"The twenty-first century: Man kind has colonized the last unexplored region on Earth, the oceans. As the captain of the SeaQuest and her crew, we are it's guardians... for beneath the surface lies the future."-Nathan Hale Bridger, 2018.

Thirty years after the end of the series, the story continues. After an asteroid fell to Earth, wiping out all computers and causing plagues, the SeaQuest was created utilizing materials immune to the asteroid. It is now the mission of the crew of the SeaQuest to rid the world of the Tartarus asteroid and to preserve peace as humanity emerges from it's technological dark age.

For those of you who missed the show, the SeaQuest was a submarine created in the short term future to keep peace between the undersea colonies and to explore. Towards the end of the series an alliance called Macronesia took over about half of the Pacific... and then the series was canceled. A dismal act that beraged the fans. Anyhow, the story picks up fifty years after the show and eighteen years after the crash of the Asteroid mentioned above.

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