time (most likely that next Friday or so) for me to type it all up. I know I still need to do the quotes for Calcium Kid but that'll have to wait til AFTER I do the E-town ones.
I'm also thinking of, working on today, a few of the storyline pages because, well, I've noticed I haven't done those. It seems I keep putting it all off. I also need to do some mini-bios for Will (with the information we know thus far from POTC 1).
I'm also going to update Orli's filmography for dvd releases and other such things.
Lastly, I'm going to change the banner to an Elizabethtown banner. The next will be a Haven banner and then a POTC 2 banner.
Well, I think that's all for now, so,
Until next time...

January, 2006

01-09-06 I know, I haven't updated in forever... but I did something really neat!
The Music Videos in the LOTR section are now, BACK ONLINE!
That's right, and there's even a new video on there called One World. There will be a few more added but I had to clean out the harddrive and they got deleted so I'm having a friend send them back to me (cause I sent them via AIM to her).
Also, I have another fansite, though this one is a minishrine, dedicated to the Harry Potter character of Lucius Malfoy. You can find it by going HERE.
There are music videos reguarding Harry Potter on that site as well.
It looks like however, that I have permanently lost my music videos dealing with the tv series LOST, which was Boone-centric and a tear jerker, and my music video dealing with the art of the great Todd Lockwood.
Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that, no... I am not dead.
Quotes for Elizabethtown will go up once I have the film (which, I believe, comes out in February).
Lastly, I have moved all of the old updates into the Old Updates section.
Until next time...

June, 2005

06-30-05 The Kingdom of Heaven quotes section, Balian's Quotes are now up and running and consist of content from THE ENTIRE FILM!
Also, I've got an Elizabethtown wallpaper I will be putting up shortly, as well as a new LOTR Legolas wallpaper.
I hope to get them up soon, as well as quotes from the Elizabethtown trailer (which, along with Peter Jackson's King Kong trailer, is attached to the theaters production of The War of the Worlds).
Until next time...

May, 2005

05-09-05 Okay, I've seen Kingdom of Heaven twice as of now. I plan to see it again in at least a couple week's time.
Currently, I'm working on the adding all the quotes to the Balian Quotes section (because it's not updated, it's not bolded). Also, I promise to go watch The Calcium Kid again and put up all of Jimmy's quotes. I've changed the name of the character of Jimmy to Jimmy Connelly in the CK section.
I've also added a new section called, "Paris, je t'aime" which will be dealing with the French movie Orlando has been cast in (along with Willam Defoe and Natalie Portman) the role of Eli.
I swear to have my Kingdom of Heaven stuff done soon. Ridley Scott didn't deviate too much from history, so look for this new content soon.
I have also updated Orlando's Filmography with this new French film.
Until next time...

05-05-05 Wow... it's 5/5/05. Creepy...
Anywho, I've updated the Balian Quotes section to include everything from even the new tv spot, which has Tiberas saying, just after they show Orli, "Before 200,000 men, you will be executed.". Of course that quote isn't on the page, but there were a couple new Balian lines in the tv spot.
That's the only update I have really... No wait, I've taken off the music from the site, it's causing loading problems I think.
Other than that, we're good to go for tomorrow!
I'll be at the first showing of "Kingdom of Heaven" tomorrow... will you?
Catch you all when it's been finally seen!
Until next time...


April, 2005

04-11-05 Once more I've updated the Balian Quotes section with some one liners from a few snippets from IFILM.
Also, I've learned that the movie pronounceation of Balian of Ibelin is like so: Bay-Lee-In of Ib-I-Lin.
That's all for now so, until next time...

04-05-05 I've added even more quotes to the Balian Quotes section dealing with Kingdom of Heaven. These are from the Australian Trailer, and I've even added what Orli says in the into to the trailer itself.
In other news, Matthew Stover's Star Wars novel, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is out, or so Entertainment Weekly told me... but that isn't really Orli related.
Until next time...

04-02-05 Yet another update!
I've added a Kingdom of Heaven themes banner for the site and also some recorded music from the Official Kingdom of Heaven Website.
I've taken off the Orli poll simply because it was making the site load strangely. I will put up a link to the new poll when I make it, and tell you the results of the old one.
Lastly, I've moved all the January updates to the Old Updates section of the site. I left up the March ones and will be moving them depending on how much updating I do through April.
I've also deleted my Gaia Avatars because... well... they annoy me. Simple Truth.
Until next time...

04-02-05 I've added a ton of new Balian quotes to the Balian Quotes section. They're all from the new Extended Trailer for, Kingdom of Heaven.
View the new trailer at HERE!
That's all for now so,
Until next time...

04-01-05 Okay, just another couple of things.
I've added 2 Balian quotes to the Balian Quotes portion of the Kingdom of Heaven section.
I've also added a couple of my favorite Orlando Bloom quotes in the Orli Quotes portion of the Orlando Bloom, section.
Lastly, as you may well know, the LOTR Videos are not working. I'm currently unemployeed due to my moving and I can not pay for the Streamload account at this time. When I get a job (which will hopefully be soon before I bore myself to death) then I will reactive the account.
Until next time...

04-01-05 Well, there's a new update and a bit of news for all you Orli fans today!
First off, I've added a wallpaper to the Kingdom of Heaven Walls section. It's a lot of the new stills of Balian shirtless all combined together. Very nice and sexy if you ask me. *smirk*
The bit of news is that now you can pre-order the Kingdom of Heaven soundtrack at so go check it out!
Also, be ready for a Balian-themed banner sometime in the very near future.
That's all for now so,
Until next time...

March, 2005

03-30-05 OMG! I just learned that Bill "Bootstrap" Turner is going to be a played character in Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest! He's being played by Stellan Skarsgard, who is know for his roles in movies such as The Exorcist: The Beginning, Helen of Troy, and the upcoming, Beowulf and Grendel!
Apparently, Kevin McNally is back as Gibbs, and even Lee Arenberg is back as Pintel. Of course Johnny and Orli and Keira have returned as well!
Other cast members include...
Naomie Harris as Tia Dalma, who is known for her works in 28 Days Later and After the Sunset.
Martin Klebba returns as Marty.
Alex Norton as Captain Bellamy, who is known for his works in The Count of Monte Cristo, Les' Miserables, and Patriot Games.
Also appearing are...
Max Baker as Burser
Barry McEvoy as Fitzgerald
Karly Rothenberg as Catina Wench
San Shella as Leach
Jim Cody Williams as Fisherman
and Bobby Waldron, whose character is currently nameless.
That's all from me for now...
Until next time...

03-19-05 I have officially been to the greatest thing ever concieved by man...
If you can image... 5th row... And then, at the end, at the stages edge... I was there... I was so close to Josh that I reached out and touched him with my fingernail.
That man... he's so gifted and so incredibly hott...
In honor of His Joshness, I have put my concert pics (all 80 of them) on this website. You can visit it in the Josh Groban section on the bottom right.
Also... as another note... The title for the 2nd Pirates of the Caribbean movie has been changed to Dead Man's Chest.
It is currently being filmed in California. There are spoiler pics at Elf Lady and also at my XANGA.
Until next time...
Laters! And enjoy the pics of Josh!!!

