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Craig Parker Forum Chat!

I was lucky enough to sit in (and ask a few questions, I'm LegolasLover2003) on a forum chat with the one and only Craig Parker!
For those of you who don't know, Craig plays Haldir in the first two Lord of the Rings films.
Here's what he, and his fans, had to say in this awesome Q & A session!

Background taken from Craig Parker . Net


Admin: We had to move to this thread as the other was 13 pages long. Everybody, I would like to introduce you to the one and only Craig Parker. Craig will be using the aaaevents user name. Be patient everyone and try to remain calm. Over to you Craig

Craig: hi guys. please be gentle with me... this is my first time

Shadowfax: Hello Craig. How are you? I was just wondering if it's true that you will be doing a con in Belgium in October.

Craig: I don't know anything about that shadowfax but I lost my diary the other day and anyything is possible!

Lady: Ha, found :-) Great to ... read you :-) This is a question from a friend concerning Henley from „No one can hear you“: Henley is nearly identical with Dewey from “Scream”. Was this intended and has it been your idea?

Craig: Yes, I am sorry for the film, we all had a lot of fun but it's crap isn't it!

Adora: Hi Craig- First off, you were incredible in both FOTR and TTT. I am an avid book verse fan and truly, you personified Haldir exactly how I pictured him. Your presence alone gave incredible power to what would have otherwise been an insignificant role. Fabulous performance! My question for you is: How did Lord of the Rings affect you on an emotional level? I have noticed that the experience of either being part of the cast or simply just viewing the movies seems to have a profound effect on basically everyone. I myself was recovering from temporary paralysis and a broken engagement when I watched the first two and the movies really did change my life so much for the better. In a time where I had lost all faith in my life and myself, the theme of hope and courage against seemingly impossible odds within those movies really struck a chord within me. I still watch them whenever things go wrong in my life and they really do so much to brighten my world. Even if you don't get to answer my question, I wanted to thank you for being a part of that. Best wishes, Adora

Craig: Dear Adora, wow, I'm thrilled that the films had such an effect on you and got you through a difficult time. Isn't that the brilliance of Tolkien and Peter's creations. It allows us to escape into a different world.

Ginny: Thx admin ! Hi Craig ! I'll see you in Paris in September, do you speak french ? Or know a few words?

Craig: A little bit but I get scared, I will do my best!

Parn: hello Craig and welcome We are french fans Give us some fresh news please about the festival ? More lasts guests to come ?

Craig: You will have to speak to the festival team, I 'm just the hired help!

Silwen: Welcome from Poland. So great to see you!

Craig: Thanks Silwen, thanks for having me. What's good evening in polish?

Sakura_Moon: Hello, Mr. Parker. This is Shawna from Texas and I was wondering if you could answer my question's? how long did it take you to get your elvish down ? my second question is are you going to do any commentary for Return of the King my third question is what was it like to be on the set of Xena. my fourth qusetion is how did you prepared for your role as an Elf and what was the most difficult about that. and my final question what was it like learning your Elvish lines. thank you for your time MR. Parker and i hope to see you in another movie soon. thank you Shawna

Craig: Nice to see you Shawna, Lots of questions there willdo my best! It took forever to learn elvish and even on the day I had to be prompted between takes. I blame the blond wig. no commentry on the dvd. Xena was great thanks to Lucy and Rene.

LadyGarnett: Hello Craig: We met at the Dinner with Craig Parker. *waves* At that time I asked when you would be coming to California. You mentioned Dragon*con. I recently learned that you may be coming to Atlanta? Please say yes! I have already bought tickets and booked airfare. The least I could do was meet you halfway.

Craig: Hi Lady, nice to see you again! I will see you there at dragoncon.

LegolasLover2003: Hi, Mr. Parker. This is Ashley from the USA and I was wondering a couple of things regarding your experiences on the set of "The Lord of the Rings". I have a couple questions. The first question is what was filming like, emotionally and physically and how did you gear up for your death scene? My second question is what was your favorite part of your wardrobe for the movie? My last two questions are, do you have any near future plans for any more films? And, in the scene where Aragorn hugs your character at Helm's Deep, was that rehearsed because your expression was priceless. How did that whole thing come about? Thanks so much for taking the time to answer our questions! Thank you, Ashley

Craig: Hey Ashley, It was wonderful doing all the helms deep stuff, when you were there it was so real that very little pretending needed. Favourite costume is definitely the armour though it was hell to wear. The great thing about working with viggo is that you played a lot and interesting moments happened.

