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bulletLow Pass Market:  Now carries animal feed and pellets for Stoves 998-6066
bulletKnife and Implement Sharpening as well as Knife repair.  Ron 998-2393 Or
 ask at Eat at Joe's
bulletWebsite Design / Computer Help:  Rates upon request.    
Vicky at 927-6189 
bulletClay Lessons: 5 hours private instruction for $50  Ages 4 and up. 
Cheshire area 998-9090
bulletPiano and Guitar Lessons: any age any style
String instrument repair.  John 998-2393
bulletWanted To Buy:
Concrete or Mortar Mixer Working condition
Karyn 998-6537
 Farm Tractor, Backhoe, Brushhog, Tiller, Chipper, Wagon for Garden Tractor
Call Dave 927-3310