January, 2005



01-05-05 Well, I've added a section called, The Real Balian and it's part of my research paper on the Crusades that deals with him.
Also, I've changed the banner and tomorrow I plan on adding music from the Kingdom of Heaven trailer.
The song that is played is apparently, "Movement III: Hope" by Alanis Morrissette from the cd, "Prayer Circle".
If anyone has this song on their computer, please send me an IM through AOL (LegolasLover3Ash) because I would much rather use that song than have to record the end of the trailer. It would sound better anyway.
Until next time...

01-04-05 There are updates!
Not only does Troy come out on dvd today... but I've updated with some stuff concerning, Kingdom of Heaven!
So, over in that section there are Balian's Quotes from the movie trailer, as well as Wallpapers that I've made myself!!!
I've also moved all the December updates into the Old Update section, as well as added a countdown button for Kingdom of Heaven!
Until next time...

December 2004

12-21-04 I've gotten into the Christmas spirit, folks!
That's right... and to prove it... I've got a beautiful Orlando Bloom Wallpaper in the Orli Walls section!
He's all dressed up and ready for Christmas!
Also... I'm having a holiday giveaway!
It's nothing special and there's no cost to enter or anything. Just send me an e-mail and tell me what you like about my site the most. Whoever gives either the most original or best or whatever... will get a custom made wallpaper!
That's right!
Just send youe email and, if you win, I'll reply to you and tell you you've won. Then, just tell me what images you want me to use of Orlando Bloom (or any of his characters) and I'll fix you up a lovely wallpaper!
I'll reply to everyone's e-mail, but to the winner, I'll title the E-mail "WINNER!".
This wallpaper will be put onto my site. It will say who it was for on it somewhere as well!
So... get to thinking and send those e-mails!
Contest ends New Years! (but due to me being out of town, I won't pick the winner until I get back)!
Until next time...


12-17-04 Hey all!
I'm back and I've updated a couple things... spruced stuff up a bit.
The banner has been changed, as you can tell, and the "Rivendell" midi that used to play has been changed to "Arwen's Song" (or what everyone thinks is her song) from the ROTK: Extended Edition.
Also, I've added the link for a new story I'm about to start called, "Revenge". It's the sequal to "Savior & Destroyer" and it's in the LOTR Fan-Fiction section. There's an image for it and a description, but as of yet nothing. I've got a preview ready, it just needs to be typed up and I need to beta it.
And... I think that's everything for today!
Until next time...

12-16-04 I've added a few new WALLPAPERS!
There are three in the Orlando Walls area and there is one in POTC Walls.
I hope you all guys like them!
I've also moved all the November updates to the Old Updates section.
Until next time...

12-15-04 I've added a Christmas Themed LOTR video!
You guys can check it out in the Music & FanFic Videos Section!
Oh, and as a side note...


12-08-04 Okay yeah, another update for today!
I've added some LOTR Quotes from a Extended Edition preview.
It's Legolas talking as the three hunters head toward the Paths of the Dead.
That's all for now so,
Until next time... Laters!

12-08-04 I've added a few new LOTR Wallpapers today.
One is of pics of Legolas from a Return of the King: Extended Edition scene and the other is a collage of fanarts of Legolas and Thranduil.
Plus, I changed the banner to a couple pics of Orli on his last reshoot day.
Well guys... it's almost over...
That's all for now so,
Until next time...

5 Days Til ROTK:EE!

12-06-04 Okay! All of the LOTR Music and Fanfic Videos work now!!!!
I swear it works now! It's all hosted from Streamload and you can download them from my page. Just head over there right now, and don't forget to send me an e-mail saying what you thought of it!
P.S. There's a NEW MUSIC VIDEO over in the LOTR Music and Fanfic Videos section!
It's called Brothers and it's about the unwavering friendship of Aragorn and Legolas with clips from all three films to the song "Under the Sun" by Bryan Adams.
Go check it out!
Plus, I've moved all the October updates to the Old Updates section.
Until next time...

1 Week Til ROTK:EE!

November 2004

11-28-04 Well, I finally got around to adding all the chapters (so far) for my LOTR fanfiction, Savior & Destroyer. It should only end up being 10 or 11 chapters long, but all 9 written chapters are up for your reading.
Plus, if you read the story from FF.NET, then you should think about re-reading this new posted version. I've gone through and changed a few things to fit better with the knowledge that I am literally forever gaining about LOTR.
But those are all the updates for now.
So... Until next time...

15 Days Til ROTK:EE!

11-09-04 I've updated with a new Paris Wallpaper but that's really it.
I've been really busy recently, but I'm trying to get a few things finished as soon as possible. Sorry for the waiting!
I've also added a countdown button for The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the Kings: Extended Edition, so yay!
Until next time...

October 2004

10-25-04 There is actually a small update today!
I've added a wallpaper to the LOTR Walls section.
It's inspired by the story, "Fear No More The Heat O' Th' Sun" by Black Hawk. You can find her story,
HERE. You can also find the video trailer for her story, complete with beautiful music, HERE.
That's all for now so,
Until next time...

10-23-04 I didn't really update, I just wanted to say one thing...
I've now got a LiveJournal.
You can reach it by going HERE.
That's all really.
Until next time...

10-19-04 Here's my update!
I've added a ton of wallpapers to the following sections, POTC Walls, LOTR Walls, Troy Walls, and My Other Walls.
POTC Walls got three news ones. Two are from new promo pics of Will and the third is a pic of Orlando and Swordmaster Bob Anderson.
LOTR Wals got five new ones. One is of Aragorn and the Palantir from ROTK:EE, two are of Boromir and Denethor and Faramir, and two are of a very SEXY Legolas.
Troy Walls got four new ones. All four are, as usual, of Paris!
My Other Walls got six new ones. One is of the Forgotten Realms drow character Drizzt Do'Urden, two are of Elijah Wood in the snow (a pic taken by Viggo himself), two are from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and are of Spike and Buffy, and one is of Doc Holliday from Tombstone.
Those are really my only updates... Oh, and as a reminder... Go to The Lord of the Rings Official Site, here and download the new trailer for The Return of the King: Extended Edition!

55 Days Til ROTK:EE !

Until next time...

10-10-04 Wow... Here's an update!
I've added a new section for Lord of the Rings called, Music & FanFic Videos.
It is comprised of varios LOTR music videos I've made and also a FanFiction Trailer or two for my own stories.
That's all for now... I think.
I may be adding some new Walls sometime soon, but that's only because I think I might have found a few I made a while back that I never put up.
Lastly, I put all the old updates for August and September into the Old Updates section.
Until next time...

September 2004

09-18-04 I've added yet another wallpaper in the LOTR Walls section. This one is of Haldir with the lyrics for Haldir's Lament.
Until next time...

09-17-04 Well, I've added a new Wallpaper for Haven. It's another one of the movie poster, but with lyrics by Evanescence.
Very sexy...
There's a new Poll for everyone to answer!
Here are the results from last time...
6.) Ned Kelly - 0 Votes; 0%
5.) Haven - 3 Votes; 2%
4.) The Calcium Kid - 4 Votes; 2%
3.) Kingdom of Heaven - 15 Votes; 11%
2.) Troy - 43 Votes; 31%
1.) Pirates of the Caribbean II: Treasure of the Lost Abyss - 70 Votes; 51%
It looks like all of you guys can't wait until POTC 2 comes out. I myself am looking forward to Haven but hey, what can I say? Orli swimming, possibly naked, in the Caribbean is just too good to pass up!
Anywho, that's all for now so, until next time...