Anny: hello craig *waves* have met you a few times now and your such a darling

Craig: waves back vigiously

Merry: wow Craig do you realise how much people love you on here !!!

Craig: aw shucks.... you make me blush

Bear: Hi Craig! Are there any books that you've read recently or are currently reading that you're enjoying and would like to recommend? How about CDs? Looking forward to seeing you at Dragon*Con in a few weeks!

Craig: Just finished what I loved by siri someone. It was beautiful Cd's - just listened to bic runga. Brilliant

Frodo: Have you read lord of the rings ? and if you have at what point did you read it?

Craig: Yes Frodo, when I was 3. Actually, it was more like 23!

Samwise Gamgee: HEYYYYYYYYYYY CRAIG!!!! how u doin? marie xx


SithNemesis: Hello Mr.Parker!! I am Sith from Spain ….btw, sorry for my English, a crazy scot is teaching me….*laughs* due to be cursed I can not go to any Con (broke my ankle few months ago and still in physiotherapy) the only way to see you is on the big screen so….when will I have the pleasure to see you again there?? please please help this poor cursed fan of yours Peace&Love and lots of Spanish hugs SITH “the cursed one”

Craig: Get better soon and see you sometime in Spain for ceveca... is that a beer??? xx

Inew: Hi Craig! Welcome to the madness.. *LOL* How are you this fine evening? My first question (except for the one I just asked of course.. ) is: What questions are you most tired of being asked? (So I’ll now what not to ask.. *LOL*) Great to have you here! //Kristin

Craig: I love all quetsions, I love to talk!

Lady: But it's always good for a laughter, don't you think? I have two more questions, I will post them at once as this will be easier I guess ... You’ve been born on Fiji. Have you ever thought about going back to live there? Why/Why not? And the second one: Do you have any things in common with your Character Alistair Kingsley from Mercy Peak?

Craig: I love Figi, I plan to build a house there, but there are lots of other places to live as well. as to m.peak... alistair and I both love Sarah Wiseman.

Leesa: Hi Craig I wanna know if you've ever been to sweden, and also what you associate swedes with? luv Leesa

Craig: Unfortunately I have not, would love to go one day

Mithfiniel: Hello Craig! I was the one who gave you the copy of the Very Secret Diaries in Seattle last fall *waves*

Craig: Thanks Mith, they are fantasic, thanks

Lothenon: Hi Craig, this is Florian, greetings from Germany! there are two things I'd very much like to ask: 1.) Do you know the name of the stunt guy who played the orc that killed Haldir? and 2.) Have you seen the RotK Extended Edition yet?

Craig: Hi Loth, yes, it was sala Baker> No, I haven't yet, can't wait!

Mae_Govannan: Hi Craig, hlad to have you here, I have 2 question ( hope that's pk) 1) what is you favorite line of Haldir's? and 2) did you keep the "audrey" outfit from Moulan rouge?

Craig: favourite line, aaaarrrrgggghhhhh! Audrey??????????

Note: Apparently they were confused because a lot of us pointed out that Audrey was a David Wenham role. Sorry Mae-Govannan!

Crazyslashchick: Hi Craig! I'm Amanda from the UK and I only have two questions for you... For now. 1) Has there been any one actor you have learnt alot from or enjoyed working with the most? 2) You don't really see alot of actors from New Zealand in Big Hollywood films. Do you have any thoughts on that? Thanks Craig!

Craig: Yes, I learn something from everyone even the ones you don't like!

Forest: Hey Craig It's great to see you here. I have a couple of questions but here's the first. I have attached a picture of some elves that are in your death scene in The Two Towers and I was wondering if they were supposed to be Rumil and Orophin - Haldir's brothers. Thanks ~Forest

Craig: quite possibly I was too busy dying to notice!

Laura: Hi Craig!! It's really great to have you here. I was wondering, did you get to keep something from LotR?? (Like Elijah got the Ring) THX!! Laura

Craig: yeah, I got to take a warg home! It keeps the burlgars away and is great at playing fetch

Miss Samwise: hey craig, i love the whole helm's deep scene and i was wondering how you felt about the death scene and the fan's reaction to it being completely different then the books. you did amazing. thanks, <3 Samantha

Craig: Thank you miss samwise

Ymina: Hi Craig! I'm Ymina in Vancouver B.C. (But I currently reside in Seattle Washington......) Anyways I'm a medical resident at UW medical centre in Seattle and I was just called into work so I need to go in a minute, (I have a patient who's taken a turn for the worst........) anyways, I wanted to ask who was your insperation for Alistair Kingsley when you were on Mercy Peak? (I used to watch it when it was on the W channel in Canada)

Craig: Hi Ymina, thanks so much, it was such a wonderful show to work on and we are so proud of it, am glad you like it!

