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          Francine's thoughts on random subjects

          Much of this is taken from conversations that I've had on-line in various Yahoo groups, and through email conversations with believers and non-believers. It is simular to a 'blog', except that it is arranged by subject, not date.

          I have changed all the names in these conversations, electing to identify the speakers by the name "John". No actual Johns were involved in making of these web pages. None to date, anyway.

          By the way, please consider yourself forewarned. If you engage in any sort of e-discourse with me our conversation may end up in my web page.

          Evolutionism vs Creationism

          Some stories to make you laugh or lift your spirits

          Speechless How can a Good God have created evil?
          The Water
            The kindness of one little boy

          Links to sites of interest

          Set of backgrounds suitable for a Christian page

          Return to my Home Page, or email me.