09-15-04 Okay, I've added some more wallpapers once again!
Now there is a new Legolas wallpaper in the Lord of the Rings Walls section and also a new page for wallpapers from Haven. The image is the poster that was seen at the Toronto Film Festival, so go check it out!
That's all for now so, until next time...

09-07-04 I've added a few Legolas Fanart Wallpapers in the LOTR Walls section.
I also fixed a typo problem in the Orli Bio area.
That's all I've done recently. School and work have me booked and I'm trying to get a few updates done on my fanfiction.
So, until next time...

August 2004

08-17-04 WOW!
Merry called me from the Josh Groban concert! OMG! I'm in love with that man.. I swear!
Anywho, I've made a new wallpaper.
However, this one resides in both Orli Walls and in My Other Walls because it's of both Orlando and Josh Groban!
That's the only update, aside from the new music and the new banner that you see... *smirk*
Until next time...

08-12-04 Yours truly has been quite busy today!
I got involved with a live Q&A with Lord of the Rings actor, Craig Parker (famous for playing Haldir).
I've typed up every Question and every Answer given to him and placed it on my site. You can find it in the Website Stuff section under Haldir Q&A
Well, that's it for now...
Until next time...

08-11-04 Well, Congrats to Orli for winning a few Teen Choice Awards!
I accidently missed it, even after reminding myself of it all day. But I hope to catch a clip or two of it when the other Orli sites put them up.


The only website update I've done is to add the link and the story for my Lotr fanfic called The Drinking Game. It's taken from one of the ROTK deleted scenes. And it's my take on what happens once Gimli gets Legolas to partake in a drinking game in Edoras.
Until next time...

July 2004

07-29-04 I'm seriously working on story updates right now so this will be short and to the point...
Why does Karl Urban's character, Kirlill from The Bourne Supremacy, remind me so much of Nicholas "Nick" Lea's character, Alex Krycek from The X-Files?
Black leather coats... shortly cropped brown hair... speaking fluent Russian...
Sorry... I adore Alex Krycek so, naturally... I was having massive rooting issues when I saw The Bourne Supremacy yesterday with Merry.
So, in light of that... I made another Karl Urban wallpaper! It's in the My Other Walls section and it's a nice collage of pics from the movie.
Man... I really need a new banner and to, not only find the link where I got the Troy song, but also to get it to go away... it's messing up my Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy Moby Music ("Extreme Measures")!
Until next time... (wish me luck on my update writing...)

07-28-04 Well, once more it's been quite a while!
Ned Kelly came out on VHS and DVD yesterday. So, I also bought the soundtrack (which, to be honest, I didn't know was out yet). So, in light of all this, I've added the Ned Kelly Lyrics section with the two sung songs from the cd.
I'm also trying to come up with a new poll idea... but my brain hurts from thinking about it so much.
Still working on that fanfiction stuff. I had company for two weeks so computer time was very scarce.
Also... I just noticed I haven't put up the "Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me" song yet in the POTC section... I'll get right on that!
Anywho, I've gtg because I'll be late for work if I don't get ready soon, so
Until next time...

07-10-04 Wow... I sooo haven't updated in like forever. That should change soon though... possibly...
I want to start getting all my fanfiction up on here for starters. That could take an eternity in itself. I haven't been writing much, or updating for that matter, because I've been out of town and then very very busy with work.
Anywho... I just wanted to say one thing, so this isn't even a real update... seeing as how I'm at work and not in the mood to write something terribly awesome!
Here's what I have to say... and it's late in coming but I just found out about it today (me and the news don't get along very well either).

Congrats Hugh Jackman for winning the Tony for Best Actor in a Musical for your performance in The Boy From Oz!

I'm thinking about getting the soundtrack, or at least downloading one song, cause I want to know how well he sings. If he's anything like Ewan McGregor... then I'm definitely buying it!
Anyway, I'll try to do some actual updates really really soon, I swear it! I promise it! BY my life or death! *thinks* Wait... I'm not Aragorn...
So, until next time...

June 2004

06-11-04 First off... I'd like to say the following...

Happy 41st Birthday to Johnny Depp!
Happy 32nd Birthday to Karl Urban!
Happy 19th Birthday to ME!

Johnny's was on the 9th, Urban's on the 7th, and mine on the 10th.
Also, I just saw The Chronicles of Riddick today, with Karl Urban. A nice summer flick with lots of action and explosions and big sharp pointy sticks (but only for Vaako... hehehe).
I've only done a couple of small updates. I added two wallpapers to the My Other Walls area. One is of Urban as Vaako in Riddick and the other is of Josh Groban.
I've also moved any non-June updates into the Old Updates section, as well as taken down the old counters for The Calcium Kid and for Troy.
That's all for now so, until next time...

06-08-04 Okay, this has nothing to do with Orlando... the updates I mean.
First off, I was gone for so long because of a slight case of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (or however you spell it) so I stayed away from the comp for a few weeks.
Next, Merry, my friend, was going to kill me if I didn't put up a banner for PROJECT MONAGHAN. So I did. It's in the left bar, at the bottom.
Also... and this is Merry's fault too...
I've become a Grobanite
I know... I know... Why can I not obsess about one thing at a time?! But I have and I'm addicted to Josh Groban now. Courtesy of Merry and her cd. Which, btw, I know have his two cds and am looking into getting the sheet music for both, as well as the DVD concert. I've already printed out all his lyrics and their translations (if needed). Actually, it's also Troy's fault too! He did sing the ending theme, dang it!
Anywho, there's a Josh Groban banner down there and I'm making a small one that says I'm a Grobanite, it'll be up soon. There's also a link to a quiz to find out what Josh Groban song you are. I got "Vincent" and "Let Me Fall", though I'd rather be either "Remember When It Rained", "You're Still You", "Remember Me", or "Canto Alla Vita". I'm a lot like Achilles... but we'll save that discussion for another time.
I'm going to see Troy a 4th time sometime soon, then I'll begin the bigtime review once I've seen it again. I'm working on fanfiction updates right now, so check back at later tonight or tomorrow morning.
Until next time...

May 2004

05-24-04 I've added a movie review for The Calcium Kid.
I just watched it this morning and you can now read what I think.
I'll have a background for the page sometime soon, and I promise to get up a review for Troy very very soon.
ALso, I'm going to try to get Jimmy's quotes up, but I'll have to watch the movie like a million times first because Orli talks through the whole thing.
Ai! The price of being the lead!
Until next time...

05-18-04 Troy has grossed over $43 Million Dollars Nationwide over the past weekend!
I went to see it for my 2nd time today.
In light of all of this, I have put up THE COMPLETE QUOTES of Paris from Troy. That's right! Every single word Orlando Bloom says in that film is now in the Paris' Quotes section.
So, enjoy that, and I'll probably be adding my Troy fanfiction, I Am No Prince sometime soon.
Until next time...