XxElenorXx: Hey Craig! How are you! Hope you´re fine I just want that you know that you were great at the Elf Fantasy Fair

Craig: Thanks I had a great time too!

Silwen: It's so crowdy here and my voice is so quiet I'll try though. Will you be appearing in any of the European theatres? British for example? I would so much like to go and see it!

Craig: I can hear you Silwen just fine! hopefully next year, let's see what happens.

Samwise Gamgee: hey craig! random question....wheres the best place youve visited on your travels.

Craig: Here at Festival Towers! No, seriously, I love Paris in the spring time.

Shayney: Hey Craig, Belgium here ;-) I was wondering how you manage to balance your work with your private life. It must be hectic, flying from one country to the other and doing shoots in between as well. But you always seem to have smile on your face. Don't get me wrong, I think that's great, I just don't think I could do that. The occasional peace and quiet are a must for me, as they no doubt are for a lot of people. Love, Shayney.

Craig: I adore travelling, and I have friends all over the place so it's the perfect way to mix business and pleasure!

Welsh_Branwen: Hi Craig I just wanted to ask what you miss most about New Zealand when you're over here adn what you miss about the UK when you're in NZ? Jo BTW Lisa would have loved to be here but she's having dinner with a load of senile golfers instead - she said to say hi

Craig: I don't really miss it, I spend a lot of time in London and there so it never feels that I am missing out. Say hi to Lisa for me. Golf is dum.

Vesta Morgaine: Hello Mister Parker...first of all I'd like to say it's wonderful to meet you. To help keep threads down I'll just keep all of my stuff in one post. When you did the Intrepid journey, how did it affect you spiritually? I have always been curious about that. Being a High Priestess and all, I can appreciate how that would affect someone. Also, I have been asked to set up and host a convention here in Indiana. The place it would be held at is called Lothlorien ( ) which is a nature sanctuary. How would I go about recruiting actors such as yourself to attend? It will be strictly Lord of the Rings. My email address is in my profile if you can help and need to post something that you wish to not post on the thread. Thank you so much for your time and keep up the wonderful work you do. May the Lord and Lady Bless You Always, Vesta Morgaine (high priestess and fan)

Craig: High Priestess, cool name! Sounds great, contact me via the festival team and I will what I can do. Nepal was amazing but everywhere has something to teach you.

Supersonica: Hi Craig, hope, that you remember us, the crazy hungarians from RingConBonn 2003 and Istrocon How are you? What are you doing now in London? I mean, theater, film, etc.

Craig: Hi Supersonica, of course I remember you and all the other crazy hungarians. Am chilling here with the festival team, thats what I'm doing in London at the moment!


Admin: Hi everyone, Louise here. No more questions after this please as we will be here all night and Craig has to go soon. So, he can't answer any more questions after this post. Sorry but he will answer everyone before this. Thanks for being so patient, Craig say's he is having a great time, thanks for all the great questions.

Mithfiniel: Craig, can we convince you to come back to Seattle any time soon?

Craig: hi... would love too... i want to see the fish being thrown.#x

Ginny: in what kind of film would you like to take part in now? Have you ever been thinking about producing your own films? Craig, you rule !

Craig: producing is like hard work! i much prefer dressing up and playing.

aramil: ok now that i have figured out how to post hehe Hi i'm from australia and i was wondering if you are ever going to come over to wesrtern australia, cause we would love to have you here. and i just have to say you are really cool!!! Lisa

Craig: no plans yet... hope to someday.

Ridlah: Hello Craig(Sir), Sian here(From Welsh Wales!),complete with Daniel fresh from the dungeon,how are you??. we would like to ask(Well mostly me!!),If you were offered a leading roll in a classic film re-make,What would the film be?,and who would your leading lady be??(Apart from me of course!!). Dan says Hi,and did you get his letter?. Sian xx(Ridlah)It's Haldir backwards!!

Craig: Darling, the puppy is well and I'm glad you've let Daniel out! The film is from here to eternity and It could only be you! As you long as you don't bring any of that crappy lava bread!

