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City of Banjaluka


view from hills


Banjaluka is located in the northwestern part of Republika Srpska BiH. Built on both banks of river Vrbas, on the exact place where this wild mountain river runs out from its ravines and gorges and flows into quiet valley where makes tis silent path flowing towards to river Sava. Downtown is at 163 m above the sea level, surrounded by hills created during Tertian period. Hunting and fishing here have a long tradition.


Cultureal and educational institiutions have long tradition and expanded activity. National museum, Natonal theatre, National and University library, National gallery, Archive, Children's theatre as as well as thirteen high schools and Banjaluka University stands out as the grounds for cultural and professional life of the town.

Banjaluka has continental climate with quite strong winters and hot summers. Complex of green surfaces, river Vrbas and it's tributaries, and urbanization of the city strongly influence climate.


.city center



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