05-16-04 First off I would like to congratulate Troy for making $16.95 Million on Saturday at the Box Office.
This gives it a total, for two days (May 14th - 15th) of...
$33.98 Million Dollars!
Now for updates...
I added a fandom button for a Prince Paris fansite.
Man, I just want to see it again, dang it all!
And stupid critics don't understand it!!!
They don't care that Petersen got a few things wrong, especially with the ending, but they're always complaining about the characters! My goodness! They're supposed to act the way they did in that film! From even my own research I've concluded so much BEFORE I saw the movie. It made it all the better to see them protrayed as they should have been!
Achilles WAS a glory hog! That's why he was there only to kill and to fight!
Hector WAS a brave man, but he was also a coward sometimes! That's why you saw him in a more fearful light every once in a while!
Paris WAS a coward! That's why he fled from Menelaus, like he does in the book (though that's supposed to be with Aphrodite's help)!
I just can't believe critics are bashing this movie so much because they don't think the characters were right. I think they were bloody damn near perfect!
Also, as my last note...

*stands and claps*
A standing ovation is in order for Mr. Bloom's performance.
Paris' fight with Menelaus, his emotional turmoil, and his fear of death and want of life was played perfectly.
Orlando, I salute you.
This is your best acting to date.

Until next time...

05-15-04 Just to tell you all, I saw Troy and I'll get a review and such up for it eventually.
As another note...
Troy made $16.94 Million on it's first day in release!
Until next time...



I Officially Declare Today, May 14th, 2004.... TROY DAY !

Yeah, like I have that power...
Anyway, here's the update!
I changed the counter to say that Troy is here!
*Gets all happy and giddy then calms down again*
I have also put up ALL of the lyrics for ALL THREE LOTR movies. A couple have Sindarin Translations of my own and they're all there and in perfect working order!
That's all I've done today really...
I have tickets for me and Merry (aka Danielle) and our friend Mark for 4:45pm central Texas time for Troy! So, if you guys don't mind... I'm gonna go start getting ready right now...
Until next time...


05-13-04 There's a second update for today!
I added a new scene from E! Behind The Scenes: Troy to the Paris' Quotes section.
I suppose though, that after tomorrow, I can just post up most of the script and won't have to update the quotes area nearly every day.
Until next time... and until after Troy...

05-13-04 I've added the page for LOTR Lyrics but it's only the main page for it. I haven't put any lyrics up yet. There are a couple songs on there, like Pippin's Song (The Steward of Gondor) and Use Well The Days that I have translated into Sindarin and I'll put those translations up there too. I'm thinking of doing another lyrics area for just songs from the Books... but that could take me an eternity seeing how many songs there are... especially Tom Bombadil's... AI! AI! SAVE ME!
Anywho, I'm sidetracked now by playing FFXI, so I'll try to update later perhaps.
Until next time...


05-12-04 I added some new quote blocks to the Paris' Quotes section! They're all from scenes we've seen before, but extended so there's more dialogue. There are three additions. One with Priam and Paris, one with Helen and Paris, and the last (and my fav) one with Hector and Paris (he's gettin' in trouble).
So, there's my update for today!
As a future note, I plan on putting the lyrics for the LOTR songs, the Black Hawk Down songs, the Ned Kelly songs (once I can get the soundtrack), and yes... even the Theme for POTC from the ride. But right now, there's only the song from Troy up and working.
Well, until next time...
*Jumps up and down like a giddy school kid.*

2 Days Til TROY!

05-11-04 I have a second update for today!
First off, I added a section called Lyrics under the Troy area. Here you can find the lyrics to the song "Remember Me" from the Troy soundtrack.
I've also added a new wallpaper to the Orli Walls section and one to the Paris / Troy Walls section.
I hope you guys like them!
Until next time...

05-11-04 The Troy Soundtrack is now available!
Except for at Best Buy. I went there to buy it and they said they didn't have it, but that it was supposed to come out. So I ended up buying it at Hastings.
I have to say that it freakin' rocks! "Remember Me" is a heartmoving song that makes me want to cry and the music, though the last scored track sounds a bit like music from Stargate, it's all done wonderfully well. It's no LOTR or POTC but it's good nonetheless!
Also, as an update...
I've added a couple Paris quotes to the Paris' Quotes section, from the HBO Special.
Well, until next time...

3 Days Till TROY!

05-08-04 The only thing I've done today is change one thing.
The Prince Paris section has now become the Real Paris section.
I realized that I should save the Prince Paris area for when I see the movie and I do a review of the character.
That's all for today so, until next time...


1 Week Til TROY!

In honor of Troy I have changed the Banner and put up a sound file on this main page. The song is the Trailer Theme for Troy.
BTW, when Troy has premiered, I'm changing the poll definitely to a choice of your favorite scene of Paris in the film.
Be on the lookout for more to come as the 7 day countdown begins!
There should be an update everyday until this epic hits theaters!
Until next time...

05-06-04 Hey all!
Click the banner above to sign the online petition, send letters and postcards to the studios of New Line and MGM, and also join in as a partner to... MAKE THE HOBBIT HAPPEN!

05-05-04 IT IS DONE!
I have been working all day on the Prince Paris section of the website and it is complete and up... with authentic images!
So, anything and everything you could ever want to know about Prince Paris of Troy... if there.
I also added a quote to the Paris' Quotes section from the MTV: Making the Movie: Troy special.


go and look at this new section about Paris. I seriously spent all day, from 8am to 7pm... nearly 12 hrs, working on it.
Thanks so much and, until next time...

05-03-04 Well, my day was quickly shot to hell. The only good thing that happened today was Orlando's video appearance on Oprah.
I would like to say this though, that I'm severly pissed off with the following things... and their idiotic rule about not chat log type of writing
The Show Your Quality Video Challenge because they disqualified my video because I didn't use material from ripped DVDs and I only downloaded the material instead.
Anyway, on to actual updates and not my complaints!
I did add a new quote to the Paris' Quotes section. It was an old one actually, but just the entire sentence. I have to go back and rewatch clips from Oprah but I don't think Paris said anything else. Orli's interview he sent via video was cute, though I worry about him sometimes. Poor guy, looks like he didn't like his Troy costume. But hey, at least he looks damn sexy in it. He talked about, for a few seconds, Paris getting his "ass handed to him by Brenden Gleeson" as Orli put it. Which, of course, is the fight between Paris and Menelaus. But that was pretty much it.
Brad Pitt was making me laugh though, and Eric Bana was cute as usual. Brad's singing was one of the highlights of the show though.
Anywho, I've gtg to work. as a parting announcement, check this out...
Until next time...

April 2004

04-27-04 I've got a few new wallpapers I'll be putting up later today, I hope (I've got class soon). They're Paris walls. Though they're not that great because the program I've been using isn't on my comp anymore, it's accessable, but not on my comp, and I've been using paint. But hey, what can I say.
Also... I just have to say that with the new pic of Paris getting his ass kicked by Menelaus... I JUST WANT TO HUG HIM! Seriously! It's an urge that cannot be controlled. My banner says it, my current desktop wallpaper says it (partially because there's the oh too cute pic of him about to cry it seems) and I just can't escape it!
Oh well...
Also, I'm thinking of changing the poll very soon! So get your votes in because it's changing when May comes around! It will probably also change after Troy comes out. After May 14th it will ask... "So, how did you like Troy?" The next poll however shall be along the lines of... "What do you think of Orli's straighted hair in Kingdom of Heaven?"
Until next time all...