Lady: Ah, there's one more question: At Elf Fantasy Fair you mentioned a movie you will/might shoot this autumn. Could you tell us more about this yet?

Craig: sorry lady, all hush hush

Tinkerbell9: Hi I met you at the Elf Fantasy Fair: wheelchair and brother on Friday night. If you remember this you have a good memory. Thanks for your part in the great time that I had but please no catheder jokes anymore They aren't my favorite topic. Question: do you have any experience with horses other then on Xena?

Craig: Hi Tinkerbell, great to see you again! Horses are evil things, keep away from them!

Ginny: No bother Craig ! We'll speak english It's great you go to the Conv to see your fans, really is ! In LOTR, which character do you feel closer to?

Craig: I feel very close to Gollum both physically and spiritually.

Miggo: Hi Craig, Hope you're well! Hope you're well! I just wanted to know if you enjoyed yourself at the festival in Holland back in June? You might remember me... I gave you the peace badge, I came back 2 or 3 times to meet you again. I'm sorry if I annoyed you at all! Take Care, anita p.s. Thanks for taking the time to do this, it's really cool! Looking forward to seeing you again at the end of the month

Craig: It takes a lot to annoy me! I look forward to seeing you!

Crazyslashchick: Hi Craig! What type of roles do you prefer... The Fantasy Type roles or the roles more like real life?

Craig: I prefer real life generally, but nothing wrong with a good bit of fantasy!

Laura: Hi Craig!! You spoke some Dutch words at the EFF in the Netherlands. Are there any more lines you know in Dutch??? Laura PS: keep up the wonderful work!!

Craig: Thanks Laura, unfortunately, it all stops after I order my first beer!

CheekyElf: hi craig if u did not play haldir what other part would u play. all the best love tracy

Craig: definitely Shadowfax Tracy.

Gemma: Hi Craig Great to have you online - just wondered whether there are any other film, TV or theatre projects you've got planned? Looking forward to seeing you again at the event! Gemma xx

Craig: Lots planned, lets wait and see Gemma!

LadyJo: Hi craig! this is my first time to ever talk to u, so, i am really nervous,

Craig: Don't be nervous Lady Jo, I only bite sometimes (and very gently)

Yavanna: wow, I don't know what to say, so I'll just babble of nothing and everything... is that ok??

Craig: absolutely Yavanna

The_Nameless_Stunt_Double_Elf: Good evening, Craig Parker, or do you like to be called Mr. Parker? To tell you the truth, I’m not what most like to call a ‘fangirl.’ As of just a few hours ago, a friend(*cough*LegolasLover*cough, cough*) of mine who is truly obsessed with LOTRs and all of the actors that go along with them filled me in. What I found interesting is that you were in Xena, an old show that I enjoyed watching a few years ago. There were other movies that she mentioned but didn’t quite sink in…I’m not what you like to call a movie person. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy going out and renting videos, but I don’t have to resources to do so very often. Anyways, I had better post up my questions or else you’re going to skip my incredibly long post. First question. Is there ever a time that you wished for more privacy? Even though you didn’t get much screen time in the first two movies and ended up dying in the second, I’m sure you’ve gotten a large amount of publicity and admirers. After all, you are good looking if I may be so bold to say. How did you feel when your character, Haldir, was killed in the movie? Supposedly, he was never at Helms Deep but thanks to Peter Jackson and the marvels of drama, you were placed there never the less. Was it also hard to get out of character, especially after the death scene? I’ve realized that sometimes one can get lost into the person that they play and being a friend to someone who has an upcoming movie in the next year or so, I’ve heard that it’s quite difficult and can be nerve wracking. Lastly, and just for kicks since it relates to my name, did you ever have any stunt doubles during your time as an actor?

Craig: hey NSDE, no, I have always found privacy when I need it. Yep, the elves never arrrived at helms deep in the book but I'm glad that peter altered it slightly so I got to play with swords.

Forest: Hello again, Craig. Mae Govannen. Here are two other questions: 1. Do you own an “I survived Helms Deep” shirt? I ask because it would be funny if you did, since Haldir died! 2. One of my close friends wanted me to ask you if it was possible to have your agent's contact address - she's looked across the Internet and the address' she's found are all different! Thanks a lot! ~Forest

Craig: unfortunately not, and Karen's address is

Ymina: Another question for Craig if I may........... I've seen in magazines and on the web, that you ski........Where is your favourite place to ski and have you ever thought about skiing here in British Columbia, Alberta, Yukon, Washington, Alaska, Oregon? If you get a chance you should! Btw this is Ymina, the doctor.........

