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Links A website dedicated to fanficton by numerous authors in various catagories. A website dedicated to original fiction by numerous authors in various catagories.

The Orlando Bloom Files: The greatest fansite for Orlando Bloom news and information on the net.

Orlando Multimedia: An Orlando Bloom fansite with all sorts of images and media and news.

Full Bloom: Yet another great Orlando Bloom fansite, with some really funny comedy readings.

The One Ring: The Ultimate site for anything "Lord of the Rings".

The Official Lord of the Rings: This is the official movie site.

The Mellon Chronicles: A huge fansite with "Lord of the Rings" fanfiction, including my favorite... "The Mellon Chronicles".

Sen O Gwend: A fanfiction site dealing with Friendship.

"Lord of the Rings" RPG: A Role Playing Game involving Tolkien's world of Middle-earth.

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