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"If you believed what you read in the papers", she said. "you'd think civil war was raging everywhere in Northern Ireland. But if you live here, and you think of trouble, you think of it as happening in certain towns. And if you live in those certain towns, you think of it as happening in certain districts. And if you live in those certain districts, you think of it as happening on certain housing estates. And if you live on those certain housing estates, you think of it as happening in certain streets. And if you live in those certain streets, you know that the trouble is being caused by the man at the end of the road in the house with the blue door." (Gebler, 1991, p73)

If Pigs and Goats can get along in this world, why oh why can't we?

The 'Troubles' in Northern Ireland over the last nearly thirty years have seen the deaths of several thousand people and injury to countless others. Prejudice, hatred and distrust between Protestants and Catholics, unionists and nationalists, have been major factors in the continuous cycle of violence and are reflections of the deep sectarian divisions within our society.

Although politicans in Northern Ireland are currently engaged in a peace process, the complete resolution of the conflict will not be achieved easily and will require progress at many different levels. No solution to a problem based on such a long history of violence and division will be workable unless the communities in Northern Ireland can respect each other and learn to address their differences more productively than in the past.

The development of tolerance and mutual understanding within the community as a fundamental part of the peace process.

'Anti-sectarianism' is community relations in action - a positive, life affirming concept which promotes the acceptance of diversity in Northern Ireland's divided society.

Three principles of anti-sectarianism


Diversity can be seen in the ever-changing variety of community and individual experiences. Respect for diversity affirms the value which can be derived from the existence, recognition, understanding and tolerance of difference (whether expressed through religious, ethnic, political or gender background).

Interdependence requires a recognition by different interest or identity groupings of their obligations and commitments to others and of the inter-connectedness of individual/community experiences and ambitions leading to the development of a society which is at once cohesive and diverse.

Equity is understood as a commitment at all levels within society to ensuring equality of access to resources, structures and decision-making processes and to the adoption of actions to secure and maintain these objectives.

(Based on work contained in A Worthwhile Venture, Practically Investing in Equity,Diversity and Interdependence in Northern Ireland. K. Eyben, D. Morrow & D. Wilson, University of Ulster, 1997.)

"In order for community relations to have any substantive meaning, it must be constructively linked with policies for equity and diversity. Likewise, if equity and diversity are to contribute to stability rather than heightened competition, they need to be brought together with an acknowledgement of interdependence between groups in Northern Ireland. The practical task is to translate these broad principles into workable policies, structures and procedures with due regard for the many different contexts and learning cultures. It is certainly no longer possible to limit community relations to the informal and community groups without reference to the broader structure of public and private management." (Eyben, Morrow, Wilson 1997).

"If you hate a man for an obvious and palpable injury, it is likely that when he cancels the injury by an act of subsequent kindness, accompanied by an exhibition of sincere sorrow, you will cease to look upon him as your enemy; but when the hatred is such that while feeling it, you cannot on a sober examination of your heart, account for it, there is little hope that you will ever be able to stifle the enmity which you entertain against him".





CAIN - The Conflict Archive on the INternet. Hosted by the University of Ulster, The CAIN website provides a huge amount of information and source material on 'the Troubles' in Northern Ireland along with information on Northern Ireland society and politics in the region, and The Centre for the Study of Conflict ( by the School of History, Philosophy and Politics. Also has a superb guide to other internet sites which contain information on the Northern Ireland conflict at CAIN Web Services, ( An excellent resource.

University of Ulster The University of Ulster provide a wide range of information and research material on Northern Ireland issues

Welcome to - a FANTASTIC site dedicated to promoting the peace process in Northern Ireland.

The Northern Ireland Office website. - UK Government's Northern Ireland Office website. Includes full Text of 'The Peace Agreement'

The Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU) has a large and diverse Community Relations Programme aimed at promoting greater cross-community contact between the main sections of the Northern Ireland community and increasing mutual understanding and respect for cultural diversity.

Dealing with Difference - A Directory Of Peace, Reconciliation and community relations projects in Northern Ireland. By the Community Relations Council.

The Glencree Centre for Reconciliation is an autonomous organisation which seeks to work together with all those trying to build peace, in whatever area of society.

Corrymeela Online - Corrymeela is people of all ages and Christian traditions, who, individually and together are committed to the healing of Social, Religious and Political divisions that exist in Northern Ireland and throughout the World.

The Mediation Network For Northern Ireland. Our vision is to assist reconciliation in our society by supporting a culture in which conflict is dealt with constructively.

YouthAction Anti-sectarian Youth Project. Aims to inform, educate and challenge the young people of Northern Ireland.

And More To Come...

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