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Closer Concert Tour
Phoenix, Arizona
March 17th, 2005 - St. Patrick's Day!

Images come from my digital camera. They were taken by myself (Ashley aka LegolasLover2003) and if you want to use them, be sure to give credit to me and link back.
Also, these images came from Section A: Row 5: Seat 25.

This is Chris Botti. I swear that he looks exactly like Ewan McGregor from the side. And damn, can that man play a trumpet!

Botti was really good. My mom is going to buy his cd when we get home. Course, I want her to buy Lucia Micarelli's cd as well.

Botti even got off the stage and played My Funny Valentine to this little girl in the front row. Those girls got a lot of attention from both Botti and Josh.

Now... Here's the man you've been waiting for!


Josh came out wearing this gorgeous black suit.

Is that man not just sexy?!

And these images were when people started throwing green objects (for St. Patrick's Day) at Josh. He was sooo incredibly hilarious during this that I nearly cried from laughing so hard.
I'm buying one of those frogs for myself and one for Merry when I get back home. I'll mail it to you, mellon nin!

*Sigh of contentment*

Here are a couple pics of Josh with Lucia Micarelli, the violinist who has performed with him before. Josh, according to him, is the Co-Producer of her first album.

I'm honestly thinking that Josh may be sexier than Orlando Bloom... and that is beginning to worry me... *sweatdrop*

Here is Josh playing the keyboard for the beginning of, one of my personal favorites (in my top 3 actually), Canto Alla Vita.

He looks so good in black... and his performance of Canto Alla Vita had me clapping! In time mind you... I WAS a Drum Major... I should be able to clap in time. Sorry... don't ask... I became like the tempo pacer for anyone clapping around me. Was kinda funny actually...

He's playing the Drums!!! ROCK ON, JOSH! Use those sticks! I wish I could have seen his legs...

*Sighs again*

Here's Josh and Chris performing, I think, To Where You Are. Honestly, I can't remember if that was the song or not....

And here it comes....

This is my absolute favorite picture of him I took, I think. Ai, he has such sexy hands... *Faints* I LOVE IT!

Here Josh was singing, perhaps my favorite song of all time, Remember When It Rained. I cried... it was so beautiful. He really had his heart and soul in this concert.

Here, Josh is singing, my dad's all time favorite song, Vincent. I adore this song because I can play it beautifully on my flute, and pretty good on the keyboard as well.

Now, Josh is singing the song, Remember Me, from one of my favorite movies ever, Troy. I adored his remark about Orli getting all of his roles. Josh is so adorable. I bet he'd be great in a movie. OMG! I would LOVE to see Josh and Orlando in a comedy together!!! That would officially be my favorite movie of all time (right after LOTR that is...).

You Raise Me Up is Josh's song here. Silly Josh walked away from Lucia right when I took the picture... it would have been cute, kinda like the one with Josh and Chris. This is my mom's favorite song.

This was Josh's "Last Song" but not really. That's why there's so many pics!

This was when Josh came back out for his first encore. He played America and... for reasons I don't understand, it made me think of my good friend Ben...

This was when Josh came out for his second encore and sang, Never Let Go which is also another one I like. During this song, I was standing DIRECTLY in front of him at the edge of the stage. He looked down while singing, bent down actually, and looked me in the eyes and smiled. Not only that, but on his run by, he touched my fingernail as he was slapping hands.

And here are a few pics of me. They suck... but my eyes were like glued open. That's what happens when you don't blink for 3 hours.

All in all...