Craig: Yes you may, my favourite place so far has been Austria but I have never skiied the Americas. Next winter maybe?

Penngaladiel: Hi Craig! We met some times, last time on Collectormania 5, and my question is, and please, answer honestly What did you think when you saw the bunny ears at the first moment? Thanks Pennie (Agnes)

Craig: I was scared but then I like it. I still have a picture of the security guard wearing them on my phone!

NimFea: Hullo Craig, it's very nice to finally be able to meet you (though not exactly in person ) ! I was wondering how you felt about Haldir's death in TTT. Did you feel that it was completely necessary to the plot of the film? Did you feel jipped that your character got killed off when he really wasn't supposed to be at Helm's Deep in the first place? Even though it wasn't in the book, I felt that it was a deeply moving scene. Even though it added emotion to what otherwise would've just been an action scene, I definitely would've preferred if you would have lived. I'm also curious as to whether you've ever seen , or seen one of those shirts in person. It must be really funny for you. Thanks for your time!

Craig: Lovely to meet you too. No, I loved the deathscene, it's every actor's dream.

PippinSparrow: Hello Craig, lots of Luv & Hugs from Finland. Please be kind and accept this rosey as a token of my eternal gratitude to you and all of the LOTR cast & crew for bringing Master Tolkien's world to life in such a wonderful way. We will love you for it forever. I'm having a blonde moment myself, so can you tell me and do you know if the Elvish Haldir spoke was Sindarin or Quenya? Also, have you ever thought about visiting Finland? I'd be happy to be your guide, should you ever grace my wee little country with your presence. Take care, it's great to have you here.

Craig: Thank you so much PippinSparrow, lovely to talk to you. Thanks for the rose, I love it. It was sindarin and I will take you up on the offer if I ever get to Finland, so far I've only tasted the vodka.

Eldameldo: *waves nervously* Craig? Have you any plans on coming to do any Conventions..or holidays...anywhere in Canada? Thanks! Elda...

Craig: waves back with vigour at Elda. I love Canada and hope to get there soon.

CrazySlashChick: Hi Craig, I was just wondering what sort of music you like to listen to? Who are your favorite performers?

Craig: Bowie is a god, Radiohead and REM, U2, Bic Runga.

Ewnslvr2: Hey Craig(Mr.Parker),this is Leontyne from san diego.Nice to meet you.I was wondering will you be coming to Los Angeles sometime again soon.I think I missed you at the oscar festivities.It is hard to get away from the two smaller kids to do things.Have a great night and thaks for asnwering. Ewnslvr2

Craig: Is that an invite? 2 kids ar much more important that some oscar party. X

ChelleHottie: hey Craig, I had to sneak out of work for a few minutes to pop in and say HELLO! *waves* and give a *HUG* I'll be going to DragonCon so I'll get to see you then:-) My question to you is: What do you like the most about travelling? the least? Thanks and see you soon in Atlanta! *HUGS* Chelle

Craig: hi chelle, see you there... i love the places you end up in but sometimes hate the actual getting there.

Sakura_Moon: mr. Parker this is kristi shawna's lil sister. can i have your blond wig and i loved you in the lord of the ring's you were amazing .

Craig: it's all yours... it's in a box somewhere in wellington. X

Amrun Quessir: Would you consider doing voice work again like you did for power rangers? I think you'd be really good in a comedy role in a Shrek style film. Also, do you still have your Fellowship of the Forum badge from C5 in May? Faye

Craig: no one should know about the power rangers... our little secret. and i love shrek... so funny

Jagette227: Hi Craig, greetings from Florida! I just have a couple of questions to ask you. In all your travels, what is the most awe inspiring place you have ever visited? Would you ever consider doing another musical style work like “Rocky Horror Picture Show”?

Craig: hi jagette hard question... i don't really know... as to musicals... i sing like a dog... who knows.