04-21-04 This isn't an update really but I've got some interesting things to say.
First off, I thought I'd found a new Paris quote but it turns out I already had it up from the International Trailer. The new quote would have come from the trailer aired during Spartacus but yeah... anyway. I was going to say that there's this awesome new trailer out that has Orli fight scenes and, it's just mad! I absolutely love it!
Also, I want to report that I have finally found out what those shoes are that Orli wears in the Harpers And Queens magazine as well as in his Black and White Posters. They are Nike Air Rifts. I'm trying to find a pair for myself, but they only sell in the UK. Sadly, it's a long and tedious process... but I hope to get a pair soon because I absolutely adhore those shoes!
Anywho... yeah... no updates up me rambling on and on about cool things.
Until next time...


04-16-04 Yeah umm... this isn't really an update. Just a thought.
I'm going to be working hard on a piece for the Lord of the Rings section of the site. It'll be about how, in my opinion, movie Legolas and book Legolas are two completely seperate beings. I'll have images and explain things really well. I'm trying to give people insight to the two different types of Legolas' that people can work with in fanfiction. The softer, more emotional Legolas (book) and the harder clearer thinking Legolas (movie). Most fanfiction writers, myself included, uses a mesh of the two. It's easier and gets just the right balance of Legolas.
It'll take a while for me to do it all, and to get all the images, but when I do it will be worth the read. I'd start on it today but I've got work all day, so maybe tonight. I may put it up in pieces. Perhaps show Legolas in two different lights per book chapter... who knows.
Well, I've gtg so, until next time...


04-15-04 Okay, I lied... I updated again today.
For some reason doing this got my mind off the fact that my stomach burns. So...
I've added The Presta Chronicles to my LOTR Fanfiction section. All 4 short stories are up there, including the title for my 5th story which I'm currently working on.
Also, I added images for all those stories plus a new banner, as you can see.
Also, if someone disagrees with my comment under the banner for story #4, please e-mail me and tell me why. I would love to hear your opinion because, as of now, I'm the only one I know who thinks this... well... maybe Merry agrees with me, I'd have to ask her.
Anyway, that's all because, even though I'm sick, I still have to go to work and I need to go get ready.
So, until next time...


04-15-04 Hey all. I added a few links/banners/buttons to the sides and bottom of this page. I also took away the ROTK counter and the Ned Kelly counter since both movies are out now. I should put up the ROTK counter again for when the film will be out on dvd, but I'll do that later.
That's probably all for today. I'm not feeling that great.
Until next time...

04-14-04 Okay, I've added all the chapters for Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate and I've also added extra chapter titles to some stories, or added the titles of some stories, both under LOTR Fanfiction and POTC Fanfiction, so be on the lookout for new chapters and new stories very soon.
I'm sorry this has taken sooooo long.
I've also put all the updates from March in the Old Updates section.
Until next time...

04-13-04 Wow... lazy is not even the right word for me.
I've been seriously working on some stuff for Troy and for both Black Hawk Down and Ned Kelly but I keep getting sidetracked by one thing or another!
I've put up all the chapters for my story, Hiro Hyn Hidth Ab 'Wanath: They Are All Going To Die, at least all the chapters I have currently written. I've also put up all a few new chapters for Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate and I have only about 4 more to go before that entire story is up. I will be adding chapters very soon for both A Destined Journey and Savior And Destroyer. Also, there will be a few short fics by me, all Lord of the Rings based to be added, such as The Drinking Game, This Day, We Fight!, The Presta Chronicles, Into The West, The Matrix Nightmare, and Never Alone. I also plan on putting up the chapters I have so far for Pirates of the Caribbean: Barbossa's Revenge as well as for The Outer Limits of The Ducky.
So... that should tell you what I've got planned right now.

I am offering to make anyone banners for their stories, provided they ask me to host the said story on my site.

I don't know if anyone likes my banners, and as of right now the only fanfiction on here that isn't my own is Walls so I would like to add more!
Well, I think this is enough of an update for now. Oh, and I plan on making a new banner very soon that is Troy themed.
Until next time...

Whew.... that was a bad April Fools joke!
Making me believe Orli had to shave his head... again!
Anyway, I haven't really updated anything. I did fix the Ned Kelly button to say that the movie is now out *mumble* in select cities only *mumble*.
On another note, I just ordered three new Orlando Posters from but I guess that's kinda irrelavant...
As a side note... Troy seems to be beating everything else out in the poll. Man, I sooo can't wait for that!
Until next time everyone!

March 2004

03-10-04 Well, I updated Paris' Quotes with a couple lines. One from the International Trailer and one from the Brand New Trailer.
That is really all I've done today... but it looks like the new poll is coming along quote nicely so, keep voting!

03-03-04 I can't believe it! GRRRRRR....
Ned Kelly is only being released in the US in select cities on March 26th!
Not like I haven't seen it... but if I can't go to the theater to see it, I can't support the cause, right? I can't cheer for Orli and Heath, right? I can't sit there throug the entire credits and discuss with my best bud Merry what went on, right?
In other news, I put that bit of Select Cities on the Ned Kelly button down there at the bottom.
In other movie news... this friday is March 5th and also the opening day for Viggo Mortensen's Hidalgo
In other movie news still... next friday is March 12th and also the opening day for Johnny Depp's Secret Window
I think I want to see Depp's new movie more... but I'll go see both of them on their opening days.
I added the stuff for Elizabethtown as well as changed a Kingdom of Heaven mistake I had.
Oh, and one more thing... I changed the banner btw.
Lastly, I updated the Orlando Filmography with changes to Ned Kelly, The Calcium Kid, and Kingdom of Heaven and added Elizabethtown, Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and Pirates of the Caribbean 3.
I also added the Link To Me! section with a selection of buttons of every Orli character (Rentboy is still to come, as is Peter Drinkwater).
That's all from me for now...



The Lord of the Rings took home all 11 Oscar nominations last night at the 76th Academy Awards of 2004!
But... Poor Johnny Depp was beat out by Sean Penn for Best Actor.
Hang in there, Johnny! You'll get it!
Anyway, onto the updates...
I moved all the old updates into the Old Updates section. I added a Johnny Depp wallpaper (of him at the Oscars... sexyyyy) and one of Billy and Dom just chillin'. They are both in the My Other Walls area in the About Me section. Lastly, I changed the poll!
Here are the results from last time...
I asked you: "What Role Do You Like Orlando In The Most?"
Here are your answers...
Joe Byrne got 0% with 0 votes.
Rentboy got 0% with 1 vote.
Todd Blackburn got 2% with 3 votes.
Legolas Thranduilion got 44% with 54 votes.
And the winner is...

William "Will" Turner with 52 % and 64 votes!

The new poll asks the question: "What Orlando Movie Are You Most Looking Forward To?"
Well, until next time...

February 2004

Whoa... sorry about the lag time.
I was in New Orleans for a wedding, and college has got me totally booked, not to mention my job. I barely have time to hang out with my friends or to work on my fanfictions or my original stories... let alone update!
However, today I was bitten by the Troy bug and decided to make a couple of new Wallpapers for the Troy section. I also made a new Wallpaper from than Vanity Fair image of Orli.
I have also added one of Paris' Quotes from Troy.
I promise a new poll to come very soon... and the moving of old updates to the old updates section... as well as a new layout... possibly one dedicated to Troy itself... who knows. Although, that Vanity Fair image is really really fine....
I also fixed that Calcium Kid button... According to the BBC, it's out on April 30th in the UK.

First off...

Happy Belated Birthday... ELIJAH WOOD!

