about me...

my name is bret. i'm 24 years old, and i am from oregon. i live in rhode island now because i'm in the military. i've been in the navy for the last 6 years, so it must have its good points, but it has caused some of the most stressful times in my life. this is probably the first and only time i will mention the military on here, because it is just a job to me and this is not a military themed website.... at all.

i just moved to rhode island, so i don't know a lot of people yet. this is bringing back some bad habits, and reinforcing some good ones. i think i drink too much, but it's the only way i can come over my new recent fear of talking to strangers.

i like to skateboard, take photos, write, and rock out. i either fall extremely hard for girls, or i don't take them seriously at all... and there's a very fine line there

i started this website when i first moved here, mostly to keep me occupied. on here you will find music reviews written mostly by me (i do accept outside reviews), my own personal journal and writings, photography sections, and the ever omni-present guestbook. hopefully new sections will be coming soon.

short of filling out a question and answer survey, you will learn a lot more about me through the website than if i just rattled off my favorite foods/colors/whatever... so close this box and pick another one.