Nienna Lissesul: Hiya Craig, I don't really have a question, I just wanted to say that my favourite scene in the entire trilogy was when you "Haldir" led the company of elves to the Hornburg. *grins* I shall be seeing you at the festival, at the signing, i'll be the long haired blonde that is struck speechless, so I thought i'd say hi now Love Nienna (Elvish for Jane) or so i'm told

Craig: thanks... shucks

Samwise Gamgee: not too bad mate not too bad....kinda skint from goin to all these conventions....really must stop goin soon cant wait to see you at tff.. wonder if i can think ov sumthin new for u to sign hehe

Craig: hey samwise... i will try really hard to think of something new... you think too. #xxx

Hot_x_bunny: OK - so that made me laugh out loud and my housemate came to see what was going on. Now you have two of us avidly staring at the screen! Oh yeah - When I was 14, I had such a crush on Guy Warner! *blushes*

Craig: guy warner was a nerd god!

Anny: ooh actually craig, i do have a teeny tiny question. when i met you at london expo i asked you about your fave songs, you said rem were good and there was one particular song of theirs you liked to blast out, but on my life i cannot remember what it was you had said? sorry. what was it? *kisses and huggles*

Craig: everybody hurts is wonderful but i blast blame when i need the cobwebs blown away.

Silwen: And when will we be able to see you on the big screen again??? I have never been to any convention , so it is the only chance for me to see you!

Craig: i'll do my best.

Hiraeth: Craig, hi from London! I wondered if you got presented with a prop at the end of filming and what was it? Look forward to meeting you.

Craig: hi hiraeth, i have some mouldy ears in my draw in nz... sadly my sword is travelling the world... i miss it.

Shamran: Hello Craig! First of all: Denmark is a great country...go there! I so want to meet you, but never get chance because of all sorts of unlucky things. You did sign a photo for me at the Elf Fair in Holland (my English friend got it for me and brought it to Denmark) and I thank you so much for that. My questions: 1) Being a part of LotR has been loads of fun (or so you guys keep telling us). Was there anyone who at times really pissed you off? 2) Hasn't the fact that it's your friends and you yourself on the screen ruined the movies for you? I mean isn't it hard to see it as the characthers journey instead of the actors's journey? Do you find yourself thinking on the things behind the camera instead of the things happening on the screen when you see special scenes? I so adore you (in a none stalker way) Love Sacha from Denmark

Craig: hi sacha, as to your first question...i could never tell... to your second... it does make it a little odd but the films are great and i find myself forgetting.

Forest: Craig- By the way, just to let you know, the ladies from the “Haldir_Lovers” and “Julie_Fianna_Archive” Yahoo groups say Hi and good luck! ~Forest

Craig: Thank you, hi and good luck back to you!

Miriel: Hi Craig - all of us from the Eldamar Board send our love and we'll see you at the Festival - enjoy!!!

Craig: Hi guys, love to you too and see you there, can't wait!

Lady Jo: Craig, This is my first time to ever talk to you although I have been a huge fan of yours ever sine I seen Lord of the Rings. I am unable to go any of your conventions, because i am only 16 years old and my parents would NEVER take me! (dont u just luv parents) Anyway, do u think there might be a possiblity that you will be able to come to Indiana sometime??? Love, MJ

Craig: Hi Mj, You gotta love your parents, not sure about Indiana, maybe one day!\

Ridlah: Hello again!!, I have been nagged to ask you (Again!) are you ticklish craig???,you just ran away last time!!. Sian xx Oh got you a lovely prezzy,Very you!!xx

Craig: Hi Sian, you darling. I told you no prezzies, just seeing you will be enough for me. Hide like a rhino, not ticklish at all. X

shadowfax: Hi Craig. Do you have pets or are you thinking of getting one? Are you more like a cat person or a dog person?

Craig: cat person shadow fax X

Fellowship09: Hi Craig, here is Evelyn from Austria. First of all thanks for being always so lovely (at the RingCon, Collectormania, Elf Fantasy fair) and I'm really looking forward to meet you again at the FF. Here are my questions: What's the last movie you have seen? Do you have plans for an official homepage? Thanks Evelyn P.s. How is your octopus scar doing?

Craig: Thank you Evelyn, lovely to see you. Octpus scar doing well thanks. Last film and hated was I, Robot, Rubbish. No plans for an offical homepage, here is good enough!

Mae_Govannan: Craig. On behalf of all the ERU (Elves_R_Us) who are not here and those who are, we would just like to say that we are all big fans and love all your work and look forward to seeing more Jade

Craig: Jade, thanks so much. X

Forest: Just out of interest, Did they use a real skateboard for Orlando doing his ‘sliding down the stair’ sequence at Helm's Deep, or was it bluescreen?

Craig: bluescreen I believe.