Elijah was 23 on Jan 28th.
AI! AI! Did everyone see that Troy commercial during the Super Bowl?! It was like the Legolas doorway scene for me all over again. I sat there, open mouthed, speechless and unable to think...
Then Merry called me like 2 seconds afterwards!
It was a great night for movie trailers... Troy (with Orli and Brad Pitt and Sean Bean and Eric Bana), Secret Window (with Johnny Depp), Hidalgo (with Viggo)... it was unreal!
So, in light...
I have added the Paris' Quotes section in the Troy area because Orli actually spoke!!! Two lines!!! He spoke as much as Brad Pitt!!!

January 2004

And now... for the moment you have all been waiting for...

Academy Award Nominations!

Here they are... well... here are the awards which The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl are nomiated for!

Best Actor In A Leading Role

Johnny Depp
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Art Direction

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Art Direction: Grant Major
Set Decoration: Dan Hennah and Alan Lee

Costume Design

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Ngila Dickson and Richard Taylor


The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Peter Jackson

Film Editing

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Jamie Selkirk


The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Richard Taylor and Peter King
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Ve Neill and Martin Samuel

Music (Original Score)

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Howard Shore

Music (Original Song)

Into the West
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Music and Lyrics by Fran Walsh, Howard Shore, and Annie Lennox

Best Picture

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
A Wingnut Films Production
Producers: Barrie M. Osborne, Peter Jackson, and Fran Walsh

Sound Editing

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Christopher Boyes and George Watters II

Sound Mixing

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Christopher Boyes, Michael Semanick, Michael Hedges, and Hammond Peek
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Christopher Boyes, David Parker, David Campbell, and Lee Orloff

Visual Effects

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Jim Rygiel, Joe Letteri, Randall William Cook, and Alex Funke
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
John Knoll, Hal Hickel, Charles Gibson, and Terry Frazee

Adapted Screenplay

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Screenplay by Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, and Peter Jackson

And there you have it folk! The 2004 Nominees for these two wonderful films for the Academy Awards.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King has a huge 11 nominations! Which is the most this year
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl has 4 nominaitons! Which is only 2 less than Mystic River (a movie that I do not want to win.)!
That's all from me for today. I've not much time to update but thought that this might be known to everyone.
Last however, I have one final message...

Sean Astin ROCKS!

And the fact that he was not nominated for an Academy Award is just sick and wrong!
So Sean... wherever you are... just know that your fans and fans of LOTR in general, cried when they learned that you did not recieve the nomination for Best Supporting Actor.

We Love Ya, Sean!!!

Hey all! I added a Lord of the Rings Fan Art section, complete with an image I drew of Elladan and Elrohir... it sucks... kinda sorta... but hey, what can I say? There is also one of Young Legolas, which is based on the Dream poster of Orlando.
Also, I've added some buttons at the bottom right of this page. They're fandom buttons with pretty cool sites and all.
Lastly, I've added 2 New Wallpapers to the Lord of the Rings Wallpapers section. One I made and another is a drawing by this awesome artist name Dawnlyn.
To Dawnlyn... if you don't want this wallpaper up on my site, e-mail me and I will imediately take it down. However, I think your art is wonderful and the most amazing I have ever seen. No one can capture Orlando's looks like you can!
As a side note... the Poll will end at the end of this month (I hope) so I would appreciate poll suggestions! Please, e-mail them to me! I will also announce who won. Currently... Will Turner has 50% while Legolas has 49%. Apparently, no one likes any of his other roles... Poor Todd and Joe... I don't blame anyone for not liking Rentboy too much. *smirk*



Okay, with that said... more for the message. Happy Birthday, Orlando. I hope you have a great 27th year. It must be hard to be filming on your birthday, but I hope you go out and celebrate it till dawn tonight! Your fans all wish you the happiest!
Now... for my actual website updates.
I've revised the Happy Birthday, Orli! poem in the Orlando Bloom Fanfiction section. I added a few verses about Kingdom of Heaven, POTC 2, and Haven, as well as changed it from twenty-six to twenty-seven.
Also, Orlando is being considered for taking Aston Kutcher's part in Elizabethtown AND, he's at the top of the casting list (also known as they want him the most) to play a murderer in Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
Here's what the OBFiles had to say about it...
From German director Tom Tykwer will direct the 18th-century thriller Perfume: The Story of a Murderer for Constantin Film. Variety reports that Orlando Bloom is said to be high on the company's wish list to play the role of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, an odorless Frenchman driven to murder by an olfactory obsession. The film was originally intended as a directorial vehicle for Ridley Scott when Constantin founder Bernd Eichinger acquired the rights to Patrick Sueskind's novel three years ago in what was one of the biggest book deals in years. "Perfume" chronicles the life of a man born with no smell of his own yet he develops a near super-human olfactory sense. Using his talent to create unrivaled perfumes, he turns to murder while searching for the ultimate scent.
Well, I guess it would be a plus that Orli can speak French, right?
Actually, it's kinda creepy that I heard about this today because on Sunday night, I was thinking about Orli playing a villain. I was watching The Astronaut's Wife with Johnny Depp, and Depp is the villain and he was creeping me out. Well, after it was over I was leaning back on the bed and looking up at the Orlando Dream poster I have behind me. Then I started thinking about what it would be like to see Orli as the villain... and the thought freaked me out! So, in light of that, I started working on a suspense thriller of my own in which I have in my mind Orlando as the killer.
But anyway... I think he would be great for the role because everyone sees him as playing the "good guy" the "hero" and for him suddenly to play the "villain"... gives me freaked out chills just thinking about it!
But that's all the updates... sorry!

01-09-04 The Kingdom of Heaven photo which I had posted up here has been taken down.
The OB Files states that they had been asked to remove the photots and they ask others to remove them as well.
I have done this.
Sorry about any inconvience.

01-08-04 There's a new banner in honor of Orlando Bloom's 27th birthday, coming up on January 13th!
I added some pictures of me and my friends in the About Me section. There's pics in there from the ROTK premiere, my friends and I making Lembas, and soon there will be pics from my POTC party, my friend's LOTR party (maybe), and one of my guy friends who ended up dressing as Jack for Halloween (and even got into the movie theater free because of it...).
I've done a major overhall and added a lot of stuff to the Legolas Profile. I even added a text by an author who supports the idea that Legolas may be only about 500 years old. Now that I read it... I'm beginning to agree.
Also, I added a Fanfiction into the Lord of the Rings Fanfiction section. It is called Walls and written by SueB. So, for once, it's something that isn't one of my own creations, though the image for it is. It's a fanfic about Faramir and Aragorn, having a talk about how Boromir fell. It's really emotional and brilliantly done, so go read it!
Lastly, I fixed the Troy counter button at the bottom of the page. Merry brought it to my attention yesterday that I had the date for the Canada Release instead of for the USA Release. So, Troy does come out on May 14th, not on May 21st, for fans in the US.
Another thing, Orlando's character name for Kingdom of Heaven has been changed!
One more thing, I added SueB's fanfiction archive link in the Links section, but you can also get to it through her story as well. There are also links up now in the Links section for The One Ring, The Official Lord of the Rings, Full Bloom, and Orlando Multimedia. There are also links there (which were there before but I'm bringing them to your attention again) for The Orlando Bloom Files, The Mellon Chronicles,,, and The Lord of the Rings RPG (which is my personal RPG).
I've also moved all of the updates from December into the Old Updates section.

