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Vote For Jason

Vote For Jason, because you're too dumb to be president.
Remember, you're voting for the taller Jason, not the other one.

April 1st, 2004 -
Jason announced he would withdraw from the race for president, due to a myriad of deadly diseases he has, in vials in his basement that need distributing. Later aids for the campaign claimed it was an April fools joke, and that Jason in no way, supports bioterrorism. Jason was quoted as saying, "Our campaign needs to have the courage to come out and say things that no decent human being would ever want to hear."

March 25th, 2004 -
The caucus is over, and Jason has won! Registered Whig party members overwhelmingly supported Jason to be their candidate. Details as to the percentage of votes each candidate recieved would be given, but we feel it would not be prudent at this point to divide by zero. Onward to the general election, and down with Zombie Jefferson!

February 27th, 2004 -
Jason addressed supporters, and for the first time raised the important issue of Karate Fighting Robots. For more on that go to issues.
Also, the interviews page was updated to include a list of Jason's enemies. Do what you can to destroy them and everything they stand for.

February 21th, 2004-
Jason's first campaign rally went very well as hundreds of million people showed to support Jason and an end to the anarchy! For more information go to events!

February 19th, 2004-
The rumors are confirmed, Jason is indeed running for president! Vote Jason! For more information go to events!


About the Man
The Issues!
Support the Cause
Crazy Promises
Alex is an Idiot
