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Articles of Piracy

The Algaminster is run by a particularly brutal form of democracy, with greater rights afforded to individual crewmen than on other ships, whether naval or merchant. This is also ran to a form of insurance policy which offers financial compensation for injury gained in the line of duty. The examples of pirate articles I have drawn up are particularly from the early 18th century, but many of these were likely used for some time beforehand, mirroring the articles drawn up by a vessel's owner. Items placed in a ship's articles might include some of the following clauses.

  • Every man has an equal vote on matters of the moment.
  • Every man has equal title to provisions and liquor which may be enjoyed at his pleasure unless a scarcity makes it necessary to vote a retrenchment.
  • All goods seized from prizes (i.e. captured vessels) must be placed into a common fund, from which provisions and other needfuls will be bought. The remainder will be shared amongst the company.
  • The Captain will be given two shares of a prize; the quartermaster, bosun, carpenter and gunner will receive one share and a half; all other crewmen to have one share.
  • The ship's company will not be broken up until each man on board has earned at least 1000 gold crowns.
  • Any man who loses a limb in the service of the company will be paid 800 gold crowns from the public stock, and proportionate amounts for lesser hurts. (Again, the amounts are likely to vary, but the settlements would be generous.)
  • Any man found to be stealing from a crewmate or defrauding the company, even to the value of one piece-of-eight, will be punished by marooning. (Marooning usually involved being set ashore, alone, with a flask of water and sword.)
  • Any man deserting his post in time of battle will be punished by death or marooning.
  • All pieces, armor and cutlasses to be kept clean and in good order.
  • Any man negligent in his duties will be flogged.
  • No fighting onboard. All quarrels to be settled ashore with either sword or pistol.
There are numerous variations on the above items, and plenty of others that could be included. It is a matter of style, and the articles would be drawn up with the agreement of the entire crew.

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