01-05-04 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I have officially seen ROTK three times... which is a sad number for me.
Well... onto updates...
I've added a fanfiction entitled, It's You And Me... Till The Wheels Fall Off and it has to do with the film, The Order. It can be found in the My Other Fanfics section under About Me.
I hope you read it! And I hope that I can get some more updates on fanfiction and other things up here soon!


That's all I've done... though... if anyone can find me some pics of Legolas when he walked through that door near the end... or of him with that circlet... I would greatly appreciate them being e-mailed to me.
For then... I would make a wallpaper!

12-12-03 I haven't updated anything... but I just had this random urge to share this picture with the world. I don't remember where it came from, but I swear it is the funniest Manga LOTR picture I've ever laid eyes one.
It's bloody brilliant!

12-10-03 There's a new banner with images from GQ Magazine.
This banner is also dedicated to Merry / Danielle because she's gotten that bloody song "Sex Bomb" stuck in my head! Now... I know how Aragorn feels, Merry... AI! AI! A Balrog has come... in the form of Tom Jones!!!
I added Fanfiction for Black Hawk Down. The first 2 chapters and prologue are up for view for the BHD story, The Fall of The Cards and there is a story banner picture of Orlando as Blackburn and the real Todd Blackburn himself.

12-9-03 I added Todd's Quotes in the Black Hawk Down section.

12-7-03 Okay, all the Old updates for the month of NOVEMBER have been put into the said section.
I've finished making all the pages for the fanfics, fiction, and information.
Anything that is underlined is open and working properly.
I just thought I would tell everyone that.
Also, I took off the section for Pirates of the Caribbean 2 because I'm going to end up doing it just like Lord of the Rings. There will be a storyline for CBP (Curse of the Black Pearl) and for whatever letters will come up for the next movie... which isn't scheduled to shoot until January 2005!
I don't think I ever mentioned this but, in the LOTR section, all those Storylines areas cover ONLY Legolas. If you guys want me to, I'll go back and make them for all the characters... but you have to TELL me! Also, TELL me if you think I should do a Storyline section for the movies and then a Storyline section for the books. Right now I believe they're kind of melded together. I am doing two seperate ones for Ned Kelly, though one is called, True Story and the other Movie Storyline, the latter still not completed.
In other words, E-mail me and tell me if you think I should do that (storyline for LOTR movies then seperate one for books, and/or, storylines to involve all characters, not just Legolas) or not.

12-6-03 I added a new wall in the Orli Walls section. It's a collage of different screencaps from his appearance on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno.
I want to make one of pics from Primetime's special on The Return of the King but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

12-4-03 I've put up the Joe Quotes as well as moved all the Fanfiction for various movies and such into their own little page. It's all under Fan Fiction under the wanted movie.
I don't know how much I'll be updating because I'm working hard on my Historical Fiction, Ah Joe. I'm attempting to make an independent film for a local film festival from this story so I'm trying to finish it up and put it into script. The film's due in Feburary, so I have to work non-stop on it.
The Todd's Quotes section is nearly ready to go up. It'll just take me a bit to type it all down.
On the Joe's Quotes area, you have to keep in mind that this DVD I have has sucky subtitles (what can I say, it came from Malaysia). So, everything on there is how I heard it. Certain words or phrases I might have gotten wrong due to their heavy accents. Just please keep that in mind.
Also, if you want to know where I got my Region 1 DVD of Ned Kelly, feel free to e-mail me. I promise this is not a copy, least nothing on it tells me it's a copy. It cost me about $24 and took about two to three weeks to come in. So, if you have any questions, e-mail me.

12-2-03 "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" is now out on DVD and VHS!
I've revamped the Legolas Quotes section, as well as added some Link buttons to the bottom left of this page!
Also, I'm working on the Joe Quotes, Todd Quotes, as well as new Will Quotes from the POTC dvd deleted scenes. Expect those soon... and I might have to put up a Sparrow one just because I about died laughing from it. If you've ever seen Benny and Joon then you'll get the deleted scene of Jack during the "parlay" escapade!
Plus, I've got some Orli quotes that I want to put in my random quoter at the top of the page. They came from Guideposts For Teens magazine. Look for that soon as well!

12-1-03 "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" has officially arrived!
The film premiered in Wellington, New Zealand today... well, at like 3:00 a.m. central time for the US. Now... you gotta love the red scarf/bandana/tie that Orli had going on... very sexy!

Sorry, I've got a thing for such articles of clothing.
Anywho, I added a new Legolas Quote from The Return of the King. It's from a clip of The Paths of the Dead. You can download it at The One Ring.
And... I've added Chapter 17, 18, 19, and 20 to my fanfic, FLRF. More may be on the way in a bit.
Also, I will not be hosting images. Later there may be gifs, but no images. If you want those, please see the links to The Orlando Bloom Files and Orlando Multimedia up at the top of this page. They are both also excellent places for news as well!
I've added sections for Pirates of the Caribbean 2, Haven, and Kingdom of Heaven to the sidebars as well.
Plus, I've added a Poll at the bottom right of this page. Please take it and let me know that people are visiting my site and that I'm not just doing this for no particular reason...
Lastly, I've put up the Rentboy's Quote so you can find it in the Wilde section. And, the small page giving a description of Rentboy is up as well. A lot of typing went on there, let me tell ya... j/k.


11-30-03 I added Chapter 16 to FLRF as well as a Main Page for my new LOTR fanfiction, Savior and Destroyer. There are no chapters up there yet, but they should be coming soon.
Also, I have moved all of the Updates from October into the Old Updates section.

"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" premieres in Wellington, New Zealand tomorrow on December 1st !!!!!

11-29-03 I have added Legolas in TTT Chapters 1 and 2, in the Lord of the Rings section.
Took me a bit because he's in The Two Towers (TTT) a lot more than any of the others.
The next one that will be up under that same section will probably be chapters 5 - 7. However, I may have to start cutting them down to only 2 chapters a page since there are sooooo many Legolas quotes.
I also plan on having up Joe's quotes from Ned Kelly, Todd's Quotes from Black Hawk Down, and Rentboy's Quote from Wilde. I actually own a Region 1 DVD of Ned Kelly and it's brilliant. It's no POTC or LOTR, but it's still very very good.
Also, I have updated Orli's Filmography to include movies such as Haven, Kingdom of Heaven, and Pirates of the Caribbean 2.
Lastly, I also plan on going back into Legolas' quotes and doing them much as I did Will's quotes, with entire scenes to make it less confusing. I liked how Will's quotes looked when I checked it the other day, and have decided to go back in and do that for Legolas' as well.
Also... *takes a deep breath.* I've added some Orlando's Words of Wisdom up at the top. It was an angelfire gear which I made a long long time ago and never used.
There is also now a way to get in touch with me via e-mail! Email Me is now up and running!
And, be looking forward to the adding of a fanfiction of mine entitled, Savior and Destroyer. There are only three and a half chapters written so far, and a picture made up for the fic. I know I still need to get everything else put up in the LOTR fanfiction stuff, not to mention my POTC fanfiction as well. I've got a few new short LOTR stories which you all might like. Who knows.
17 Days Till ROTK!
ROCK ON!!!!!!!!

