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...i Am NoT FoUnD...

Bare me no pain for I have lost everything that I am
Imagen me all gone with nothing left behind but fading foot prints
You turn to look at me and find yourself looking at thin air
I am just an illousion, a figment of thin air

I am a memory long since concealed among the whisper of emptiness
I am the beast to has faded from legend and myth
I am nothing anymore and was never anything to start with
I am the creation of nothing and the end of oblivion
But in your eyes,
Once was I real

My cheeks were dusted by rose blood and my skin golden by the sun
To you my eyes glimmered and gleamed like the sun reflecting off the sea
My breath coulded up the morning air and I would shiver in the cold
To me none of this was ever possible
None of this was ever there
I was a sweet dream that you held onto
Until I dissappeared into the dark

I am nothing more then a figment of the imagantion that has vanished into the sea of sand
But still you sreach for me in vain
I ask you to stop this quest and lay down and rest
Because no matter how hard you look or where you go you will not find me

...i Am NoT FoUnD...