Elandriel: Hi Craig! Wow its crowded in here!!! I won't ask a question... but thanks for taking the time to answer all of the questions on here - it's fantastic to have them answered! Best wishes and I hope to see more of your new projects soon Elandrial

Craig: Hi Elandrial, thanks for coming. Lots of love X

XxElenorXx: Are you glad to visit the Ring*Con in Bonn this year?

Craig: Can't wait!

Supersonica: Hi Craig, big hug from Budapest - Hungary, and a question, what are you acting now, what are your future plans? Would you like to travel to East Europe again?

Craig: Would love to, love Eastern Europe. Hopefully around Christmas

Inwe: Great! I'll go ahead and ask two more then.. 1. Except for Lord of the Rings, what have you enjoyed most in you professional life? 2. Would you ever consider coming to a convention in Nothern Europe, say.. Sweden? We have a Sci Fi-convention twice a year, and some of the guests have included your fellow LotR-actors Billy Boyd, John Rhys Davies, Andy Serkis and Sala Baker. Would be great to have you as guest too.. but if not.. hey, at least I'll see you at tFF! Take care! //Kristin

Craig: hi Kristin So far I've enjoyed Mercy Peak the most, great cast and crew. Have never been to Sweden hopefully soon.

Talasi: Craig, I just want to thank you for making me laugh during a very rough patch. I was watching the comedy debates and was laughing so hard it nearly hurt. Thanks so much!!! Talasi Simply a fan of your strings attached!

Craig: you must always laugh... especially when things are at their hardest. Xxx

Nicnatha: Hey Craig! If you know us, were are the girls from switzerland that givesyou the knife on the elf fantasy fair and I was the girl with the bad questions... sorry for that again... *gg* So our questions, did you get the easter package in New Zealand? With the Painting? What do you wear at the Dinner on the Fellowship Feast? And what about you^re newfilm? Are there any news about it??? Greetingz from Switzerland and see ya at the Fellowship Feast... Nic and Yamica

Craig: hi guys, i love that knife! not sure what i'll wear.. hopefully something clean. X

Rosie_Cotton: I don't know if you remember me from an dinner and an few con's but can you rub your thighs for me. I'm not being rude but it's an in joke.

Craig: i'm rubbing them now.

Admin: Guys, it's Louise here. We have to break for a while as the system is crashing, Craig is trying to post but there are too many of us asking questions. Can we all stop posting for a while and give us time to breathe.

Wyvern: Hi Craig! I was wondering how doing voice over work on something like "Power Rangers" differed from doing voice over work on "Lord of the Rings", and how much you get to go on when you're developing how a character will sound. Looking forward to seeing you again at the Festival - this time I may even be sober!

Craig: I don't want to speak ill of it but LOTR was slightly cooler than power rangers, let's leave it at that!

MoonBeamSwift: Trying to keep this as un fan-girlish as possible, and containing useage of excessive exclamation marks... Just curious: Were you as pissed off as everyone else was about being killed off? That is all... (seriously, if I had no self control I'd be having some nervy spasm right now...) ~Moony (_!_) xxxx

Craig: I love it, it's always good to get a bit of practice before the real thing.

Talasi: Craig, How often do they have the comedy debates? Those are so great!!! Talasi

Craig: Did one recently and it wasn't so great, got into terrieble trouble for picking on someone but I wasn't alone.

Pattyogreen: Finally I can post! I had the hardest time getting here because my stupid computer wouldn't let me register...anyway... Hi Craig! It's great to see you here! Is there any chance you'll be coming to Canada (specifically somewhere near Toronto) any time soon?

Craig: Let's keep our fingers crossed xxx

Craig: Thank you so much guys, sorry for being so brief and taking so long, really looking forward to seeing you at The Fellowship Festival, it's going to be an amazing gig. If i haven't answered your questions, we are having a few problems replying to them all, technology huh? Thanks again, it wasn't as scary as I thought and you guys were great. lots of love C XXXX

Message From The Festival Team:

Dear friends,
Craig asked us to get in touch and thank all the forum members who took part in the live chat tonight. Link to chat here:
It was a bit nervewrecking for him, as it was his first time (bless him) but he had the best time and wanted us to give you a huge hug.
Thank you from us, there were some really great questions, a huge apology if you didn't get a reply, Craig kindly managed a couple of hours for us but fatigue took over in the end (and sore fingers)
One last thing, Craig said that he can't wait to see you at the festival.
Much warmth
The Festival Team