11-27-03 WOOT!
I've put up the Language Mechanics for the Elven Language of Sindarin!
You can find it under the Lord of the Rings section under, Learn Elvish.
I hope you like it!
I've also added the two newest chapters (CH 8 and CH 9), to HHH.

11-19-03 There are now 5 new wallpapers in the LOTR: Walls section. I have also added a new banner. Look for more soon!

11-18-03 I added Legolas' Quotes from The Two Towers Extended Edition. Also, I put in his quote from the Return of the King Trailer.
More is to come, I swear. I'm just a bit busy. I've got a lot of new wallpapers to put up as well. So, I'll try to get to those soon.


10-29-03 I've added the 1st chapter of a new story, this one is a historical fiction dealing with "Joe Byrne". It's called Ah Joe and can be found in the Ned Kelly section of this site. It's going to be a long story from Joe's POV and will deal with everything from childhood to his father's death to his opium addiction to his friendship with Ned and also the betrayal of Aaron.

10-21-03 I put up a New Banner!
Merry... aka Danielle... was getting mad about the white tuxedo pic, though I think he's sexy in it. So, I changed it to two of the newest Orlando photos around!
The White one is of Orli at the Lili Claire Benefit in L.A. on Saturday, October 18th.
The Black one is of Orli at the Hollywood Awards Gala in L.A. on Monday, October 20th.
The statement's true, no?
Black Or White... Orlando's Cute In Any Light !
I'll try to get a few more good updates up and possibly finish updating FLRF as well as HHH sometime soon.
I also want to get some of the stuff done under such catagories as The Trojan War, Pirates of the Caribbean, Black Hawk Down, and even more under both Orlando and Lord of the Rings.
I'll try to get to it soon. Class and work have got me pretty bogged down as of late!

10-20-03 I've added a new Orlando Wallpaper. It's a collage type with the pics of him in the green t that's stained with white paint and his hair's wet. It's got some lyrics from a Maroon 5 song.
There are also some new chapter updates but I'm pressed for time and I'll have to look up what they are later.

10-15-03 I've fixed the banner problem. If anyone is having issues viewing the site, please e-mail me at
Any who, as soon as stops screwing around with me, I'll post up the two updates for both HHH and DJ.
Sorry for the inconvenience to anyone.

10-06-03 I have finished putting up all the chapters to my Lord of the Rings fanfiction, Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die! aka NDD as well as having put up the latest, Chapter 4 for the fanfic, Hiro Hyn Hith Ab 'Wanath: Let Them Find Peace In Death aka HHH.
Also, I added two new wallpapers to the Orlando Walls section, as well as a wallpaper of my fanfic images in the Lord of the Rings Walls section.
There may be another update to HHH within the day seeing as how I am currently working on a new chapter.
Lastly, I updated my counter for The Calcium Kid because I had the wrong date. I am also currently looking for one for The Trojan War.
And I have also put in a section under Website Stuff entitled, Old Updates so you can go back and read what I've written all the days prior to this month of October.
Look for more to come!


09-23-03 I added Chapter 3 to my fanfic, Hiro Hyn Hidh Ab 'Wanath: Let Them Find Peace In Death as well as added Chapter 2 to the fanfic, A Destined Journey.
Also, I can't remember if I said this or not but, I have also added a story image to each of the following fanfics:...
Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die
Hiro Hyn Hidh Ab 'Wanath: Let Them Find Peace In Death
Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate
A Destined Journey

09-21-03 I added a lot of Wallpapers this morning. The following is a list of those I've added and their sections...
2 - Orlando Walls
1 - The Trojan War Wall
1 - Ned Kelly Wall
2 - The Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King Walls

09-20-03 I've put up Chapters 1 - 15 for my fanfic, Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate as well as Chapter 1 (and the only chapter) for that fanfic's sequel, A Destined Journey.

09-18-03 I made new pages!
First off, I've added the section Peter's Quotes under the Midsomer Murders area.
And second, I've put up Chapter 1 & Chapter 2(currently the only two) for my fanfiction, Hiro Hyn Hidh Ad 'Wanath: Let Them Find Peace In Death.
I am also trying to get all the chapters up for Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate as well as for Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die! and the same goes for A Destined Journey which I have yet to even make a page for.

09-16-03 I swear this is the final update for this evening!
I have added Chapter 18 & 19 for my fanfic story, Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!.
I have updated the About Me section to include a couple of new things.
I've now added a fanfiction for the film, Once Upon A Time In Mexico and it's called, I Have No Eyes and is in the My Other Fanfics section.
Okay, I've fixed the Biography as well as updated the Filmography.
Also, expect a few more updates before the night is over and yes, I'm still working on those fanfics. Although now, Hiro Hyn Hidh Ab 'Wanath: Let Them Find Peace In Death now has an image to go with the chapters that are not there yet.... AI! AI!

09-12-03 I added the Links section today.
I'm also trying to get more fanfic chapters up, as well as stick up a short fanfiction that I wrote... though, it has nothing to do with Orli, but it does have a Johnny Depp character in it.
And yes, I know I still need to fix that bio!

09-11-03 I have just added Chapters 14 - 17 for my Lord of the Rings fanfiction, Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!
More to come shortly and no, I haven't forgotten about updating the Biography for Orlando. Just haven't gotten around to it yet... that's all.

09-10-03 I've modified the chapters in Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die! to where they are read more easily and also put up Chapter 13 in there. I've finished the story actually and am in the process of not only adding all 30 chapters, but making it readable in one sitting (in case you wanted to print it out or something).
Also, I've added the sequel to that story entitled, Hiro Hyn Hîdh Ab 'Wanath: Let Them Find Peace After Death but no chapters are up as of yet and only 1 chapter is currently written.
Lastly, I am going to be updating the Biography section for Orlando because of recent news about his true father and his diet and such like that. So, expect that sometime soon as well... if I can remember to get to it while I'm updating other things.


08-05-03 I added all the quotes of Orlando from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. It resides under, Will's Quotes in the POTC section.

08-04-03 I've added the Prologue to my story, Bound By Blood in a new section under Website Stuff entitled, My Fictions. I hope you all enjoy it. I'm also working on some other good stuff for you, so be patient!

JULY 2003

07-18-03 I've put up my short story Fanfiction for Ned Kelly as well as a part in the True History section of Ned Kelly. This part in the history is actually my High School Senior English Research Paper, which I happily worked hard on and scored a 100!

07-10-03 I've added some new Wallpapers to the Orlando Walls section. Nice ones from Flaunt and The Face Magazines!
Also, I've started to put up one of my Fanfictions for The Lord of the Rings. The first few chapters are up now, as we speak, and the rest can be found at under the user name LegolasLover2003. There are actually two of that name, but mine's the one with more stories. 16 or something like that!
I also plan on doing A LOT with the Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl stuff very soon! I just saw the movie yesterday and am supposed to see it again today! But yeah, so look forward to that!

JUNE 2003

06-28-03 The Movie Quotes section for Lord of the Rings is now working.
I've also updated the FOTR Mentions, Chapters 2-5. There was a piece in chapter 3 I had forgotten about.
Also, just to let you know, the words on the bars to your left and right, which are underlined, are working links!
That's all the updates however.
Sorry guys!

06-19-03 Hey! I've actually got this new layout working but I'm still trying to get links in and everything. I'm a but busy today so bear with me. Also, I've got the counter buttons up as well as some links to If you buy a poster from there, use my link. It would be much appreciated!

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