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Happy Anniversary baby..i just want u to know that i love u so much and that u have shown me a wonderful time
and journy since i have been with u these past 2 months of our marriage. This is our special day together and
i hope that u like the page that was made to u from me, how ever it was brits idea to make the page so u can tell
her thank so much fer it, but its from me to u, i was gonna make u one but i didnt know how.but its the thought that
counts the most baby.

these werds are to u from my heart and i just want u to know that after all we have been threw in our days together
in vp as a couple just know that i still love u so and will never in my life hurt u fer anything nor anyone, and
there are gonna be more days like this to come lots more, and i hope that we never end up bein apart from
eachother and that no one will ever come between us. u are the best wife anyone could ever have, no one will ever
have my heart besides u meggan no matter what happens from this day on if anything happensjust know that i will
always love u from the bottom of my heart

u have shown me things baby that no other has ever shown me,sometimes i wonder if u was the last angel that was in
heaven cuz if u are the last one to come from heaven then i hope that u never go back cuz then i would be so lost
without in my life..and i wont live without u. baby just always know that i love u so much with all my heart n soul.
i hope u like the song that was put on the page.. that was my idea. i knew that u liked several but i couldnt think
of your fav so i hope that u like it, baby if our next anniversary never comes just always know in your heart that i
love u with everything that i am and that u are my only one n that no one will never have my heart but u. u will always
be the one to hold my heart and i as give this to u and sit here with u on this page on our wonderful n special day.i say
to u from my heart, baby i love u so so so much and i am really glad and thankful to have u as my wife and my angel
cuz there is no one else that will ever be like u or treat me the way u have.

I love u baby with all my heart n soul this page is to u from me with all my love
kisssses my love u will always have my heart forever n ever. your loving Husband always Chris

Love Always Chris

February 21, 2003