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hi you. my name is CalistoRed or ren whichever you prefer. you'll notice that the c and the r in my name are about the only things you find capitalized on my site, partly because i don't believe in capitals but mostly because i'm too lazy to do anything about it.

this page was last updated the last time i was here. (may. 5, 02)
this page contains my work (only the good stuff) from the passed four years or so.
want to know about me? i took a survey this pretty much covers it.
links to all the really neeto pages i like to go to!
a place for the random things i write. short stories, a couple poems and a serial "Immortality In San Francisco"
the home page for my yahoo club Spike's Vampire Tavern, brand new, very cool.
CoolText.com many thanks to cooltext for making spiffy images!