The scientist struggled, moving his legs and hips in an attempt to simply buck Muraki off of him. But the kiss was doing it's work, and most of Watari's movements seemed half-hearted at best, even though he was desperately trying. "Hanase yo!" Watari screamed, trying to aim a knee to Muraki's groin.

Muraki shook his head. " Tisk tisk scientist" He smirked, his hand reached into the others pants, stroking the other roughly. Thte doctors free hand pulled the rest of Watairs cloths off

Watari closed his eyes, his body ceasing it's struggles. "Tomeru... onegai..." the scientist whispered, obviously freaked out. "Muraki, leave him alone!" Tsuzuki cried out, tears streaming down the shinigami's face. "He didn't do anything!"

" Your right, you didn't do anything!!" He snarled back at Tsuzuki. " So you can blame this on yourself as well!" The doctor sat up, removing his cloths. " I'll never stop." He replied huskily, his hands reached down, spreading the others legs as he settled himself in between them.

Tsuzuki watched in horror, the realization that this was his fault, sinking in. "It's not your fault!" Watari shouted, amber eyes locking with Tsuzuki. The drug had ceased most of Watari's movements, but he found some comfort in seeing Tsuzuki's amethyst gaze. "It's Muraki's fault! He's the one doing this, not you, not me, him!"

Muraki chuckled. " Who called Watari Tsuzuki? Who refused to just entertain me for a while?" he lifted Wataris hips, and positioned himself. offering no lubricant, he thrusted forcefully into the other.

Before Watari could begin to disagree, to try and reassure the usually self-blaming Tsuzuki that this wasn't his fault... He screamed. His entire body jerked in pain, back arching as he struggled, even though drugged, to get away from Muraki. Tsuzuki closed his eyes, looking away as tears continued to fall. What could he say? Muraki was right. Once again... it was his fault that his friends

"Open your eyes Tsuzuki!!" He growled coldly, his hands keeping a good grip on the others thighs. " Yes Watari, scream, beg, only arouses my pleasure.." He groaned softly, pulling out and thrusting again just as forceful. His body slowly working the curse into Watari's body.

Watari continued to scream, blood beginning to seep into the bed beneath him. "TSUZUKI!" But Tsuzuki himself shook his head, averting his eyes, trying to mentally block out what was happening. 'It's my fault... All my fault....' his mind kept repeating over and over again.

"Open them Tsuzuki, or I'll make it worse!!" His lips covered Watari's hoping to fade some of the noise. His hips continued to thrust madly, in and out, each time going deep and harder.

But Tsuzuki wasn't listening to Muraki. No... his mind was caught in a self-condemning cycle, hearing only Watari's cries. Those cries turned to muffled cries, the scientist getting no pleasure out of the torment whatsoever.

Muraki looked down at his victim. " Tell him to open his eyes, and I'll go slower.." He promised pausing to prove he meant it.

Watari's cries turned to whimpers of agony, "Tsuzuki... onegai... don't look..." No. Watari was prepared for the pain. He didn't want Tsuzuki's mind damaged anymore than it had to be. Amber eyes looked defiantly up at Muraki. "I'm not as easy to manipulate, Muraki." he spoke angrily.

Muraki shrugged. " I can make this more painful." one of his hands reached down, adding three fingers along with his member to stretch him even more. " There are plenty of things to assist me." He added, his mouth moving to Watari's throat as his hip started to move again, thrusting to quickly for his entrance to normalize to the size, causing rips, and more blood to spill out.

Screaming, Watari's back arched, his hands gripping the bed in agony. "TOMERU!" But it wasn't Watari who screamed, it was Tsuzuki. Amethyst eyes caught Muraki's gaze. "YOU'RE HURTING HIM!"

"Will you go to Hisoka afterwards?" He paused looking up at Tsuzuki." His hand reached up, placing it over Watari's mouth to keep him from talking.

"MMMM MM MM!" Watari tried to yell, wanting to tell Tsuzuki not to do it. Tsuzuki hesitated. "You've planted your curse already... it won't save Watari... will it?"

He thought for a moment. " You could have saved him, if you had done what I asked. You'll save Tatsumi, how about that." He scowled at Watari, holding his mouth closed tighter.

The scientist attempted to shake his head. But this thought made Tsuzuki pause. "You won't get Tatsumi..." he whispered. "His shadows will rip you to shreds before you get within two feet."

" After I'm through with Watari, he will do whatever I ask him to, even if it means raping Tatsumi."

Amber eyes widened in shock. The fear that coursed through them then, fear that even Tsuzuki saw, almost made the elder shinigami sick. "I..." the man shook his head. "I can't, Muraki... I can't do that... it'll destroy him!"

"Hm, your problem." He looked back down, releasing Watari's mouth. " Now my good scientist, this isn't that bad is it?" He smirked darkly, as he pulled back, ramming into the other with shattering force.

Watari jerked, gasping in agony, unable to speak, even to scream, for the moment. "I'd never..." the scientist eventually spoke, finally able to say something. "I'd never hurt Tatsumi..."

"You wouldn't have a choice. just like Tsuzuki didn't have a choice but to call you, or to hold down Hisoka." He placed a four finger against Watari's inner entrance, his thrusts becoming somewhat even, though still rough.

Watari shook his head, refusing to allow Muraki the pleasure of hearing him beg. But Tsuzuki wasn't as hard willed. "I'll do it..." he whispered, seeing how much pain the scientist was about to be in. "Just please... just stop this... onegai... stop hurting Watari... onegai..."

"Deal!" He smirked, his curse had already worked itself into the scientist. Pulling himself out, he stayed straddled to his waist, Reaching over he garbed his cloths placing them back on.

Watari closed his eyes, collapsing on the bed beneath Muraki. "Damn it, Tsuzuki..." the scientist whispered, tears in his eyes. "Bon won't be able to take it!" "Wa... wakatta..." Tsuzuki whispered sadly. "But it's gone too far, Watari... first you... next Tatsumi... he won't stop!" The scientist scoffed at this, "And you think I care? It hurt... but I didn't want myself to be the trade... not again, Tsuzuki..." It was obvious that Watari was still torn up about before.

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